
Live Demo

A plugin to add ribbons and tags to ClassiPress ads.
Ribbons supported: SOLD, FREE, AskMe, Featured, Discount.
Tags supported: NEW, USED.

The settings you can change:
– ribbons position
– ribbons colors
– ribbons opacity
– tags colors


8 people like this.

When is the sold ribbon is displayed ?

When an ad is marked as sold.

When is the free ribbon is displayed ?

When an ad price field is 0 (not empty).

When is the AskMe ribbon is displayed ?

When an ad price field is empty (not 0).

What is the USED tag ?

The idea for the USED tag is to tag ads of second hand items.
In the settings page you choose which ad tag is connected with USED tag
and then add this tag to all second hand items.

How to use the discount ribbon ?

1. Add new classipress custom field ‘Discount’ and choose type ‘text box’.
2. Edit the form layout you want and add the discount field.

Users can now edit their ads and write a number in the discount field to show a discount ribbon.

1. Extract the folder into your Wordpress plugins directory.
2. Enable the plugin.
3. Configure in ClassiPress->Ribbons


Please visit the dedicated support forum.


  • Add support for cp4
    • Featured ribbon is disabled in cp4 as there is already a built-in one.


  • Fix another issue working with ACF plugin


  • Fix translation not being loaded


  • Add opacity option for ribbons
  • Fix working with ACF plugin enabled


  • Add appthemes id


  • Not to show new tag for sold ads


  • add discount ribbon
  • bug fixes


  • add featured ribbon settings
  • added check boxes which ribbons to enable


  • fix rtl position for tags to left
  • update he translation


  • fixed the new tag not showing for a few hours on some setups


  • fix changing bgcolor for tags


  • add tags (new, used)


  • fix ribbon width not wrapping the ad fully


  • update the defaults ribbons style


  • first


8 reviews of “Ribbons

5 stars
Doesn't work with Classipress 4
By -

This plugin doesn’t work with Classipress 4. Wanted to let people know so they don’t purchases it trying to use it for Classipress4. Author confirmed it has not been checked for version 4.

5 stars
Very good support service
By -

I really like the look and manageability of this plugin. For the price it is an excellent addition and one that I wouldn’t do without.
While I did have a couple of issues getting it set up and working correctly with my child theme, the support and help in getting it working properly was excellent. I am the first to admit that I am no expert when it comes to either WordPress or Classipress (new to both), but the developer responded quickly and always seemed happy to help me.
While in most cases you probably wouldn’t need the help (I think it was a quirk with my child theme) I am happy to give this product, and the support that I received, 5-stars.

5 stars
Excellent little plug in
By -

Simple to use, works great with our style of website and nice to see it updated. Reasonable price as well.

Anonymous likes this.
5 stars
J'aurais espéré mieux
By -

I meet every time you need to enter the tag used to display it, a moin I did not understand its operation. I would have hoped more options, for example I offer my hand or new announcement, I wish the pluging notified when the announcement and new or used. Thank you it’s still a good job even, I await your next update hoping to get the options. desolated for my english not so good

5 stars
Works great! Thanks!
By -

Would like to see more ribbons option we can *add new*

Thanks again !

5 stars
By -

works great. but where to use USED what does it mean. please advice

5 stars
Great value for money
By -

Works great! nice job!


5 stars
Nice work man
By -

Great value for price, works nicly.

You need to purchase this item before reviewing it.
(Just bought it? Log out and back in to enable reviews.)

 Comments (101)

  • talent

    This plugin is a good idea, especially for those that don’t code or have the time to. That’s the beauty of plugins 🙂

    The ribbons themselves could do with a some tidying up, but that can be easily done. @roidayan I can assist you on that if you wish.

    Good luck with your sales

    • author

      thanks. I myself don’t have good eye for gui. I planned to check some online css examples and/or allow also images but I less like it. I would love to hear some suggestions.

      I just updated the style and waiting for review. 1.0.1 should look better.

      • lultt

        I can change the language of the ribbon?

        and A ribbon for when an ad is new?

        • author

          the plugin is using a po/mo file for language strings. you can add your language and translate easily with poedit

          there is no new ribbon for new ads. I would like to hear suggestion where to place it as if Ads are new & free or new & askme.
          maybe could be a “new” tag next to the title.

