AdPoster Blocker

AdPoster Blocker is a simple but powerful plugin which blocks new user registrations or new ads/jobs/posts based on the string identified by the website admin.

The requirement of this plugin came when a lot of ad posters (link builders) started posting irrelevant ads on my ClassiPress website. These spammy AdPosters had a pattern, either they use similar email address for user registration (email ids containing their company name) or they will have a similar identification code in all their ad posts.

This plugin allows admins to store the email id pattern or the code they enter in their ad posts. Then when any new user registers with username/email similar to the string saved by the admin, the new registrant gets disabled automatically.

For example, the admin saves the string ‘iinfo’, then if a new user registers with email ‘’ or username ‘iinfo_rt’, the user automatically gets disabled. Similarly for posts/ads, if the admin saves a string ‘Unixad’, then if any user posts an ad/blog post which contains the string ‘unixad’ (not case sensitive) then the ad/post is automatically send to the trash. A page is given for admins to enter a string for usernames and posts separately. Similarly admins can see the blocked users and blocked posts and take action on it.

This plugin is compatible with all AppThemes and any WordPress website. It also supports WordPress Multisite.

2 people like this.

Q) Does it work with all AppThemes themes?
A) Yes it works with any website running wordpress.

Q) Does it complicate User registration process?
A) Not at all. There is no change in user registration process, this plugin validates when a new User registers. If the new user name or user email contain a string identified by website admin then the new User is disabled automatically. Admin has an option to enable the User if required.

1. Follow standard WordPress plugin installation.
2. Activate the plugin.
3. A new tab AdPosterBlocker will be added.
4. In the ‘AdPoster Text’ page website admin can enter the string for which the User or Post has to be blocked.

1.0 First Release

Version 1.1

  • Bug Fixes.
  • Multi Charset support.
  • Better UI with Search, sort and paging options.

Version 1.2

  • Ads will get filtered before Admin Review.
  • When a User posts an Ad which is blocked by the plugin, user will receive an Alert notification.


4 reviews of “AdPoster Blocker

2 stars
AdPoster Blocker
By -

3 star if it has an option to check multiple users/posts and delete it
4 star if it has a button to delete all users/posts
5 star if it can block spam user registration

5 stars
AdPoster Blocker.
By -

I have been using this plugin for a month and it helps significantly reduce the spam posts. it works exactly as described.
Thank You!

omar likes this.
5 stars
AdPoster Blocker
By -

This plugin is perfect to protect any website based on wordpress.
for many years I dreamed to stop spammer . now the dream become true.
its work prefect in my web site
its easy to use and work fine.
Five stars

omar likes this.
5 stars
AdPoster Blocker
By -

I like this plugin. It is the right plugin to stop spammers. Few last days i have searched for a plugin on other wordpress marketplaces and accidently got this link in my searches. What to say. It works as described. What i need is only one more option: To disable ads and adposters that have pass the check when i found it and enter it in the interface. Five stars.

2 people like this.
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(Just bought it? Log out and back in to enable reviews.)

 Comments (45)

  • talent

    Hi Omar

    This plugin sounds very useful! Good luck with your sales.

    Kind Regards

    • author

      Thanks Sarah. Appreciate your support. Already did two sales 🙂


      Anonymous likes this.
  • silver

    It works :). Thanks for it.

    omar likes this.
  • osom

    Hi Omar..

    Can you add to delete blocked user function for this plugin..


    omar likes this.
    • author

      Dear Osom,
      Thanks for the purchase and comment.
      You can delete the blocked user from the ‘Blocked Users’ page. Just press the red cross sign against the user you want to delete. Currently you have to delete users one by one.


      Anonymous likes this.
  • donatelloii


    did this plugin have an option to block words on the ads submission?
    For exemple to block ads that contain banned words and not the user?

    I mean in order to let submissions without revision, but to block ads that could go against the adsense policy.

    Best Regards

    Anonymous likes this.
    • author

      Yes this plugin will block ads that contain the words predefined by you in the admin section of this plugin. You just need to identify the words.

  • Tolga

    I would pay $100 for a simple plugin that can limit the number of posts a user creates so that I can create packages for certain people to expand their limit!!!!! Why has there been no plug ins like this or even standard for classipress?!?

    Anonymous likes this.
    • Robert

      Tolga, why not use the APP Coupon Plugin? You can limit the number of times a coupon code can be used per USER. Just make a coupon code good for 100% of the ad cost and set the number of times it can be used per USER.

      Now make a few of these with different numbers of times it can be used. There, you’re done. Check Market Place please.

      2 people like this.
  • Robert

    Omar, is there an “error” message displayed to the user before or after you “trash” their ad submission? This would be very helpful. We don’t want to upset potential paying customers, just because they make a “mistake” using inappropriate language.

  • Robert

    I look forward to your reply Omar. Your plugin is highly useful. We just need some form of “error” response (which we can mod edit the message ourselves). So that the customer understands what has happened.

    I would like to see an option, whereby the ad is just “trashed” and the user is not “disabled.” Otherwise they can’t buy any ads. Removing the ad is good enough for us. Perhaps you could create a check box option: “Trash Ad Post Only. Don’t Disable User.” If its not checked, plugin functions as described in sales content above.

