CP Addons

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CP Addons is plugin #1 for monetization of your ClassiPress site.
It allows creating unlimited pricing add-ons with different enhancements for listings.

Plugin Features

  • Unlimited Add-ons can be created
  • The listing owner can purchase new add-ons or prolong existing via a special payment form. There are appropriate buttons on the user dashboard and listing page.
  • The site owner can apply any addon to any listing manually through the back-end listing form.
  • The add-ons can be included to the listing Packages as default features. So the user can purchase an Add-ons bundle with discounts.
  • The add-ons can be included to the Membership Packages as default features for new ads.
  • The add-ons can be excluded from the listing/Membership Packages, so users can’t purchase or upgrade addons within the package
  • Each add-on can have multiple prices and durations.
  • The plugin shipped with a widget with a highly customizable slider where you can display random ads or ads filtered by an addon.
  • Compatible with ClassiPress 3.6.1 and ClassiPress 4.0.0+

Listing Enhancements

Each addon can be configured with a number of features. They will be applied to the listing after addon activation.

  • Extend listing duration – Purchased addon prolongs listing duration on number of days configured in the addon’s settings.
  • Show on Top – Display the listing on the top of other listings
  • Bump period – Allows periodically bump listing on the top (every hour, day, week, as you wish)
  • Custom CSS – Allows applying custom styles to the listing. Highlight with color, bold text, ribbon or the badge – can be added via CSS

Default Add-ons from the box

We’ve added some preinstalled add-ons so you can see how easy they can be configured.

  • Highlight – Highlights the listing with a custom background-color
  • Premium – Sticks the listing on the top of other listings (in search results and taxonomies archives)
  • Bump Ad – Bump the listing on the top once a day.
  • VIP – Displays Ad in a featured slider on the home page.
  • Extend Ad – Extend the listing for a week.
5 people like this.

Install the plugin

  1. Upload the .zip file via the WordPress plugins admin page
  2. Activate the plugin

Configure the plugin

  1. Open menu “Payments” >> “Addons”
    1. Enable default Add-ons or create and configure new ones
    2. Keep in mind, that addon VIP is used to display listings on the Featured Slider. You can do anything with it, but keep the Slug “vip” unchanged.
  2. Open menu “ClassiPress” >> “Pricing”
  3. Enable the option “Charge for Listing”
  4. Set option “Featured Price” to 0. You no need the standard “Featured” option anymore.
  5. Select the “Price Model”. Here you can choose between two ways of applying add-ons to the listing on listing Create/Renew.
    1. The option “Fixed Price per Ad” enables Ad Packages. You can include available add-ons to the Ad packages. They will auto applied. Configure your ad packages with existing add-ons.
    2. Other options allow purchasing Add-ons independently by choosing appropriate options on the listing Create/Renew form.
  6. You can include available add-ons to the Membership packages. They will auto applied to new ads.
  • Please read plugin description and install guide for a basic product learning
  • Search the Support Forums for an answer.
  • Create a new thread on the forum if you didn’t find the answer.
  • For a private communication Live chat with author on the product’s site
  • Follow us on Twitter

Version 1.4.1

  • Fixed issue when manually approving ads and missing addons.

Version 1.4.0

  • Bump an ad first time on addon purchase

Version 1.3.8, 1.3.9

  • Made previous fix work for CP 3.x

Version 1.3.7

  • Fixed issue with listing changing status to pending after Upgrade process.
  • Don’t show next bump date for expired listings on user dashboard.

Version 1.3.6

  • Added listing addons list on the User Dashboard.

Version 1.3.5

  • Use 0 for empty add-on durations to avoid PHP warnings.
  • Better CP3 styles support.

Version 1.3.4

  • Fixed a regression bug appeared since 1.3.3 for ClassiPress 3.x users.

Version 1.3.3

  • Fixed issue with disappearing plugin widgets after switching between theme and child theme.
  • Moved Upgrade Ad button to the listing action bar (show as an icon).
  • Added Upgrade Ad button on the listing footer for ClassiPress 3 version.
  • Added Farsi translation files

Version 1.3.2

  • Added switches with animated transitions instead of checkboxes on the Create Listing form.

Version 1.3.1

  • Display “Unlimited” instead of “0 days” on the addon purchase option.
  • Fixed compatibility issue with eClassify theme: Blank ads on the plugin’s featured slider widget.

Version 1.3.0

  • MAJOR FEATURE: Added ability to Exclude addons from the Ad/Membership packages. Users can’t purchase excluded addons within the package.
  • Added “Total Ads” column to the Addons table with links to filtered ads list.
  • Improved the Ad Pack addons form handle.
  • Changed the Upgrade button icon from magic wand to diamond.
  • Fixed issue with empty Ad Package option on the Create listing form when there are no enabled addons.
  • Don’t show pricing options for included unlimited addons.
  • Allow decimals for Addon prices.
  • Changed template planless-addon-options.php
  • Changed template step-addons-select.php


Version 1.2.1

  • Fixed issue with the same addon names in the different packages.


