Image Slider for Vantage

Live Demo

Swap the standard Vantage listing/event image gallery with a customisable image slider.

Works out of the box – simply activate the plugin to replace the static image galleries on listing and event pages with the image slider.

Features include:

  • Touchscreen compatible.
  • Optional navigation controls.
  • Optional direction controls.
  • Slide/fade transition effects.
  • Lightweight and fast loading – slider script only 17kB.
dcowgill likes this.

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  • Attempt to replicate the problem with a clean install of WordPress and a clean install of the theme/plugin you are having a problem with.

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  • Download the plugin from AppThemes.
  • Upload the plugin file using via WordPress or FTP.
  • Click the Activate Plugin link.
  • That’s it!
Please visit the dedicated support forum.

Removed debug error messages.

– Replaced Lightbox with Colorbox as overlay for full size images.
– Fixed bug caused by Vantage sort order (orderby menu_order) of listing attachments.

Initial Release

2 reviews of “Image Slider for Vantage

5 stars
I love this plugin
By -

This plugin makes all Listings to look more profesionnal.
Well done 🙂

5 stars
Very Nice Slider Plugin
By -

This plugin works as shown on the demo. I have a multi-site and it will not work if ‘Network Activated”. Each site needs to have this plugin activated on each site or you will not see any settings and the slider will not operate. Once I figured that out I was very pleased.

I would love to know if this slider could be used in the Widget/Sidebar area in the future for advertising purposes. Would need to have the function of associating a weblink with each image.

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 Comments (32)

  • enrique_traun


    great idea for a plugin – but currently not working in IE. Waiting for new release when working for IE aswell.


    • author

      Hi Enrique,

      The image slider works perfectly in IE, you can see a screenshot of it running in IE here.

      Could you check the demo again making sure you have javascript enabled for the site and any ad blocking/no script plugins disabled. If it doesn’t work for you please start a thread in the support forums with details of the version of IE you are using and I’ll look into it for you.


  • ronallal

    Plugin works great but when you click on the photo to enlarge, there is no option to all images. You can just see one image. is it possible to add the arrow when you enlarge the image

    • author


      To save loading extra scripts I’ve used the colorbox lightbox script, that ships with Vantage, to display the enlarged version of the images.

      I’ve had to not enable image grouping for now because the slider hides the elements it’s not displaying which causes colorbox to not treat them as part of the group and it trips over itself.

      I agree that navigation arrows on the enlarged images would be useful. I’ll take a look into using a different lightbox script to achieve this.


      • ronallal

        Great, will keep an eye on it …

        You should have a look at this link and the way they have done it.

        • author

          Have just spent some time looking into this. Vantage ships with an older version of the colorbox script. Using a new version works with my image slider but breaks some other aspects of Vantage so isn’t a feasible option.

          The plugin is now using a different lightbox script so you can now navigate from zoomed images 🙂

          Check out the updated demo.

          I’ve checked the link out and whilst I like the large image layout I’ve intentionally kept the slider the same size, 230x230px, as Vantage uses by default. This is for several reasons:

          -Reduces the chance of having to scale up and pixelate any small images that a user uploads.
          -The slider can use the same thumbnails as Vantage – no diskspace/bandwidth/time spent generating new image sizes.
          -The slider will scale responsively with the default theme.
          -Using the same size it has the best chance of working well with any custom child themes.

  • franky

    does this work for vantage only, would it work with classipress and in responsive mode.

    • author

      Hi Franky,

      This plugin works for Vantage and with it’s responsive layout.

      I am in the process of rewriting it to work with ClassiPress so keep an eye on the MarketPlace.


  • noticedvantage

    Can you insert text into each slide with this slider like for example the slider that is used at

    Thanks, Phil

  • vickyj

    Will it be possible to upload more than 5 images using this plugin in the future? I know the vantage theme only facilitates 5 but I would like to know if this could be integrated into the Image Slider Plugin. 5 images is not enough for some of my users and I know other Vantage users would like to upload more images to listings (especially if you’re selling real estate and need to upload many images to truly showcase you’re property).

    I really am not sure who to direct this question to since this request will also effect the way the ‘Listing Image’ section in the Vantage theme would need to be customized to accommodate more image uploads. But since this is a slider plugin rather than static thumbnails I thought this would be a good place to start.
    Would love to know your thoughts?

    • author

      Hi Vicky,

      The number of images is controlled by the core Vantage theme. The plugin simply displays them in a different way. I don’t think I’d want the plugin to change the functionality if the image uploading though – I suspect that could just confuse users.

      It may be worth making any suggestions for changes to the core theme on the Ideas Exchange.


      Anonymous likes this.
    • simedia

      Vicky, in my child theme for Vantage I went into the code file and changed “5” to “6” so my gallery has 6 images. In my media settings, I increased the vantage default medium size from 250 to 300, and the default thumbnail from 50 to 52. By doing so, my 300 px featured image in the gallery is displayed, and under it, the additional 5 thumbnail images at 52 px wide line up perfectly — for a 6 image gallery.

      I never increased the gallery from 6 to say, 10, images because the thumbnails extend out to the side of the featured image and no longer align under it. I’m thinking With this plug in, we could effectively use up to 10 images because they are in a slider with no thumbnails showing. .

  • northampton

    Hi, Would it be possible for you to confirm which version of Vantage your Plugins work with. I have version 1.3.1 and find it hard to see if it is compatible.

    • author


      No problems to date with any of them on the latest version of WordPress and Vantage.

      The demo site has all the plugins installed and is running WordPress 3.8 and Vantage 1.3.1.

      Hope that helps. Let me know if there’s anything specific you want to see.


  • anuraagv


    It does not sems to work in IE. Please check my site Images are being cutoff and soemtime after a while they show Ok. Works fine in FireFox. I am using IE 9.

    Anonymous likes this.
  • muna

    Can I enlarge the size of title texts of the image slider…….??

  • author

    Hi @muna, If you mean the main listing name text this can be changed with the following CSS by adjusting the font-size property accordingly.

    .single-listing article.listing h1 {
    font-size: 20px;
  • aj270303

    Can you click on a picture and have it enlarge that it does on the standard vantage

  • yossie

    I am using “Image Slider for Vantage Plugin”

    I get an error in the error log when i view each listing

    What can i do?

    [01-Dec-2014 10:01:15 UTC] WP_Post Object
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    • author

      Hi @yossie,

      Well spotted, thanks! It was just a rogue debug message I’d left in by mistake. Removed and updated on marketplace. Any further issues please start a thread in the support forum.


      • yossie

        1) When i set the “Image Animation” option to “slide”
        I get a blank images – so i am using it now in a fade mode
        2) I think that if check the “Reverse Direction” the Direction Controls should work from right to left

  • dorian2727

    How many images can you use? Default is 5 with Vantage. I need to upload like 20, but I dont want it to affect the layout.

  • inspireme

    Looks great, Before purchase I need to know if this slider will work with unlimited images, or just 5, and also, does it “lazy load” the images (download just the current image to help with page load times)

  • aj270303

    This does NOT work properly with bfinder. The images are slightly out as in you get two pictures in the box…

  • boldplan

    Currently what appears to be an error as rel=”colorbox” being generated for each image in the imageslider.

  • boldplan

    Spoke too soon. Looks like an error in vantage images.php.

  • Tim

    Your demo site seems to be down

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