
Live Demo

DealPress is a responsive child theme for ClassiPress along with selling deals online through the framework payment gateways including PayPal and offline payment methods like cash or Bank Transfer. Using the DealPress you can create a fully functional deals site, the theme will allow users to submit their deals for online sale. As admin you have the power to reject or confirm deals that are posted on your site.

The theme will send out emails to all involved parties (i.e. Seller, Buyer and Site owner) whenever a purchase is made on the site. In front-end user sidebar, the theme will add two dashboard one “My Sales” to see no. of sold deals and second “My Purchases” to see purchased deals transaction.

Once Users post their deal their job is done. The money made by selling those deals first goes to you (Admin). This is to avoid people getting scammed on your site, the admin can generate earnings reports monthly or yearly basis for specific users in back-end. After receiving the money the admin must forward it to the users (sellers). Since this part isn’t tracked by the theme you can use any method you want (i.e PayPal, Cash) but  the theme will add PayPal ID field in edit profile page for user.

Live Demo

My Sales Page

My Purchases Page

Significant Features:

  • Tidy & sparkling, light layout with eight color skins.
  • Fully responsive layout compatible with all devices
  • Page layout You can set any page to be full width (without sidebar) OR one column (with sidebar)
  • Grid/List View You can still set the default mode
  • Sale and buy deals online users can sale and buy deals online.
  • Deal Types users can submit two types of deals.
    1. Custom link (Affiliate type deal where the Buy Now button is linked to somewhere else)
    2. Sale online (Buy Now button is linked to payment gateway for buy this deal)
  • Payment gateway support customers can pay you (Admin) through the framework payment gateways including PayPal and offline payment methods like cash or Bank Transfer.
  • Notification emails to everyone the theme will send out emails to all involved parties whenever a purchase is made on the site.
    1. Seller
    2. Buyer
    3. Site owner (Admin)
  • Front-end user dashboard the theme will add two dashboard
    1. My Sales (To see no. of sold deals and earnings report monthly or yearly basis)
    2. My Purchases (To see purchased deals transaction)
  • Mark sold deal user can’t purchase mark sold deal
  • Expire deal user can’t purchase expire deal
  • Custom Widget area for Home page. You can choose position of widget area from following different options
    1. No (Default : No Widget area for home page.)
    2. Above Directory Style (Add widget area above categories list.)
    3. Above Deals Listing Tabs (Add widget area above Just Listed, Most Popular and Random tabs.)
    4. Below Deals Listing Tabs (Add widget area below Just Listed, Most Popular and Random tabs.)
  • Home page slider options. You can choose slider type from following different options.
    1. ClassiPress Slider (It’s ClassiPress Slider)
    2. Carousel Slider (It will apply Carousel slider.)
    3. Full Slider (Default Selected It will apply full slider.)
    4. No Slider (It will hide slider.)
  • Home page slider content You can choose content what you want to display in slider.
    1. Featured Deals (Default Selected It will display sticky deals post in slider.)
    2. Deals of particular category (It will display deal post from selected category.)
    3. Latest Posts (It will display latest posts from blog.)
    4. Posts of particular category (It will display blog posts from selected category.)
  • Include/Exclude sold deals from slider. You can include or exclude sold deals from slider.
  • Display Related Deals in the deal page. The admin can on/off.
  • A Dynamic count down for showing expire time left of deal in slider and single deal page.
  • A Dynamic saving % showing of deal in slider and single deal page. The theme will calculate % of saving using two fields.
    1. MRP Price (This price should be greater then selling price.)
    2. Price (Selling Price)

  • PayPal field in edit profile page the theme will add new field for PayPal ID in edit profile page
  • You (Admin) can generate earnings reports monthly or yearly basis for specific user in Wp-admin->Users->Users Earnings OR Wp-admin->Users
  • You (Admin) can see transaction type (Ad-listing or Deal) in Wp-admin->Payments->Orders
  • Custom design option for font style, font color and custom backgrounds etc.You can add custom CSS or script directly from the admin panel.
  • Advertising module that helps you to turn your site into a business generator.
  • Feature deal tag on deal listing and single deal page.
  • Sold deal tag on deal listing and single deal page.
  • WordPress Multisite compatible
  • Compatible with ClassiPress 3.4+ and WordPress 3.4
5 people like this.

Installation Guide:

  • Using FTP
  • Extract zip file into this path: – /wp-content/themes/ directory.
  • Activate the theme through the ‘Appearance’ menu in WordPress.
  • Sub menu would be created for the theme options
  • You can manage theme options from ClassiPress → DealPress Settings.
  • Using WordPress dashboard
  • Go to appearance →  Themes Install new theme
  • Select the Directory zip and upload it
  • Activate the theme

Support Policy

However it is important to us to make sure that every customer is satisfied with our products. Therefore we have a dedicated Support Team helping you to solve any products-related issues in timely and efficient manner.We are also very active on twitter or facebook where you can certainly catch our attention.

Before you reach us upon a problem?