Version 1.2.0

  • Ad packages now allowed selecting extra addons on purchase.
  • Added Addons meta box on the Membership page, display included addons on the membership pack on membership purchase.
  • Allow to automatically apply addons included in a Membership pack.
  • Fixed issue with duplicated ads in archive.
  • Display “Unlimited days” instead of “0 days” in the preview table.
  • Automatically select addon when select the addon price option.
  • Use single and plural forms for days number in “Price / Duration” strings.
  • An addon included in an ad package should display 0 price on the Preview table.


Version 1.1.2

  • Fixed styling issue with the slider widget on small screens.
  • Added responsive layout for the addons table in CP3 templates.


Version 1.1.1

  • Added Help widget on the edit addon page
  • Added missed default data for the ‘Extend Ad’ addon


Version 1.1.0

  • Added an addon setting to Extend Ad listing duration. Now addons can prolong ad listing durations.
  • Added widget with custom highly customizable slider. The slider has a filter to display ads with a specific addon.
  • Added multiple pricing options. Addons can be configured with a number of Price/Duration sets.
  • Added shortcode `purchase_addons_link`.
  • Fixed the Bump cron.
  • Fixed quotes escaped in an addon CSS setting.
  • Do not display the Upgrade button on expired ads.


Version 1.0.3

  • Fixed issue with pruning expired addons.


Version 1.0.2

  • Enabled Slug meta box by default on the Addon page.
  • Fixed Version update loop.


Version 1.0.1

  • Fixed WordPress version incompatibility issue.
  • Added README file


Version 1.0.0

  • Initial release

6 reviews of “CP Addons

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 Comments (149)

  • zafer5151

    wasted money. no solution is produced. I bought it, I can’t use it. I just want to use it on the user panel.

    • author
      Artem Frolov

      What a solution you are looking for?
      Please create a new support forum thread, explain your issue and get help.

      Anonymous likes this.
  • damster

    Will this work with child themes or just the base Classipress theme?

    • author
      Artem Frolov

      It will work with child themes for sure. Although, sometimes, may need some extra styling to make it look best.

      Anonymous likes this.
  • Andreas Gruber

    it is possible to place advertisements free of charge for a certain period at the beginning. About the first 14 days free of charge, then the first payment?

  • Elievelton

    This plugin is compatible with this theme http://demos.jobthemes.com/eclassify-demo.php

  • Elievelton

    I have problems with the cp addons widget, it is not showing the highlighted ads it is only blank and when I click it only appears text the images do not appear could help me

  • author
    Artem Frolov


    The CP Addons plugin has been updated to version 1.3.1, minor fixes:

    * Display “Unlimited” instead of “0 days” on the addon purchase option.
    * Fixed compatibility issue with eClassify theme: Blank ads on the plugin’s featured slider widget.


    elievelton likes this.
  • elievelton

    Thank you very much, now everything is working fine, the plugin is perfect and I recommend it to everyone

    Artem Frolov likes this.
  • elievelton

    Could you help me with just one more thing, the ad headline has a problem fitting in the ad box? How could I limit the size of the headline, so that it would be better presentable? If you can tell me how to do it I would appreciate it very much

  • elievelton

    Could you help me with just one more thing, the ad headline has a problem fitting in the ad box? How could I limit the size of the headline, so that it would be better presentable? If you can tell me how to do it I would appreciate it very much

    Another thing would you have the payment method of Mercado Pago or PayU here for Brazil?

    • author
      Artem Frolov

      Add following CSS code to the Additional CSS section of the WordPress Customizer:

      .cpa-items-featured-wrapper .entry-title {
          margin-bottom: 1rem;
          overflow: hidden;
          text-overflow: ellipsis;
          white-space: nowrap;

      I have the PagSeguro UOL for the Brazil.

  • author
    Artem Frolov


    The CP Addons plugin has been updated to version 1.3.2, minor improvement:

    * Added switches with animated transitions instead of checkboxes on the Create Listing form.


    Fanatic Web likes this.
    • Fanatic Web

      Thank you Artem! Can you please tell us which files were affected? I just finished adjusting the css styling on the last release and I’m afraid to override them with the newest update 🙁

      • author
        Artem Frolov

        Yes, sure, templates/planless-addon-options.php and includes/class-view-process-create.php
        I have a short instruction on how to compare files and folders to see the changes between versions, take a look if you’re interested https://arthemes.org/blog/comparing-files-and-folders/

        Fanatic Web likes this.
        • Fanatic Web

          Ah YES! Meld app! Will download it and check it out, thank you for the headsup!

          Artem Frolov likes this.
  • elievelton

    Friend thanks a lot for the help, the app was great, I’m just having a problem translating some texts into my language, I found the languages folder and includes 2 new files pt_BR.mo and pt-BR.po, but the texts are not translating , do I need to do anything besides putting these 2 files in the languages folder?

