
Live Demo

Phoenix is a stylish light, customizable and readable ClassiPress child theme packed full of some awesome features.
The theme puts your work first, keeping the design elements to a minimum while still maintaining a definitive modern style.

Phoenix is full responsive, ready to use language translation packs and testet with all available plugins that are recommended by AppThemes.

Features Included:

  • “Sold” Ribbon in listing and “Sold” stamp in single ad
  • Responsive for all kind of mobile devices like mobile phones or tablets
  • “Featured” Ribbon in listing and single ad
  • Highlight ad background when ad is featured
  • Sticky ads on top of category & search
  • Bigger Google Map under ad description
  • “New’ sign when ad is less then 1 day online
  • No Price Tag when ad author sets “0″ (Zero)
  • Supports for “Price is negotiable” sign when customer agrees
  • Better tab positions including the category
  • URLs and emails in posts are clickable
  • Admin can see the IP from ad author under the ad description
  • Support multiple languages
  • WordPress Multisite compatible
  • This child theme is READY for ClassiPress 3.3


3 people like this.


  1. Upload the childtheme to your themes folder
  2. Activate the childtheme
  3. Go to your “ClassiPress/Settings” and under “Advanced” tab select “Disable Core Stylesheets” to “YES”
  4. You may need to set your menus again. Go to your Admin dashboard => Appearance => Menus and activate your Header and footer menu.
Please visit the dedicated support forum.

2 reviews of “Phoenix

5 stars
Is Phoenix compatible with classipress 3.4
By -

Is Phoenix compatible with classipress 3.4, if not is there a release date?

2 people like this.
5 stars
All the Mods and Plugins that i want, all in one child theme!
By -

MUST HAVE! Everyone support this theme and its developer. Keep his efforts going. Many of our sites are only functioning how we want him because of Samcy’s hard work. Phoenix has all the features and functions i have sought for since i started using Classipress. Its nice to have it all in one and updated for 3.3 …..Thanks Samcy

3 people like this.
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 Comments (31)

  • btechnol

    Awesome looking child-theme. Can’t wait to see if you do one for Vantage. I would love a blue styled one for Vantage. Very Cool. 🙂

    2 people like this.
  • Amir

    Does the template add commas for thousand place values for prices? I need something that does that. Example: 1,000 instead of 1000

    • author

      No, ClassiPress does this. 😉
      The demo is running on a ClassiPress Vers. 3.2Beta, which has this commas fixed.

      2 people like this.
  • levt

    Hi My friend,

    Looking cool again and yes I am back 🙂 when you are going to buit one with a grid layout?


    Have a cold one on me!

    samcy likes this.
  • Bill

    Can you add a paid feature that charges users if they want their ad highlighted.

  • Danny

    can you please advise me how to change background of page

  • author

    Hello @ll,

    For support questions, please use the dedicated forum:


  • surfcrf450

    @SAMCY Phoenix looks really nice! Since this is running on CP 3.2 beta I would assume that this theme is for the most part all set to go when 3.2 is released?

    2 people like this.
  • helmiali

    Hi samcy, nice product bro.. I just purchase and install it on my site. But how do I change the background image? and can I change the color or the tab? thx looking forward new items from u…

    Anonymous likes this.
  • epijunky

    Hey Samcy, Can the sidebar contact form be edited to include a recaptcha instead of the simple math equation? Is it wide enough for it?

  • yusufchy

    It’s not working with Classifiers 3.2. After activating I can’t see the header of the site. Could you please help me.

    Anonymous likes this.
  • Sunny

    Hi Samcy

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare unhook_classipress_functions() (previously declared in /home/aussie/public_html/wp-content/plugins/remove-price-tag/remove-price-tag.php:13) in /home/aussie/public_html/wp-content/themes/phoenix-classipress/functions.php on line 46

    after i upload…Help PLease

    Anonymous likes this.
  • Sunny

    My Websites

  • Sunny

    Anonymous likes this.
    • author

      Hi Sunny,

      Please send me a email: rhassel [at] so i can send you the version for ClassiPress 3.2

  • Harry Riegel


    I send you an private email with the request for the update to 3.2.1 classipress and did not received an answer yet.

    Best regards,

  • predica

    Hello, I am Andrea,
    I can not view the site header logo fno practically from the string of categories.
    What can I do?
    I have already advanced “tab select” Disable Core Stylesheets “to” YES “

    Anonymous likes this.
  • author

    Hello Andrea,

    Please send me your email address so i can send you an updated version of Phoenix

  • predica

    Hello Samcy,
    my email address is: andrea.predica @

    samcy likes this.
  • author

    .co or .com?

  • predica

    my domain in “.co”

    Anonymous likes this.
  • author

    email is on the way.

  • predica

    hello Samcy,
    can you tell me where can I find the plugin you entered on your demo “Online Now”.
    Sailing on the wordpress plugin I’ve found.
    Thank you.

    2 people like this.
  • yusufchy

    After updating my site to 3.3. Featured listing disappeared, thumb not showing in the just listed and random post and also thumb not showing in the individual ads in the child theme. I used phoenix for long time but now having problem. Please help me to solve the problem.
    Here is my site

  • author

    Hello Yusufchy,

    ClassiPress 3.3 was just released a few days ago. I’m actually working on the new Phoenix vers. 3.0 which will be also full responsive. Until i’m ready, please use ClassiPress 3.2.1

    Please watch this thread for further announcements:


  • yusufchy

    Thanks for your quick reply. Can back to cp 3.2.1 until your new version release for 3.3. Please let me know where I can download cp 3.2.1.

  • author

    I have send you a email 😉


    yusufchy likes this.

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