  • Orzdy

    Hi Omar
    Thanks for this plugin its great with LTR site.
    but in my Arabic web site , all Arabic string convert to “?????…”
    I think this plugin not support RTL language ..
    any possibility in next Rev. to solve this issue??

    • author

      Thanks for your purchase and comment. I have already emailed you the plugin with arabic support. Please check.

      Some revision is going on with this plugin, once its complete I will publish the new version here.


      Anonymous likes this.
  • Orzdy

    Hi Omar
    Thanks for your for this reply and for the new Version.
    this plugin is work properly now.
    this will protect my web site agents spammers.
    thanks again

    2 people like this.
  • sameluvweddings

    Can this plugin be modified to block spam with the “Contact Listing Owner” form on Vantage?

    Anonymous likes this.
    • author

      Sorry, this plugin is not for that purpose. This one is to moderate the users and posts/ads that are being posted.
      For your issue, I believe you should be able to enable some CAPTCHA service.


  • bloggersclassified

    Can I block specified countries with this plugin?

    vbigdeli likes this.
    • author

      Sorry, this one blocks users and posts based on the string comparison. There is no blocking based on country or IP.

  • vbigdeli

    Please send a RTL/utf8 comptible version to me .

    my email is my username

    I also created a topic on forum which is not related to ???? characters!


  • Alexandre


    I just installed AdPoster Blocker but it doesn’t work.
    I have a mutltisite up to date 4.0 version of wordpress with classipress.
    I can’t add any User String or Ad/Post String… When I try to save it only reloads the page without doing anything.

    Is it normal the first tab AdPosterBlocker doesn’t contains anything ?

    Thanks for your help.

    • Alexandre

      No solution ?

      • author


        Really sorry for the delay in replying. I checked the plugin in a Multisite environment now. Yes, its showing an extra First tab with no content.

        Also when you click Save, its not auto refreshing. But if you goto another Tab and comeback, you can see that the Text is saved.

        Can you please try the same and update. Also please check whether the plugin is working as described. For me to test, it will take a bit of time since I dont have classipress installed on multisite environment.

        Any issue, please post on

        I will get back.

        Once again sorry for the delay, a bit busy at work.


        Anonymous likes this.
        • Alexandre


          Thanks for the answer. No worries for the delay.
          I just checked, if I enter a text to block, it reload the page, if I go to another tab and come back to it, it’s still empty with “No record found” message. Same for the 3 tabs.
          For the last tab, there is an error message :

          Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/lesfrenca/www/wp-content/plugins/AdPosterBlocker/apb-blockedposts.php on line 52

          Thank you,

  • vbigdeli

    Hi Omar.

    Why your plugin can’t check pending ads ??

    I want to block ads based on blocked keywords before review for approval..

    • author

      Please download the latest version and try, I have done some modifications.
      Please take back up of existing tables, if you want to have same Blocking texts after installing new update. Currently there is no import/export option.

      Anonymous likes this.
  • franco

    a me i conti non tornano non capisco ttutto questo spam
    mi sembra proprio una cosa fatta da voi (se non è vero, voi dimostratemelo e io chiedo scusa) ma penso che sia come dico io.
    io ho altri siti e non ho assolutamente questo problema.
    tanto penso che cancello il tutto perche classi pres è solo una fregatura sia come tema di base sia come marchet i plugin che ho compratpo sono cose fatte molto male e funzionano male, ma credo di capire che sono fatte in questo modo per, cosi i venditori senza scrupoli possono vendere altri plugin

    does not add up to me I do not understand this ttutto spam
    I think its a thing done by you (if it is not true, you prove it and I apologize) but I think it is as I say.
    I have other sites and I have absolutely no problem.
    so I think the gate because all classes pres is just a rip off either as basic theme is as marchet plugins I compratpo are very bad things done and work poorly, but I understand that they are made in this way, so sellers unscrupulous can sell other plugins

    Anonymous likes this.
  • darkstar

    It would be awesome if you made a premium version that allows strings to be category-specific. I.E.: Block “Affiliate Marketing Opportunity” in the Jobs category only.

  • paulroger

    No users appears to block, how do I fix?

  • paulroger

    are not seeing users to block, text and post are normal, can you help me?

    Anonymous likes this.
  • Jona

    Hi @omar
    You check plugin with lasted version wordpress and classipress????

    • author

      Did you face any issue? If yes, please raise the issue in support forum, I will look into it.


  • devil

    This plugin is pretty cool… it works perfectly and I have solved a huge problem of spam… does not require complex configurations and does not require constant monitoring and maintenance … more than perfect!

  • thao

    Hi author, it’s work for the lasted WP and CP 3.5.x ???

  • author

    Yes, it will.
    Thank you.

  • debbiefoster

    Does your plugin work with JobRoller?

  • domenico009

    Hi, I bought this article but I found a problem, I put email to block but the system does not save. Also if I open the blocked user page is empty. I need support

  • author

    Please explain your issue on the support forum. Blocked user page will be empty initially, it will show details only when any user is blocked.

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