  • arabiansalesonline


    We are currently running Version 1.1.2 which I know has been updated but we are not finding anywhere allowing us to do that. Its not showing as an option in either the WP Plugin screen or Dashboard Updates. How do we get this updated? Does it need to be removed and added back? Will that disrupt our current advertisers?

    Let me know what I need to do.



  • author
    Artem Frolov


    Just created a demo site, where you guys can test CP Addons plugin before purchase https://demos.arthemes.org/cp-addons/.


  • Veronica


    We do have that on there already, I have even just manually had it recheck… Everything is showing as current with no new updates needed, but our CP addons is still only showing Version 1.1.2


    • author
      Artem Frolov


      Unfortunately I don’t know what is wrong, not enough info. Maybe this is due to incorrect AppThemes key entered into the Updater plugin, or maybe the key from another account?
      Also, check the plugin folder name, just in case.

      If this doesn’t help, just download new version from your AppThemes dashboard, unzip and replace the folder on the server with new one.

      Finally, I can update the plugin for you on your site, but I would need an admin creds (which you can send via forum private message).


      • arabiansalesonline


        I have tried loading the current version but keep getting a message stating that it has failed so I do need assistance. For some reason I can’t access the PM either? Can you shoot me a note, maybe it will let me respond.



        • author
          Artem Frolov


          I’ve sent a note via PM. If this didn’t help I would suggest contacting the AppThemes, maybe something with your account.

          Good Luck!

  • cswebtech

    Is it possible with your plugin, to allow ads to be featured for just one week. And then the person has to pay again to extend it, or later could pay to feature the ad again? I wasn’t sure if your plugin allowed a set time for items to be in the featured section. thanks.

    • author
      Artem Frolov

      Yes, sure, you can set duration for each addon. Moreover, you can set multiple Price/Duration pairs for each addons. For example “5 days for $3”, “10 days for $5”, “30 days for $10”, etc.
      Person can extend existing addons or purchase new ones using Upgrade procedure, linked to user dashboard and listing page.

  • elievelton

    Hello, I’m having problems on my website with CP ADDONS, nothing stopped appearing on my website, I didn’t do anything to change my website and I don’t know why the ads aren’t showing anymore, the website is https://mercadodinamico.com.br could you help me make the plugin work correctly?

  • labo17


    I currently have over 3000 expired ads (since the last Classipress 4.2 update).
    I don’t want ads to expire in general.

    Could your plugin easily allow me to re-publish them?

    • author
      Artem Frolov

      Hi! The CP Addons plugin can’t do that. Why wouldn’t you just disable “cp_ad_expired_check” cron job that supposed to expire ads? There are some free plugins for managing cron jobs, check them out.

      • labo17

        Thanks you for your answer. I already unchecked cp_ad_expired but now I want automatically re-publish all expired ads….

        • author
          Artem Frolov

          3000 ads it’s not so big number. You can re-publish them via Quick Edit form. Open Ads page in admin dashboard, open Expired tab, set number to show 300-350 ads per page, then select all and Quick Edit, set status to Publish, save and go to the next page.

  • author
    Artem Frolov


    CP Addons plugin has been updated to version 1.3.3.

    • Fixed issue with disappearing plugin widgets after switching between theme and child theme.
    • Moved Upgrade Ad button to the listing action bar (show as an icon).
    • Added Upgrade Ad button on the listing footer for ClassiPress 3 version.
    • Added Farsi translation files
  • author
    Artem Frolov

    Hi there!

    CP Addons plugin has been updated to version 1.3.4.

    Fixed a regression bug appeared since 1.3.3 for ClassiPress 3.x users.

  • Vendarapidao

    With this plug-in, will featured (paid) ads always come first?

    It is possible to determine an order among the featured (paid) ads, example: who paid a more expensive plan to enter first?

    If don’t meet our expectations, how can I, and how soon can I request a refund?

    • author
      Artem Frolov


      Yes, featured ads will be shown on top of others in the ad archive, ad category archive and search.
      By default, only Premium addon has such feature, but you can enable it for any other addon activating option “Show on Top”.

      You can not determine an order among featured ads!

      For refunds, please contact the site administration. Marketplace sellers can not manage refunds.


  • author
    Artem Frolov

    Hi there!

    CP Addons plugin has been updated to version 1.3.5.

  • author
    Artem Frolov

    Hi there!

    CP Addons plugin has been updated to version 1.3.6. \(• ◡ •)/ Added listing addons list on the User Dashboard.

  • author
    Artem Frolov

    Hi there!

    CP Addons plugin has been updated to version 1.3.7.

  • author
    Artem Frolov

    Hi there!

    CP Addons plugin has been updated to version 1.3.8.

  • author
    Artem Frolov

    Hi there!

    CP Addons plugin has been updated to version 1.3.9.

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