          3 people like this.
          • lultt

            you can place it under the image, a rectangle with the words new and make it disappear after x ads placed. (excuse my English google).

  • author

    there is no hook I can use to add html under the image. so I cannot place it there.
    I can place over the image like the ribbon but then it’s like 2 ribbons. not sure it’s best.

    I am thinking maybe a square tag of new and then can also support more tags like “used” for second hand items.

  • kuntaryatno

    I have bought you this plugin. What is this plugin compatible with (if we use together) FEATURED ULTIMATE PLUGIN (http://themebound.com/shop/featured-ultimate-plugin-classipress-top-highlighted/)?

  • author

    Hi lultt,

    About tag-negotiable. I see it, nice. It shouldn’t interfere with the tags in this plugin.
    I cannot move the tags to the left (close to title) before of the location of the available CP hooks.
    As I can see it right now, I can only make the tags be from the left to the title (1) or floated right which are close to the price (2).

    1. http://i62.tinypic.com/i4psmq.jpg
    2. http://i60.tinypic.com/105z3g6.jpg

    can make (2) have more space to the right to keep distance from the price tag if you want.

    v1.1 will look like (2) but after you download the plugin I can help you with css changes.
    colors are configurable from admin.

  • lultt

    Hi Roy,

    when the update is ready let me know thanks

    • author

      tags already available in v1.1. see the screenshots.

      Anonymous likes this.
  • lultt

    Hi Roi, I do not change the background color of the tag, can you help me?

  • jake_r

    can I change the “ask me” to “negotiable”?
    are we able to select what colours we want for the ribbons?
    And can we select which side of the post the ribbons should be, ie top right, bottom right, top left, bottom left?

    • author

      you can change any string by “translating” the po file.
      you can change the back and font color for each ribbon from the admin interface.
      you can change left/right position of the ribbons but not per ribbon.
      there is no admin option to change bottom/top position but I can help you in the forums the changes to do to the css file for this.

  • mxcambodia

    Just bought it, great stuff man!

    Will see if any ideas or comment

    Anonymous likes this.
  • sribathi

    Roi, works great. but where to use USED what does it mean. please advice

    • author

      Hi srtibathi,

      The original idea for USED is to add this tag to ads selling second hand items.
      In the settings page you choose which ad tag is connected with USED tag and then add this tag to all second hand items.


      • sribathi

        yes thank you so much roi.

        And one more request for future. would you be able to make plugin that we can use for list view to grid view on the ads and vice versa. thanks and regards

      • Matt Adika

        Hi! You know what would make this plugin awesome would be an option to ADD A RIBBON to you listing for a small fee. is there anyway to incorporate this into the plugin?

        When the user has the option to select “featured ad” maybe an option to add a RIBBON to the listing to make it stand out? Gunbroker.com uses a couple of these “add-ons” for a small fee to enhance the listing>?

        2 people like this.
        • author

          ok i’ll check it

          3 people like this.
          • rushmore

            Is this now possible to charge a small fee to the user to have a ribbon to their ad?

            Please add an option via the default Classipress payment framework.

          • mattadika

            Did we ever figure out how to charge a small fee to add a Ribbon to the add? Thanks

  • dr4g9n

    Hello, man i cant understand how i can put used tag on ads, “tag of used itens”, what you mean? x days, or what!? thanks

  • ankit0783

    I uploaded the zip file under plugin directory and extracted it but it extracted with name rodiayan-classipress-ribbions and under that classipress-ribbions folder. I cant see it under plugins in wordpress

  • mxcambodia

    Hi Roi,

    Love your work!

    A nice thing will be if the sold ribbon can be shown on the slider adds



    • author

      Hi Oran,

      I’ll check it out.
      the default slider has small images. so not sure if it will look ok. or even readable.


      • author

        I just did some tests and put the ribbon over the entire image and text together.
        we can continue this discussion in the forum and I can show you screenshots/demo.

        please open a thread and i’ll respond.

  • chriswareham

    Hi Roidayan, i need to ask a question if the function for this is available or in future development.

    I am wanting to know if you can add a ribbon for featured ads stating its featured with an option to set which side of the ad it needs to be displayed.

