
Live Demo


CouponJoy gives your coupon website a real edge by opening the destination URL (affiliate/external) in the same browser tab and your coupon site in the new tab with coupon popup open like, and other major retail sites. CouponJoy is compatible with Clipper 2.0+ and all its available child themes in the marketplace!

Note: This plugin only affects the online coupon codes, and not the printable ones or promotions

6 people like this.


  • Extract zip in the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  • Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  • That’s it! There are no settings for this plugin and it works out of the box

Support Policy

From February 2015, support will only be available via email from our email address .

Before you email us, please make sure you have browsed/searched through product forum for the answer to your question, and have read through the Support FAQs below:

Support FAQs

  • What kind of support is offered with a purchased product?
    Your product purchase includes one year of access to premium support via email and one year or free updates. Beyond that, you will need to renew your subscription year on year for around 30% of the product price. Support covers issues such as bug fixes (if any) under normal operation, how to use basic product features, very basic WordPress help, and help with very basic theme customisaton. If you need more advanced modifications please consider hiring a developer to do it for you.
  • Will you provide help with small modifications?
    If you need to do small modifications, you may get help from us as long as they are reasonable in number and nature. If you have a lot of such modifications, please consider paid developer help.
  • What kind of help would be unreasonable to ask?
    This is not an easy question to answer. We are here to ensure that the product you purchased works as intended by us and serves its purpose on your website. That means if it doesn’t work for you, we can step in and help you with it. However, it is when there are no issues with the functioning of the product and all you want is help with modification, that demands start getting unreasonable.
    As mentioned before, we don’t mind helping with modifications, but we also expect you to have tried everything to do it yourself. In other words, we expect you to have tried all the settings in your theme, ensured that the issue relates to the product in question, searched through legacy product support forum, and looked around on Google for the answer to your questions before approaching us. Please bear in mind that one theme, one child theme and a few plugins can get you only so far, and you will probably need to make changes to the code of your website to add functionality, change design and personalise it. In case of too many modifications, we will politely ask you to seek paid help.
  • I am using one of your child themes. I am having an issue with it.
    Please make sure the issue is really with the child theme by activating the parent theme and checking if the problem gets solved. Also please make sure you have tested all the settings in parent theme and child theme, sometimes the answer is right in there! Send us an email if the issue still persists.
  • I am using one of your child themes. I need help with customisation.
    As a pre-requisite, you are going to need a basic understanding of HTML & CSS to start customising the layout and style of your theme. To dig deeper PHP knowledge, specifically to WordPress, will help as well. The WordPress Codex is a great place to start learning. For CSS changes related to text colour, background colour, fonts, etc, please consider using the Firebug extension. A simple Google search returns many good text/video tutorials.
  • Do you offer paid WordPress development services?
    Yes we do depending on our work schedule. You can always run your requirements by us via email.

Change log

1.0.4 (02/09/2019)

-Fixed issue with Chrome popup blocker

1.0.3 (16/12/2016)

- Made compatible with Clipper 1.6.4

1.0.2 (01/06/2015)

- Fixed destination site opening in both tabs on IE11

1.0.1 (02/05/2015)

- Fixed additional forward slashes being added to redirect link
- Fixed redirect not working on search page

- Made script more PHP based for reliable redirects

- Made compatible with Clipper 1.6
- Made compatible with Coupon Filters plugin
- Made it auto-update compatible


- Initial release version (at the time of Clipper 1.5.1)

One review of “CouponJoy

2.5 stars
Working but...
By -

I use this plugin since the beginning. Now there was problem I bought the update and it still did not work. After back and forth with no help. I found a freelancer and he fixed it in 10min.

You need to purchase this item before reviewing it.
(Just bought it? Log out and back in to enable reviews.)

 Comments (217)

  • Chetan

    Hi Mohsin,

    Are you planning to make any plugin to fix clipper h-card errors?

  • yasmeen khan

    best plugin

  • bootmuah

    Demo doesn’t work so before buying would like to know:

    Does it also display a pop-up for promotions – instead of a code showing up saying something on the top like “No coupon code required!” (this is what Retailmenot does).

    • author

      Hi there,

      It does not affect the promotions. The description has the following note beneath:

      Note: This plugin only affects the online coupon codes, and not the printable ones or promotions.


      • mindcooler


        The demo doesnt’ work. Can you fix it so I can see how your product actually work, before buying it?


        • author

          Hi there,

          The demo site has been restored. Sorry for the inconvenience.


          • mindcooler


            Thank you, it works now. However, there is small (but annoying) delay before the pop up shows. Why it is so? How we configure to show pop up faster (without any delay)?


