Commerce & Classifieds

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ClassiPress Responsive Child Theme Compatible with WooCommerce Plugin

Commerce & Classifieds is a responsive child theme for ClassiPress and WooCommerce. It comes with an essence of five different colored skins. This child theme benefits you to trend a responsive ClassiPress and WooCommerce sites that displays so beautifully on all devices like Smartphones, tablets and desktop monitors which adjust resolution respectively for each device. With just one installation of this theme, your ClassiPress and WooCommerce sites will adjust layouts automatically without having to change resolutions.

We have kept Commerce & Classifieds name as we have come up with a unite of Responsive Child Theme, this would talk very efficiently and without difficulty with WooCommerce & ClassiPress. It also shower with clean & clear instinct form by thinning graphics and this would help the page to loads promptly, here we will see its actual attitude that stands apart from websites which have real weighty content.

The wow feature of this Child Theme is, its custom design option, which allow user to modify fonts style, fonts color, background, etc without touching CSS code. The custom design options are available in the “WP-Admin > ClassiPress > CNC Options”

Significant Features:

  • Tidy & sparkling, light layout with five color skins.
  • Custom design option for font style, font color, etc.
  • Feature ad tag on ad listing and single pages
  • Sold ad tag on ad listing and single pages.
  • WordPress Multisite compatible
  • Compatible with ClassiPress 3.3+
  • Compatible with WooCommerce Plugin
  • Responsive to various screen resolutions

Note: – We have not done any modification / customization in WooCommerce plugin in any manner. We have only customized the GUI for ClassiPress and only made it compatible with WooCommerce plugin. There, we cannot provide support in Technical manner for WooCommerce plugin.

However, we will always assist you in providing support related to our product.

4 people like this.

Is this child theme compatible with any other 3rd party similar to WooCommerce Plugin?
Yes. This child theme is compatible with WooCommerce Plugin.

Is it possible to translate this child theme in any other languages?
Yes. You can translate ClassiSky in your language using ClassiPress Translate Tutorial by Appthemes.

How to use Google AdSense Ads on Responsive Websites.
If you been using Google AdSense Ads on your responsive website, you may have noticed that, unlike your content, the Google ads have a fixed width and they will not shrink or expand based on the device size.

For instance, if you are using the standard 728×90 unit on your website, the ad unit may extend well beyond the screen if someone visits your website on a (320 pixels wide) mobile phone or one of the lower resolution tablets.

Google AdSense Ads aren’t responsive by default but you can use a bit of JavaScript code to make them respond to the screen size. The logic is pretty simple. You create multiple ad units (say 768×90, 468×60 and 300×250) and based on the size (width) of the user’s device, the most appropriate format get served.

Here’s the relevant JavaScript code:

Remember to replace the google_ad_client and google_ad_slot identifiers with your own values (you can easily find them in your AdSense JavaScript code).

Internally, it is the window.innerWidth property that is doing all the magic. This property contains the width (in pixels) of the user’s browser window and once you know that value, you can accordingly serve the larger or smaller AdSense ad units.

While it is always a good idea to confirm with your account manager, this shouldn’t be against AdSense TOS in my opinion since we aren’t resizing the ads or modifying the JavaScript code – we are just serving a different ad unit based on the visitor’s browser size.

Installation Guide:

  • Using FTP
  • Extract zip file into this path: – /wp-content/themes/ directory.
  • Activate the theme through the ‘Appearance’ menu in WordPress.
  • Sub menu would be created for the theme options
  • You can manage theme options from ClassiPress → CNC Options.
  • Using WordPress dashboard
  • Go to appearance →  Themes Install new theme
  • Select the Directory zip and upload it
  • Activate the theme

Support Policy

However it is important to us to make sure that every customer is satisfied with our products. Therefore we have a dedicated Support Team helping you to solve any products-related issues in timely and efficient manner.We are also very active on twitter or facebook where you can certainly catch our attention.

Before you reach us upon a problem?

    1. Read the documentation guide for your theme and plugin.
    2. Search the Support Forums for an answer.
    3. Submit a new thread inside the forums or Email Us on in case the issue requires us to connect to your site this may happen those times when we feel more individual attention to your issue may be required. When we do direct you to our Email support system, we may ask you for your login details.

Support Hours

We don’t have exact support hours, generally we can provide feedback on any support request within 12 or 24 hours. But note, that depending on the issue complexity and our workload. If we are online and able to provide you with support during the officially “holidays” period we will certainly not ignore you.

Support Offered

We only cover support for the Reload Web, add-ons,child themes and basic WordPress help. We cannot provide support on third-party plugins. we will try to help you with any type of requests including customization that requires only a couple lines of code changing, you must understand that we cannot provide extensive help in terms of modifications.

Moreover, technical support will always take priority over modification/customization requests.

Modification support

If your request for modification or customization help only requires us to publish a couple lines of code, we will be glad to assist you. If however you request requires more an that amount of code to be published, we can only provide guidance OR you can hire us if you don’t have the skins to implement it yourself.

Bug Fixing

It is our commitment to fix all theme bugs as quickly as possible after they are brought to our attention. We will also try provide a solution via the forum for smaller bug fixes, after which we will update the core theme or plugin.