    1. Read the documentation guide for your theme and plugin.
    2. Search the Support Forums for an answer.
    3. Submit a new thread inside the forums or Email Us on in case the issue requires us to connect to your site this may happen those times when we feel more individual attention to your issue may be required. When we do direct you to our Email support system, we may ask you for your login details.

Support Hours

We don’t have exact support hours, generally we can provide feedback on any support request within 12 or 24 hours. But note, that depending on the issue complexity and our workload. If we are online and able to provide you with support during the officially “holidays” period we will certainly not ignore you.

Support Offered

We only cover support for the Reload Web, add-ons,child themes and basic WordPress help. We cannot provide support on third-party plugins. we will try to help you with any type of requests including customization that requires only a couple lines of code changing, you must understand that we cannot provide extensive help in terms of modifications.

Moreover, technical support will always take priority over modification/customization requests.

Modification support

If your request for modification or customization help only requires us to publish a couple lines of code, we will be glad to assist you. If however you request requires more an that amount of code to be published, we can only provide guidance OR you can hire us if you don’t have the skins to implement it yourself.

Bug Fixing

It is our commitment to fix all theme bugs as quickly as possible after they are brought to our attention. We will also try provide a solution via the forum for smaller bug fixes, after which we will update the core theme or plugin.

2.0- 24/02/2017

  • Added – Print Buyer Shipping Address
  • Compatible with WordPress 4.7 and ClassiPress 3.5.8

1.2.3 – 12/12/2015

  • Compatible with WordPress 4.4 and ClassiPress 3.5.2

1.2.2 – 20/09/2015

  • fixed – Double password fields showing on registration page/reset password/edit profile pages (after WP 4.3 update)

1.2.1 – 30/05/2015

  • Fixed – Default field population

1.2 – 04/12/2014

  • Compatible with ClassiPress 3.4
  • Some new feature added

1.1.1 – 05/11/2014

  • Fixed – typo mistake in deal detail page
  • Fixed – CSS issues

1.1 – 29/10/2014

  • Fixed – localization issued & dealpress.pot file added in theme

1.0 – 01/10/2014

  • Initial release
  • Compatible with WordPress 3.4 and ClassiPress 3.3.3

9 reviews of “DealPress

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 Comments (220)

  • megawacior

    Hi there !
    I need help with installation . I am getting problem Fatal error: Class ‘APP_Checkout_Step’ not found > website

  • author


    Dealpress new version 1.2 is compatible with ClassiPress 3.4 first update your ClassiPress to new version 3.4. I think you are using classipress older version then 3.4


  • rdelrio

    Hi Ahmed,

    I have now a problem on dealpress. I was on classipress 3.4 but i installed ‘Advanced Custom Fileds’ a plugin for classipress, and doesn’t work with CP 3.4, so i had to downgrade to CP 3.3.3 and to downgrade Dealpress previous version (1.1)…When i see and ad, there’s actually an error message “Warning: date_format() expects parameter 1 to be DateTimeInterface, boolean given in /homepages/29/d547046706/htdocs/wp-cuistovoisin/wp-content/themes/dealpress/includes/functions-dealpress.php on line 18”.
    The website
    Can you help to go in the codes to repair it ? I did nothing at yet about the code.

    Thank you !!

    reloadweb likes this.
  • fdelacruzz

    What happens when a buyer clicks on the “Buy Now” button? Can be set to go the the seller’s website and complete the checkout on the seller’s website?

    reloadweb likes this.
    • author


      Theme provide two types of deals option for submit deal

      Custom link (Redirect to user to seller website for complete checkout)
      Sale online (Buy Now button is linked to payment gateway for buy this deal)

      Let me know if you have any more question.


      • Veer

        “Sale online (Buy Now button is linked to payment gateway for buy this deal)”

        but in my site when i click buy now it redirecting to same url or same deal description page.

        i am using classipress3.4 and dealpress1.2,made necessary settings in payment settings,deal option=sell online,

        reloadweb likes this.
        • author


          Still if you are facing any issue let me know.


        • veer

          yes problem fixed.
          1.can we have wallet feature in dealpress to avoid the payment process deductions from previous balance every time user buys product/service which is listed as “sell online” and every time seller/user buys ad packs/memberships/listing price.
 pricing model, can we have feature of charging for % of each sales instead of initial listing price/ this seller have option to list free and pay only after his listing sales happen each time.this gives him motivation to list item,if not required he can use regular features.
          3.if 2nd is yes then along with 2 it must need reporting features for 2nd. i can only ask u in detail about reporting if 2nd can be done

          thank you for reading

  • Kamal Kumar

    Hi Ahmed,

    is there a way to disappear the price & discount box, when MRP is zero?

    I have some products which don’t need prices. So, I require this.

    Thanks in advance.
    – Kamal

    2 people like this.
  • author

    Kamal Kumar,

    There is no way to disappear price and discount box when MRP is zero, require to customize some coding but it will break look of design.


    • Kamal Kumar

      I understood Ahmed.

