
Live Demo

Coloured is a fully responsive child theme for Vantage featuring a sharp sophisticated design and many custom options specifically designed to enhance Vantage’s native capabilities.

Features and custom options include:

  • Custom color control via WordPress’ theme customizer
    Configure virtually any color combination you like Using WordPress’ theme customizer. In addition to the standard background color, Coloured allows you to choose a base color and two highlight colors. You also have the option of choosing a light or dark color scheme.
  • Custom default listing thumbnail
    Coloured allows you set upload a custom default thumbnail for your listings. You can choose one to match your logo or your color scheme.
  • Custom footer credits
    Easily change the footer credits in the post footer section of Vantage. Insert links and other basic HTML without altering the theme files.
  • Hide or show admin bar
    A simple checkbox in the theme settings page allows you to hide the admin bar at the top of Vantage for visitors who aren’t logged in.
  • Alternate Menu Location
    Coloured adds a new menu option allowing you to display your navigation in the header, next to your logo. Use either or both locations. You can even have have separate menus in each location.
  • Upload a custom favicon
    Upload a custom favicon for your site via the theme settings page.
  • Set custom email from name and address
    Choose you own email from name and address for all emails sent by Vantage to your customers.
  • Restrictive Content Shortcodes
    Want to give your members exclusive content? No problem. Just use the following shortcodes to allow members to view it only if the meet the requirments. To display content only for members with the right privileges use the following shortcodes;

    [member_only] ... Content Here ... [/member_only]
    [author_only] ... Content Here ... [/author_only]
    [listing_owner_only] ... Content Here ... [/listing_owner_only]
    [event_owner_only] ... Content Here ... [/event_owner_only]
    [listing_event_owner_only] ... Content Here ... [/listing_event_owner_only]
  • Full Width Page Template, Columns, FontAwesome Icon Font, Simple toggles
    Take control of your pages with these standard web features. Use the full width page template and columns for your “Terms & Conditions” pages, toggles for you FAQs, icons for your sales page or even in you navigation menus.
  • Extra Listing Condition
    Add a checkbox with a custom “Agree to Terms and Conditions” message before users create or save an event or listing – This option can be set individually for events or listings or both.
  • Improved Mobile Navigation
    Vantage’s mobile navigation has been replaced with an attractive new CSS & jQuery based mobile menu.
  • Responsive Videos
    Videos embeded into your site from Youtube or Vimeo are now fully responsive. No shortcodes necessary, just paste the URL into you page, post, listing or event and Coloured takes care of the rest.
  • Custom CSS
    Want to tweak the look or design of your site without editing the theme files? No problem, just open the theme customizer and enter your custom CSS in the custom CSS section of the customiser.

Coloured is also multisite compatible and translation ready.

7 people like this.

Q. How do I configure Coloured’s custom options?

A. Coloured’s custom options are found in two places. Under the Appearance menu in the admin area there is a link to the “Theme Settings” page. Here you can configure you favicon, email, and optional listing and event conditions settings. In the theme customizer (under Appearance also) you can choose you custom color settings, default listing thumbnail, and custom footer text. These options are found in the Colors, Listings, and Footer Credits section of the customizer.

Q. How do I insert columns, toggles, or FontAwesome icons in my pages or posts?

A. When editing a page or post, flip over to the “Text” editor and you will see two quicktag buttons; “Columns” and “Toggle”. For columns, click the Columns button and the basic markup will be added. You may then edit it as necessary. Here is a complete list of column classes; five-sixths, four-sixths, one-fourth, one-half, one-sixth, one-third, three-fourths, three-sixths, two-fourths, two-sixths, two-thirds. Once you have the right classes and number of columns you can go back to the visual editor to see the result. Toggles work the same way. To insert FontAwesome icons visit FontAwesome to see the full list of icons. Fint the icon you want to use, click on it then copy and paste the HTML code ( e.g. <i class="fa fa-home"></i> into the Text tab of the Wordpress page/post editor.

Q. How do I create a full width Page?

A. When you create or edit a page just select “Full Width” from the Template menu under Page Attributes on the right hand side of the editor. Save your changes and the page will now be full width.

Q. The thumbnails on my listings are smaller than on the demo, how do I fix this?

A. If you already have listings on your site when you install Coloured you may need regenerate your thumbnails so they display the correct size. You can use the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin to do this.

For more visit

Coloured can be installed via Wordpress’s admin area. If you are unfamiliar with how to upload a new theme, go to Appearance/Themes, click “Add New”, then “Upload Theme” then select the file and click “Install Now”. Once it is installed you can activate it via the Themes page.