    Secondly i am looking at adding another ribbon with options to diplay them for certain memberships, i.e gold, silver, bronze so i have the choice in admin to show gold or silver and not bronze etc

    • author

      currently there is no options to show featured ribbon.

      1. do you mean featured ribbon that can appear with any other ribbon?
      i.e. featured and free, featured and sold ? or sold/free/askme overrides featured?

      2. the featured ribbon is actually ribbon of gold/silver/bronze based the membership the author has?
      I didn’t understand what option you mean in admin?

      Anonymous likes this.
      • chriswareham

        Hi roidayan

        1) yes i mean featured ribbon ( sticky ) that shows with another ribbon possibly opposite sides.

        2) great to hear that the ribbons show for these memberships, the options i mean would be wp-admin which will allow the admin to checkbox which ribbon memberships to show, ( maybe i want to only display gold and silver and not bronze ribbon, so i can uncheck the bronze ribbon checkbox ) so only the gold and silver will display

        • author

          I didn’t say there are membership ribbons. that was a question.

          I’m not sure how the featured (gold/bronze/silver) ribbons should be used. when to appear on which ads. only based membership?

          Anonymous likes this.
  • armanyousefi

    Hi Roidayan,

    Thanks for this amazing plugin. I have one problem I can not change the price filed value and it is mandatory filed. how user then can add Ask Me ribbon?


    • author

      AskMe is currently set to show when the price field is empty so you will need to set the price field as not mandatory.

      • Arman

        But how change this field? It is one of the core field and I how can change it and remove mandatory option?


        • author

          Please use the support forum.

          You need on custom fields to choose minimum length 0 and in form layouts make the price field not required.

  • Adam

    Hello, nice function. Does it work on child themes?

  • Needfeatures

    will this work in classipress 3.3.1?

  • sreenubfa

    How to work “Used” Ribbons?

  • josebarquero

    This is my suggestion for a ribbons plugin that would work for everybody – and it should have the option to be free or to be a paid extra.

    Option: Add Ribbo – Yes
    Option: Select Ribbon Color – dropdown list with 5 dark colors
    Option: Select Ribbon Font Color – dropdown list with 5 bright colors
    Option: Textbox to write the text in the Ribbon (max 10 characters or something)

    2 people like this.
  • veer

    is this compatible with latest apptheme classipress themes and its child themes? i use many child themes. can we add new colour or more ribbons to this? plz reply urgently

    • author

      hi veer,
      the plugin is compatible with latest version of classipress. child themes may (or may not) need css modifications. this is expected as each child theme can have different style which can break the style planned in this plugin.
      usually it’s a very small change and you can get help in the support forum for it.

      what do you mean new colour? you can choose any colour you want for each ribbon.
      Adding more ribbons requires source code modifications.
      It’s possible to request for a ribbon and if accepted it will be available in the next version of the plugin.

  • Daan

    I’m running a Classipress site http://www.abientot.nl for Dutch fans who love France. Adverts are for holiday accomodations, real estate etc. Advertising costs are 15,- Euro for 100 days and optional 15,- Euro extra for a TOP advert in the slider bar for 50 days.
    Now I am looking for a plugin for a ribbon on the main photo, preferable a choise out of 3 ribbons in different collors, f.e. LAST MINUTE in red, EXCLUSIVE in blue, LOWER PRICE in yellow (ofcourse in Dutch). Choice is made after filling in the advert, so the advertiser kan choose out of 3 possibilities, plus the TOPadvert and thus pay extra for the TOP advert and extra for the ribbon.
    Is this possible with your plugin RIBBON ?
    and do you have examples.
    Kind regards

  • swatch155

    Hi ,
    Why are the ribbons underlined on my website ? This is not normal :s

  • author

    hi swatch155,

    please use the support forum for the plugin. post full details and url for example.


  • sreenubfa

    Hi i am try ing to save bg colors But Not saving latest CP 3.4.5. Please fix it.

  • sreenubfa

    Hi roidayan,
    I am using Ribbons plugin working fine. But new & used, sold ads how to home page scroll slider ? Any one have idea any custom php code.

    I attached screenshot.

    My Website “http://trueads.in/”

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