“clasifichados” is a fully responsive ClassiPress childtheme with a nice vintage look and feel. The childtheme is one of a kind with the newspaper classified design, responsiveness and SEO-optimized code.
The childtheme comes with an admin panel in the WordPress backend where you can configure the theme settings.
Because of the responsiveness of the theme, it’s compatible with any mobile device, giving your visitors the best user-experience possible.
– Vintage newspaper look & feel.
– Responsive ClassiPress childtheme.
– Infinite scroll (ads will load when at bottom of the page).
– Featured Ads more relevant.
– Improved blog posts list (archive, categories and tags) for better looking.
…and some more coming in next releases and updates.
– Sort ads under archives.
Place your own ideas in product comments (“Comments” tab) for features you like to be added so we can study every case and elaborate it further with you.
1. ClassiPress HOME template »
2. ClassiPress LOGIN template »
3. ClassiPress REGISTER template »
4. ClassiPress PASSWORD RECOVERY template »
5. ClassiPress PASSWORD RESET template »
6. ClassiPress SEARCH RESULTS template »
7. ClassiPress ARCHIVE main »
8. ClassiPress ARCHIVE (categories) »
9. ClassiPress ARCHIVE (tags) »
10. ClassiPress AD (single) »
11. ClassiPress CATEGORIES template »
12. ClassiPress STATIC PAGE (with sidebar) template »
13. ClassiPress STATIC PAGE (full width) template »
14. ClassiPress AUTHOR template »
15. ClassiPress ERROR 404 template »
16. ClassiPress BLOG ARCHIVE (list) »
17. ClassiPress BLOG ARCHIVE (categories) »
18. ClassiPress BLOG ARCHIVE (tags) »
19. ClassiPress BLOG (single with image) »
20. ClassiPress BLOG (single with no image) »
For the next pages you’ll need to be logged in.
You can create an account here REGISTER IN CLASIFICHADOS »
21. ClassiPress CREATE AD (3 steps) »
22. ClassiPress PURCHASE MEMBERSHIP (3 steps) »
23. ClassiPress EDIT AD template »
24. ClassiPress DASHBOARD template »
25. ClassiPress EDIT PROFILE template »
Single Ad…
Blog List…
Blog Single…
1. Always make a full backup of your site.
2. Upload the childtheme to your themes folder.
3. Activate the childtheme.
4. Go to your “ClassiPress/Settings” and under “Advanced” tab check “Turn off all styles (advanced users only)”.
5. Set the sidebars or rearrange them the way you need.
– For sites with previously published Ads you’ll need to regenerate your thumbnails. To achieve this, simply use Regenerate Thumbnails free plugin.
Please visit the dedicated forum.
v1.0 – March 11th, 2015. Initial Release.
v2.0 – April 16th, 2016. ClassiPress 3.5.4 compatible.
v2.1 – June 23rd, 2016. ClassiPress 3.5.5 compatible + Improvements.
v2.2 – July 10th, 2016. ClassiPress 3.5.7 compatible + Bugs fix.
5 reviews of “Clasifichados”
Hola Rubenico
queria perguntar si me puedes mandar donde puedo cambiar la idioma de “SHOW” y “HIDE” en la “Refine Search” … usamos tu theme en aleman y hemos traducido todo .. solo estos dos faltan
gracias y un saludo de Viena
I am very hapy with this theme.
Only one problem: the top slider only show 4 ads…
I can’t reach the support since I bought the theme from Apptheme, and I do not have login.
What should I do? Or can just point me where the code is?
(I clicked “remove the stylesheet in settings>advanced already, and cleared all my caches)
Hello paoloeuvrard,
Not sure why the item on the marketplace it is not yet updated with latest version I sent… I’ll contact AppThemes Team asap and will send you the latest version of the childtheme to your email address.
Best regards!
This child theme shows a lot of bugs, one of the biggest on is that ads are overlapping each other and they do so in all browsers (tested myself).
Got it, but would recommend not to buy before updated by developer and bugs are fixed and tested on all browsers, because with this bug it looks like one big mess!
Curious how long it will take before the developer will update with a good working fix, lets see, as this theme is all ready so long in development and on wprabbits for quit a while, so I do not understand that this bug is still existing?!?!
Helo Levt,
An update have been just sent to AppThemes review process. Please update the childtheme with the latest version asap. This update have take more since the slider it is completely new to suit your very specific needs… remember that conversation over Skype? Well, I hope you enjoy the childtheme as much as I making it.
You can check the demo here (please clear your browser cache)
Best regards!
