iCodes US

Jump start your Clipper coupon site with coupon and promotional data from iCodes US (United States), the number one affiliate marketer in the world. Thousands of advertisers post coupons and promotions on many affiliate networks, the iCodes US review them and merge into one big database, and now you can have this data imported to your Clipper site. No more complicated CSV imports! The iCodes US Publisher Plugin does all the work for you.


  • Import coupons from 14+ affiliate networks
  • Automatically create stores or define store relations
  • Automatically create categories or define category relations
  • Sends notifications about created stores
  • Sends notifications about created categories
  • Allows to filter coupons by category
  • Import logos for stores
  • Import coupons on demand or schedule hourly, twice daily or daily updates
  • Define number of coupons to import
  • Uninstall options to delete all coupons and stores created by the plugin


  • You must have a iCodes US (United States) account. Sign up for a account at icodes.us.
  • The iCodes US (United States) Publisher Plugin requires Clipper 1.4 or newer.
2 people like this.

What themes does this work with?

iCodes US (United States) Coupons Publisher will only work with Clipper (our WordPress coupon theme), version 1.4 or later.

To install, simply upload the plugin via the WordPress Administrator Panel. Or extract the plugin’s files and manually upload via FTP.

Once activated, visit “Clipper->iCodes US” menu, and enter your API token.

Note: This plugin will automatically error and deactivate itself if the current theme is not supported. Simply reactivate the plugin through the Manage Plugins page once a support theme has been selected.

Install instructions can be found also in the iCodes plugin tutorial.

Version 1.5

  • Added support of new icodes.us service

Version 1.4

  • Fixed issue with importing images from VC Logos US service

Version 1.3

  • Fixed potential issue with importing images from VC Logos UK service

Version 1.2

  • Added uninstall options to delete all coupons and stores created by the plugin

Version 1.1

  • Fixed issue with assigning stores, pagination related

Version 1.0

  • Initial release
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 Comments (24)

  • alexander7567

    So on top of buying this plugin, you must also purchase an iCodes subscription?

    • author

      Yes, that’s correct…
      below quoted response from iCodes, they replied to similar question about subscriptions:

      You don’t pay iCodes to provide the feeds, you pay iCodes to standardize and tidy the feeds and remove the tons of junk. Just using an unedited network feed will cost you far more in lost visitors and commissions than the iCodes subscription costs.

      P.S. In which affiliate network(s) you are interested into?

      • alexander7567

        Well I agree with what you are saying.. Commission Junction has tons of junk. Some of the companies even includes the words “affiliate program” in them. But I am interested in CJ, LinkShare, Amazon and I will definitely expand. I will be keeping this plugin in mind when I start making a little more. Sounds like a very useful tool. Going to do a little more research into it.

        • author

          2 of 3 mentioned plugins (Commission Junction & LinkShare) are already available on this Marketplace. I also working now on creating their alternatives, and I think that I should get them released here in the end of week, “CJ Affiliate” nearly completed πŸ™‚

          • alexander7567

            So now that I have did a little more research on it, the clickshare feature makes it more feasible for starting out. But what is the difference between this plugin and appthemes version “icodes publisher”?

          • author

            Both created by me, but “iCodes Published” was made for AppThemes company, and since I’m not working anymore for AppThemes, I have no point in making “charity fixes” to previous plugin as I’m not the owner of it, so I created another one similar plugin “iCodes US” that is fully handled by me.

          • alexander7567

            And if I start out with click share and in a couple months upgrade to full, will it update the links where I am not sharing 20%?

          • author

            I’m not sure how this model works, if the imported links differ… reasonable would be for me if there is a redirection through the iCodes service, so the “click share” is counted equal and you can’t change it on your website (cheat it)… but how it works in reality, I don’t know.

          • alexander7567

            So I bought the plugin. Seems to work good. Only thing I have noticed so far is that there is no option to add sites I am joined, not joined, etc. It looks like it is adding everything.

          • author

            Assignment of stores that you joined for, you have to setup on iCodes website, in their user dashboard… all of the merchants that you setup there, will be later available in plugin “Stores Relations” configuration page.

          • alexander7567

            And there appears to be no store images added yet after 7000 coupons added. I am not using the VClogo service and I do have the import images checkmarked. Any ideas?

          • author

            I’ll test the store images import feature one more time on my website, and get back to you soon. For future reporting issues, please use the dedicated support forum: http://forums.appthemes.com/icodes-us-clipper/

        • alexander7567

          You can ignore that.. I have since then resolved the issue.

  • alexander7567

    Would it be possible where you could include a feature to where you can resync the current coupons? For example, if I upgrade my plan, my links will still be going through the clickshare feature of iCodes. Also take for example, I just reported a company named wrong and he fixed it. However, I will have to go through and manually update it.

    • author

      Thanks for suggestion, I have created ticket in the plugin internal project, and will consider adding this feature in the future releases of plugin.

  • alexander7567

    And is there any way you could support product images (or at least support the feed into the plugin) since iCodes does supply that data? I would rather advertise the image of the product in features than advertise just the store image.

    • author

      By default Clipper don’t displays images and galleries for coupons, and that’s also the reason why that feature wasn’t considered while creating this plugin.

  • jsmoekim

    does this plugin work for clipper child theme coup?

  • mslittlex

    Can you mention how you solved this issue? I have the same issue for a couple of months now, no idea how to fix.

  • volusia

    Does this plugin still work and is it still supported? I see a lot of questions from the past year+ not answered and don’t want to get involved in something that is outdated.

    • author

      Yes, plugin is all the time working with icodes-us.com service, and since version 1.5 a support for icodes.us service was added

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