1.4 – 03/01/2017

  • Compatible with ClassiPress 3.5.8 and WordPress 4.7

1.3.2- 12/03/2016

  • Compatible with WordPress 4.4 and ClassiPress 3.5.2

1.3.1- 03/27/2015

Updated files :

  • includes/woo-functions.php
  • style.css
  • styles/blue.css
  • styles/black.css
  • styles/green.css
  • styles/orange.css
  • styles/pink.css
  • 1.3- 03/02/2015

    Remove files :

    • page.php
    • loop-ad_listing.php
    • single-ad_listing.php
    • tpl_full_page.php
    • product.php
    • loop folder
    • single-product folder
    • single-product-reviews.php
    • loop-shop.php

    Add files :

    • content-ad_listing.php
    • commerce-n-classifieds.pot

    Updated files :

    • Featured.php
    • header.php
    • tpl-ads-home.php
    • includes/admin-options.php
    • includes/woo-functions.php
    • functions.php
    • style.css
    • styles/blue.css
    • styles/black.css
    • styles/green.css
    • styles/orange.css
    • styles/pink.css

    1.2- 05/23/2013

    Fixes :

  • Theme custome design option problem solved
  • File changes:

    • add_style.php
    • woocom.css

    1.1 – 05/21/2013

    Fixes :

    • Compatible with ClassiPress 3.3 with WooCommerce 2.0

    File changes

    • All files are updated in this version.

    File Removed

    • index.php
    • loop-featured.php
    • sidebar-ad.php
    • wrapper.php
    • includes/sidebar-contact.php
    • includes/theme-searchbar.php

    1.0 – 02/16/2013

    • Initial release

    2 reviews of “Commerce & Classifieds

    5 stars
    Ecommerce N Classipress
    By -

    I must point it out, however, that Ecommerce N Classipress is perfectly engineered. It has unique layout. My only problem is I cannot get the actual green colour like.

    5 stars
    Not compatible with Dynamic Multi-Level Fields plugin?
    By -

    It seems the theme is not compatible with Dynamic Multi-Level Fields plugin, Can you check into this please? I bought your theme already.

    Anonymous likes this.
    You need to purchase this item before reviewing it.
    (Just bought it? Log out and back in to enable reviews.)

     Comments (51)

    • collectbox

      When is your child themes compatable with the newest ClassiPress 3.3 theme?

      2 people like this.
    • Jim

      Not having compatibility with ClassiPress’s new 3.3 version forces me to look at other child themes to meet my needs.

      This lack of compatibility does not meet your needs from a business perspective.

      Are you working on this issue currently?

      3 people like this.
    • author

      Hi All,

      We have submitted updated Commerce & Classifieds version 1.1 for Compatible with ClassiPress 3.3 on Marketplace but waiting for Appthemes confirmation. It will available when they upload it.


      Anonymous likes this.
    • abarajas

      Hi, one question regarding payment:

      Would be possible to use the payment gateway of the Woocomerce to pay the Classified Ads? Or the ads payment only can do it by the Classipress payment methods?



      2 people like this.
    • superkay


      Is it possible to have just woocommerce with each user having a store? Or must it be with classipress?


      Anonymous likes this.
    • alex

      hello is it possible to have listing in a grid format like that of the shop,
      and in the admin section is it possible to have different shops and their items listed to avoid confusion if one is working with 20 different partners.

    • jamesweb

      Hi there, any plans for just the basic responsive wooCommerce pages to work with Vantage? I am just looking for basic integration – nothing too fancy – just something to get the wooCommerce pages to work and be responsive when used with the default vantage theme. I have posted here: anything in the pipeline we could use maybe – willing to certainly pay for this if it were well supported and available for vantage. As I say not a whole new look and feel child theme – just a vantage default theme child them to make the wooCommerce work and be responsive? Look forward to a reply.

    • chrish

      I am also very interested in a woocommerce/Vantage combo.
      For Commerce & Classifieds can you show classipress ads from a category in a woocommerce Tab in the shop section ? So like woocommerce product Tab shows related ads (which are from the classipress side).
      If no would you look at quoting for customisation to do this ?


    • author

      Hi Chris,

      Sorry for delay in reply because i have some issue with my email hosting so i can’t get email notification.

      Please can you explain what you want to say exactly. I am not getting you.


    • chrish

      Hi reloadweb,
      I also emailed you direct to the address given on your website twice and through the form on your website twice.
      the question was – Can you show classipress ads in the woocommerce product Tab like you would a related ads section.


    • thanasis

      hi I want to ask about the shop. can anyone who is member in my site to make shop with this theme so I can charge him? thank you.

      • alex

        hi, did you figured how to do this about having store or shops inside your site? im been looking for something like that too but i cant find anything can you let me kno if you did ? thanks

    • kyriakosdz

      Is it possible to use a specific theme inside woocommerce. Can you suggest any plugin that does the same work as a theme? I want to change the layout of the store but it seems I can not use another theme.

    • esm2010

      Hi, the user can publish an ad listing and pay it with woocommerce?

    • aj270303

      If i was a sole user, who only has one item for sale. Can i use the shop option so i receive payment through the website?.

      reloadweb likes this.
      • author


        It was problem with my email hosting service i never receive any emails of notification that time so sorry for that. So answer of your question is you can’t sell your classipress item through your site.

        I have another child theme Dealpress you can sell your item on your site.


        • aj270303

          So i plan to sell electrical items with an option for visitors to buy the item, the better theme to use is Dealpress..?

          2 people like this.
    • amjy25


      what are the credentials for the admin demo please?


    • jasongeek

      The price is getting cut off on the right when viewed through my Android Smart Phone. It’s cutting off the pennies.

      • jasongeek

        Also, the demo featured slider is showing one and a half featured listings instead of just one.

        PS the cut off price is only cut off in the single ad view.

    • franky

      think themes needs an update for latest wp and cp,
      would be nice for updates .

    • author


      Have you face any issue with latest version of CP and WP ?


    • franky

      hi sorry i wrote on wrong page i have explained on your thread


    • hitekphone

      Need an update too for last classipress 3.5.3 and woocommerce 2.5.3 … regards

    • Joe

      Will this child theme work with woocommerce subscriptions and woocommerce memberships???

    Leave a Reply to kyriakosdz Cancel reply

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