This theme is excellent
It is easy on the eye and your visitors will love it!
Just like reading an online newspaper
Excellent work to the creator Rubencio & thanks for making such a needed theme.
I fell in love with this theme the moment I saw it. Old fashioned newspaper classifieds style cannot be found on the net. When your visitor arrives at your site, this theme will leave a DEEP impression. Your visitors will NEVER forget your site!
Support at 1:30 am? If you are dealing with Rubencio, yes! I had some issues with installation and adjusting the styles, Rubenico worked on my site from 1:30am to 2:00 am HIS time and took care of everything.
Comments (32)
Hi Rubencio,
I purchased your theme. So unique I wanted to see my site with this theme.
But…I have some trouble with it.
I need support.
Where is the support, I searched in the forum but was not able to find it….
Hello davidwoolf,
Thanks for your nice words! Sure, if you need support simply go ahead and open a new thread on the forum provided in “Support” tab.
Best regards!
Been waiting a long time for this update and will jump in now.
I had some ideas that I see in the offline classifieds that would be awesome to add but maybe Rubencio
should invite us to pitch these ideas for future updates.
Thanks buddy, I hope the mother and the little one are doing great and God Bless the family.
Hello mac,
I’ll be glad to hear those ideas so I can maybe include them into the childtheme
… thanks a lot for your lovely words to my family!
Best regards!
1 in footer take widgets?
1 is the powered by in footer can be remove or change without change for the code ?
Hello tomer,
1. No widgetized area in footer but with some PHP/CSS skills you can easily do it since it is just giving the childtheme that functionality from ClassiPress parent theme.
2. You can easily customize the footer text by changing the code into the childtheme (I can help you with this for sure since it is 5 seconds task).
Best regards!
I have some pre-purchase questions:
1) Is it possible to show ad’s images also on mobile version of the theme?
2) Does the theme work with MapPress plugin dedicated for Classipress which is available on the AppThemes Marketplace?
3) Is it possible to add a sidebar to the main page with all ads?
3) Is it possible to add a sidebar to the category page with all ads assigned to a particular category?
4) Does the theme work on multisite WordPress installation?
5) Is it possible to remove price tag for ads without a price or price set to zero?
Best regards,
Hello Thomas,
1. Sure you can customize the code to handle this since the thumbnails are already there but just hidden via CSS. So you’ll need CSS skills to handle with this but it is not that hard.
2. Sorry, I have no idea since have not tested that plugin yet.
3. Sure you can. Just need some PHP/CSS skills to play with the code and revert the original function back from the ClassiPress parent theme.
4. As far as ClassiPress does.
5. Sure, you can search a thread in AppThemes Forum already explaining how to achieve this.
Best regards!
Thanks for your fast reply.
However I do not have sufficient coding skills to apply these code changes that you mentioned.
I noticed that, in numerous posts on AppThemes forums, you mentioned that you will add an ability to add a feature that would allow website admins to show a sidebar to the main page with all ads and also categories and archives pages. However, so far you didn’t do anything about that.
That’s why I’d rather buy a different child theme, although your theme looks very good. Unfortunately it lacks of features that you were about to add in future updates.
Are you planning to add these features anytime soon?
Hello Thomas,
I see your point and yes, I still plan to include those features but no ETA yet.
Best regards!
Big bug in this child theme when you got a lot of featured ads they overlap with others and your front page looks like one big error, developer does not have a fix straight away and says we have to wait for the next update is there, as he is very busy.
What a commitment to the child themes he sells here and what a service, unfortunately I had to know better but thought some times people change, such a petty that this is not the case with this developer.
Don´t buy this until the update is there and the bug is fixed as this some times can take a while with this developer.
Will let you all know if it is fixed after the update is there to download!!
To be continued.
Have you clarified I gave you support even on weekend? Have you explain here you contact me on Skype and I was having communication with you all the time? Have you explained already since ClassiPress 3.5.6 was almost released I simply decided to wait until test everything on that latest version?… Oh no, you didn’t! Well yes, just to clarify you, I’ll be releasing the update within days fixing this issue and making the featured ads slider even better (not because you asked me to do it in the Skype conversations you never explained here, but because I want to make my product even better for my clients).
You gave me support this weekend, that is a big word, you told in which file to look and did not give me support on the problem it self.
In your Skype it writes SUPPORT BETWEEN 16.00 TILL 20.00 hours and it does not write from monday till Friday so I reported a bug with screenshots from all browsers.