          • author

            Basically, it is trying to load the popup code via an AJAX script at the same time as the page assets like images, etc are loading which is causing the delay. Clipper renders the popup code via AJAX, so we have used their system instead of building a new function just to show popups.

            Anonymous likes this.
      • kohlisj

        Firstly thanks for this plugin.

        Can we get it to work for promotions and just say “No coupon code required!”. I mean is that a quick fix we can do ?

        • kohlisj

          Got my answer from below. I am seeing a small time lag before the popup opens in the new page. is that something we can reduce. Or it is just waiting for the complete page to render.

  • bootmuah

    Is it easy to customize the code so that it pops up for promotions as well? (really need this functionality).

    • author

      It is not a simple job. The online coupon popup script is built within Clipper, so there was no need to change it. For promotions, you will have to alter it, but also initiate the popup on the correct events (in this case, clicking a promotion button), which Clipper does not originally.

  • Kashif

    Copy button in popup is not working

    2 people like this.
  • gains22

    i like it, except for the 3-5 second delay, which is keeping me from buying it…

    Anonymous likes this.
  • microniche


    I have installed the plugin but doenst work at all. What can be the problem:


    • author

      Hi there, can you please post in the CouponJoy forum and I will take a look.


      Anonymous likes this.
  • dealsonline

    Hello Moshinoffline,

    Is it possible to change all the text to another language?
    I want to buy, only my customers are not english.


    R. Meijer

    • author

      Hi there,

      The plugin does not add any texts to the website. All the texts are from within the theme you use, i.e. Clipper and any child theme you may be using.


  • wxmd

    Hi Mohsin,

    I would like to buy this plugin, but the “Copy” button in popup is not working in demo site, can you please fix it? thanks.

    • author

      Hi there,

      It seems the “copy” script in Clipper is not compatible with WordPress 4.x, so it’s probably not plugin related. I will report it to AppThemes support and see if they can reaffirm this.


    • author

      On further tests, the script works actually. There was some fault in my Clipper install, and I had to upload a fresh copy to fix it. Thanks for pointing it out!

  • salman


    How can i load fast coupon joy plugin

    any alternate available

    • author

      Basically the popup mechanism of Clipper is built on AJAX, and since CouponJoy derives it from Clipper, it uses AJAX too. AJAX requests should be sent after all the DOM elements are loaded, so the delay is only slow or normal depending on the internet connection you are using.

  • salman

    This Plugin is support with flatter theme

  • killerstyle

    The plugin is not function with the Koupon theme

    • author

      Hi there,

      Can you please email us with your website URL? Our email address is mentioned in the support tab.


      • killerstyle

        I test the site in local.

        The problem is with koupon theme the plugin is not work but function the koupon function thema. The tab with the url affiliate open in new tab but i prefer with the couponjoy plugin. Is possible disable function koupon theme and enable only the function plugin couponjoy ?

  • mouradbouikni


    I bought CouponJoy last week.

    I seems that it doesn’t work with wordpress 4.2 and Koupon theme.

    I think the problem is more with (wordpress 4.2).

    Have you a solution please ?

    mouradbouikni likes this.
  • mouradbouikni

    Hi Mohsin,

    It works only on the homepage.
    in the store page the focus doesn’t stay on my site, it goes to the affiliate links.

    try this page :

    When you click on “VOIR LE CODE”, the focus goes.

    mouradbouikni likes this.
    • author

      Please try disabling “minify” for your HTML markup, which is causing to trigger a couple of JavaScript errors. Please let me know if that doesn’t work.

  • mouradbouikni

    Sorry, the correct page is :

    try this one that have coupon on it :

    In firebug I have this problem :

    TypeError: $(…).fancybox is not a function


  • mouradbouikni


    I deactivated the plugin for minification but still the same thing.

    perhaps there is a minification by the server it self.

    I think the problem is with wp 4.2, because before this update it works fine.

  • mouradbouikni

    The plugin is nice but there is two problem

    The delay opening popup : For a good user experience it will be nice to put a message, telling users that the coupon is loading to show. otherwise they leave the site, thinking that the site is not working.

    In search based coupon like :

    When we click in coupon, it load the home page instead of the user search.

    • author

      Thanks for the feedback. There is a new version available now, in which we have addressed both issues.


  • mouradbouikni

    I upgrade to the 1.0.1 but there is a problem.

    in the popoup : the copy an past coupon is not working.

    In search based : When we click in coupon, it load the home page instead of the user search.

  • mouradbouikni

    Hi Mohsin,

    I send a message about the compatibility with Mobile devices.

    The bouton “COPY COUPON” doens’t appear in mobile.