      No need of make it disappear. At least can we make the box empty with out showing any thing? (discount showing 0% )

      reloadweb likes this.
  • Veer

    problem 1. [some time, not always] upload image during deal listing shows 100%(no image preview) but when we click proceed page wont proceed further. when i try add image using other option “You are using the flash uploader. Problems? Try the browser uploader instead” it show 3 upload buttons…here when i try upload image in 1st upload it wont show any upload success or file name…when i try upload in second upload button it shows 100% with image name. when i finally submit deal,the deal shows 2nd uploaded image not first one(empty) but when i check in cp file manager upload1 image exists.

    2. when we upload single image while deal listing…1 image upload creates automatically different sizes of 5 to 6 same image . i observed this in image in cp—>wp-content—>uploads…is it default dealpress function?

    3. when i delete the original uploaded image…all sub images(auto generated with dif sizes of same image) wont delete autom…we have t manually clean images in cp.night mare

    any feedback on above plz? any solutn


  • mercadotactico


    Is there any upgrade for change language??
    I need Spanish.

    reloadweb likes this.
  • author

    mercadotactico ,

    You can translate dealpress any language. There is dealpress.pot file in theme dealpress folder


  • ravxvx

    hi there
    I’m thinking to buy your theme but fist I would like to ask you something, it will be possible to add users ratings after successful transaction so it will make the users and website more trusted

    reloadweb likes this.
  • ravxvx

    And one more if there is a option or plugin that will let you do the searching by the location ??

    reloadweb likes this.
  • gmac

    Pre purchase question

    When a customer buys a deal for an offline service does Dealpress create a voucher for them to deliver to the merchant so that they can redeem the deal?

    I cannot see this part of the solution in the demo, it would be great to see a process for the sale and redemption, and if a voucher is generated and emailed to the buyer for a non-product purchase.

    Please clarify



  • author


    First my apologies for the delay in reply. No there is no functionality for create a voucher dynamically for an offline service.

    Let me know if you have any more questions.


  • birrab

    Hi, i need to know if dealpress have some “referral program” feature. thanks

    reloadweb likes this.
  • author


    There is no any “referral program” feature in DealPress but user can submit custom link type of deal so it will redirect to third party URL or affiliate link.


  • ravxvx

    Hi there
    I have a problem with redirecting to the other website when sombody purchase new deal , its show me ,,page not found” ?? can you help me with this please

  • author


    Which version of ClassiPress you are using with DealPress.


  • ravxvx

    Hi I have 3.4 and its run on the multisite

    reloadweb likes this.
    • author


      What’s DealPress version you are using new one is 1.2 If still you are facing problem Please PM me your site URL and wp-admin access. Make sure deal options you are set “Sale online” for sell online specific deal.


  • quibby

    Hi Ahmed,

    Testing the live demo of your theme here, clicking the thumbnail pics of the item opens up a pop-up of the pics. Is it possible that instead of pop-up window, when one hovers on the thumbnail pic, it gets displayed on the main pic container?


    reloadweb likes this.
  • author


    Only On item detail page clicking the thumbnail pics of the item opens up a pop-up but on item listing page when one hovers on the thumbnail pic, it gets displayed large the main pic container.


    • quibby

      Ahmed, thanks… will it be possible then to change from the pop-up to the hover-and-display on main container capability even for inside the item detail page?

      Will be great if possible. Thanks

      reloadweb likes this.
      • author


        Yes it’s possible but you need to customize code for make it possible.


        • quibby

          COOL! You will have the time to do the custom mod, or you have the code which we can use? Thanks!

          2 people like this.
          • quibby

            Hi Ahmed, also is it possible to add locator so that if a location value is filled, it can pull out the listings near this location? Thanks

            reloadweb likes this.
          • author


            I have not code for make it possible yes i can customize it for you. For location wise listing there is already plugin in market “Citify Ultimate” (Add sub-sites based on user selected cities) but i think it’s not compatible with DealPress we will test it.


  • quibby

    Hi Ahmed,

    Did you get the chance to test the Citify plugin? Is it compatible with Deal Press?


    reloadweb likes this.
  • quibby


    Thanks, when will that be? Very much looking forward to it.

    By the way, two other questions:

    1. can we extend the information that we can provide under Poster? For example, to allow Poster to add their office address, name and title/position, contact number, website link, facebook, twitter, any other social media etc?

    2. What kind of email is sent when a purchase is made? Does the email describe the deal in details? If not, how can we custom make a template where the details of the deal can get onto that email?


  • author


    Yes i am working on it i will release it when finally finish it. I will notify you.

    Answer of your questions.

    1) There are some fields in edit profile page website link, facebook, twitter and short bio.

    2) When purchase is made three email will sent 1) Buyer 2) Seller 3) website admin. Emails content include deal title and total price of deal. No right now there is no any email template for modification of email content. It’s auto generated mails


    quibby likes this.
  • Jason Hayes

    Will there be feature for the following in a future release:

    1. Customer Order Information in the Author’s Sales Dashboard (in case the deal author loses the mailing address or purchaser’s information).

  • Kamal Kumar

    Hi Ahmed,

    Greetings! why don’t you develop an Indian payment gateway plugin for classi press?

    Many Indian users are looking for that.


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