So please Rubencio do not start with me, the man who is only out on making money and charges 25 an hour and then a minimum of 2 hours to change 2 lines to a code what takes less then 2 minutes and what you not even do your self but outsourced to cheap workers, oh yes Rubencio it is 6 years ago but I do not forget nothing.
Now I was hoping you changed, but you did not and please you want good for your clients, why a client has to wait then and why you just don´t fix the bug straight away? does a clients site need to look like crap until your developers has time to do something about it, can you not do it your self?
Last but not least, I thought you have Wprabits now already a few years so why are you selling your products here? Not going so good over there? I understand if you see how long it takes before you update products and how long it takes for new product to appear……
So take a mirror and take a good look MR GOOD SERVICE PPPPFFFFffffffffff…………
Levt, I see your pain.
Talking of six years, I paid Euro 60 to these guys on a child theme that was never received and on following up, the guy went silence. So your reputation precedes you and instead of apologizing and correcting the problem, the guy get defensive. Not a wise move man.
Appthemes should do something about developers that dont deliver and bring some rules that would bring faith to the community. SAD!
Appthemes, give us a poll on the “developer of the week/month” Some kinda QC
Hello Tap,
Which one was that childtheme? I would provide you any of our childthemes if you clarify this to me since I don’t know what was your situation about originally.
BTW, I talked that way to Levt since we were in contact all the time with and he was publishing that comment even when I asked him to wait until I finish updating the product… note I completely changed the jcarouselite script in order to suit Levt (and others) needs, so that was much more time consuming than expected.
Best regards!
What i dont get about folks selling digital products is that how the hell will you lose by making things right by sorting out things straight away or when the buyer gave you years later to come clean. Why allow things to get to the point of bad repute online when you are not even selling physical product.
Lucky to Levt that you have been communicating privately. I sent you an email to this effect and you never even bothered to ask me what the hell I was talking about. I went further and sent reminders and nothing heard.
If you cant remember a child theme you charged euro 60 then even I cant help you. The beauty is that I still feel the pain of an amount paid for no product rendered. I can promise that I will forgive this amount but will never forget.
One secret: make the best buying experience to your new buyer and the will kiss the soil upon which you walk. Make it bad and such dirt will linger over you for eons.
I purchased Clasifichados from Rubencio, as I loved this theme from the moment I saw it.
I am happy with the theme, and happy with the service, too.
I had some small CSS issue, and Ruben came into my site, and fixed it for me.
I recommend both the theme and Ruben’s good service to anyone.
I also recommend Rubencio ignore any comment about “what happened 6 years ago”, and focus on the bright future.
Great theme. Great service. Buy without hesitation.
You said on day 10 of july that an update was submitted? and included a smart link to your site again to get some trafic and maybe some sell a other item, but untill now day 2 August still only the old file here to download!!!!!!!!!!!!! WITH THE SAME BUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey levt,
You again!
The 2.2 update was submitted on July 10th 2016 at 19:15 and I just sent the update again on August 1st at 23:34… seems like the product have not been updated yet in AppThemes Marketplace.
If the AppThemes team member in charge of the updates do not answer me within the next 24 hours (that will make 72 hours total) I’ll contact David personally.
You can check the demo have no the issues you had before, and I personally took care of the features you requested months ago.
Demo here –>
Best regards!
Me again MR Rabit and what is the news on the update? so we can finaly remove those bugs out of the childtheme you had made!?!?
As you can check in changelog:
v2.2 – July 10th, 2016. ClassiPress 3.5.7 compatible + Bugs fix.
yeayeayea but did they upload the new files, because a few days ago it where still the BUG files MR Rabit!
Yes, download should be ok now. One of the AppThemes member told me he replaced the file.
Now you can try and check the version number on your side.
Me Again and YOU AGAIN DID NOT A GOOD JOB as the BUG is still there!
See your skype and forum.
So, is all ok now with bugs? I really like this theme but if it has bugs i will not buy.
Hello juanjo,
You can check the live site to look for bugs. I’m afraid there is no code completely clean of bugs, however we are here to help in case you have any issue.
Best regards!
hi its possible to see ads in a line
Hello robertnbg,
Sorry you can not achieve that since we use a javascript library that do not make that possible at the moment.
Best regards!
hi someon ethere i ask on 16 feb no answer i need to knowif i can create gridview but all ads in rows clean desing gridview now i see someads no tin a line
Hello robertnbg,
As in my previous response, we use a javascript library that do not make that possible at the moment.
Best regards!
Unfortunately, the design is not shown correctly with me. Am very disappointed. Is there the possibility that you can install me correctly on my server? I would also like the demo data.
Hi there Rubencio. Is this child theme available in Spanish?