    Have a solution please.

    edealsetc likes this.
    • author

      This is a Clipper issue. They have kept is disabled probably because not every mobile device supports Flash, which is required for the Copy button to work.

  • edealsetc

    I mentioned this over in the Clipper forums, version 1.6 but I’ll send you the link so you can be in the loop –

    Apparently whatever you did in your child theme is working effectively on Internet Explorer 11, while the mother them Clipper is not!? This is exclusive to Internet Explorer, this bug. Any chance of you working with Clipper to fix this bug because you clearly know what you are doing, and they do not!?

    Otherwise, I’d appreciate a contact if you would be so kind?

    • author

      Hi there,

      May be my eyes are deceiving me but, as far as using just Clipper is concerned, I see the same behaviour across all the browsers, nothing different in IE11. Clipper can either open the popup or the link depending on the state of the “Direct Link” option. I don’t think it was ever meant to do both. I have no clue how something is apparently not there in Clipper works for you on Chrome, Safari and Firefox.

      CouponJoy on the other hand, is a plugin (not a child theme) which works on Clipper as well as any Clipper + child theme combo, to do both. It exists precisely because Clipper can’t do both.

  • edealsetc


    Clipper 1.6 has the function built in now, where when you click on the coupon initially it opens up the lightbox AND opens up a new tab with the affiliate url within it. If you go to the demo link I sent you can test it in Firefox, and Chrome you will clearly see that, I tested it on 3 computers all on both those two browsers. So it does what your plugin does.

    However, if you do the same test within IE11 when you click on the coupon it ONLY pops up the lightbox which displays the coupon. It does NOT open, nor attempt to open the affiliate link in another tab.

    I’ve tested it on 3 machines, on Windows 7 and IE11 and the other three browsers and all exhibit the same behavior as above. Do you not see this?

    That said, here are some Coupon Joy specific questions, as I see your plugin is quite handy!

    1.) Does it work with the Discounty child theme, fully tested?
    2.) Is it not possible to work with Clipper promotional coupon types? It seems to be limited there? Can this be done?
    3.) Can it, when opening the lightbox and affiliate link in another tab, ALSO copy the coupon code for the visitor at the same time?

    Thanks so much!

    • edealsetc

      P.S. I forgot to ask, is the current version of Coupon Joy compatible with Clipper 1.5, which was prior to the implementation of the “Lightbox”, so pre-lightbox?

      • author

        Clipper 1.5: Not compatible with any versions of CouponJoy
        Clipper 1.5.1: Compatible with CouponJoy 1.0.0
        Clipper 1.6: Compatible with CouponJoy 1.0.1

        • Bak Beri

          Hi Mohsin,

          I’ve just purchased the plugin but it doesnt working correctly as it is opening the store page in the both pages. im using clipper 1.5.1 and when i purchased the plugin it came with Version 1.0.1. How can i get CouponJoy 1.0.0 ??

          • author

            Hi there. Please send an email to us, mentioning your AppThemes username with the request, our email address is mentioned on the support tab above.

            Bak Beri likes this.
    • author

      To be honest, I tried again and am yet to see the new change, so weird. The change log only mentions:

      Added option “Direct Link” to choose outgoing links behaviour (redirect to destination URL or popup window with actions)

      The answers to your questions below:

      1. Yes.
      2. No, it opens the popup built in Clipper, there is no popup for promotions in Clipper.
      3. No, for the same reason as above. It only alters the tab positions, nothing else.

      • edealsetc

        Thanks, Moshin – Okay, on answer number three (3) above. Would adding the ability to copy the coupon at the same time as it alters the tab positions, using clipper’s built in copy function be something you would consider adding? I see several others have asked.

        • author

          Hi there,

          There are no plans to alter the plugin except keeping it compatible with any future versions of Clipper. Fyi, you are the first one asking.


  • mouradbouikni


    I see that there is an update to version 1.0.2.

    Can you tell us what had changed from 1.0.1 vs 1.0.2.


  • mouradbouikni

    Thank’s Mohsin.

    I didn’t see it.

    Your plugin is awesome, it helped me a lot.

  • jantsu78

    It did not work with Nokia Lumia browser (ie), does it work with Android or iOS? Is it possible disable this plugin when browsing with mobile device?

    • author

      Hi there,

      It works with majority of browsers for both Android and iOS. If you need to turn it off for mobile, please send a support request via email.


  • mouradbouikni


    In Firefox (38.0.05) the destination site is opening in both tabs, With 1.0.2 version.

    I downgraded to the v 1.0.1.

    • author

      It seems to work fine on our test installs. Again you could always report issues / seek support via email.

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