For support please use the forums.

August 23 2015 – Version 1.2.1

  • Quick update to fix small CSS issue

August 23 2015 – Version 1.2

  • Add option for 2 or 3 column grid view for listings and events

June 13 2015 – Version 1.1.10

  • Fix issue with Google ads

April 26 2015 – Version 1.1.9

  • Fix CSS issue for android
  • Update to latest version of FontAwesome
  • Add option to load extended character font set for Central European languages

April 23 2015 – Version 1.1.8

  • Fix minor CSS issues

March 15 2015 – Version

  • Fix minor CSS issue

March 8 2015 – Version 1.1.7

  • Update for Vantage 1.4

December 14 2014 – Version 1.1.6

  • Fixed empty map showing when no results are found.

November 6 2014 – Version 1.1.5

  • Fixed issue with extremely long categories list.
  • Fixed duplicate ID when using both navigation menus.

October 18 2014 – Version

  • Fixed layout issue for listings/events with many categories.

July 29 2014 – Version

  • Compatibility with Shortys for Vantage Plugin

July 16 2014 – Version 1.1.4

  • Compatibility with Vantage 1.3.3

June 28 2014 – Version

  • Minor CSS fix

June 28 2014 – Version 1.1.3

  • Fix conflict with Share Buttons by AddToAny

June 24 2014 – Version 1.1.2

  • Added full width categories page option
  • CSS Fixes

May 16 2014 – Version 1.1.1

  • Added custom CSS to the theme customizer
  • CSS Fixes

May 15 2014 – Version 1.1

  • Added shortcodes.php – Restrictive content shortcodes
  • Added top right navigation
  • Added responsive video embeds
  • CSS Fixes

May 07 2014 – Version 1.0

6 reviews of “Coloured

5 stars
Broken link
By -

Broken link in my download area. I cannot download this theme

5 stars
Favorite child theme
By -

This is my favorite child theme for Vantage. It looks great, and support is excellent. An important thing about it is that on listing pages, a featured image appears for each business listing snippet. This is really important and not available with the Vantage theme itself it seems. Thank you for the theme!

5 stars
Superb theme
By -

I love this theme. Its out of this world. The features are remarkable. The support is just the bonus. Buy your self one. I bought it myself. You wont regret! Its lovely

2 people like this.
0.5 stars
Broke my theme
By -

I installed this theme and it had a conflict with shortys. I had to revert to a back up that was 2 days old and I lost 15 hours of work on my site. This was a waste of $39 …. DO NOT BUY
I want a refund!

RESPONSE: I’m sorry to hear that my child theme has caused such problems for you. Sometimes themes and plugin conflict with one another and I can only do my best to deal with the issues as they come up. Perhaps if you had contacted me first I may have been able to fix the conflict and save you having the revert to your 2 day old backup. I have just contacted the author of the “Shorties” plugin and will update my theme with a fix as soon as I can.

UPDATE: I have tested the Shortys plugin with Coloured, fixed all CSS issues that I could find and as far as I can tell Coloured is now is fully compatible with Shortys for Vantage.

5 stars
Just what I needed
By -

Great looking child theme, easy to use, easy customisation options and totally seamless. Thanks!

shunarjuna likes this.
5 stars
Great Theme!
By -

Great theme with great support very easy to instal and configure tones of options.

shunarjuna likes this.
You need to purchase this item before reviewing it.
(Just bought it? Log out and back in to enable reviews.)

 Comments (31)

  • mrbb

    Hi Shuna,

    I like your theme and have 2 pre-sale questions

    1.) Will I be able to use your the with the Visual Composer page builder pluggin?
    2.) Can I remove the google maps on the homepage?


    • author

      Hi mrbb,

      1. I can’t imagine visual composer causing any problems however I haven’t tested it. If you encounter any issues I’ll be happy to supply a fix.

      2. Do you want to remove the map only on the home page and have it appear everywhere else? or remove it completely? It is easy to remove it completely but will require some work to remove it from just the home page. Once again I’ll be happy to help you out with that. Just send me a PM.

  • mrbb

    Hi Shuna,

    Thanks for the response. I’ve managed to the google map.

    I will try the visual composer and let you know if the theme handle.

    I have bought your theme. And I have to say its on point!

    Keep it up and thank you

  • mrbb

    Hi Shuna,

    I’ve tried the composer and it works perfectly. One more question, I am looking for a CSS hack that will allow me to have the search bar having a fixed position fixed when scrolling down.

    You can check out the site here.

    Any suggestion will be highly appreciated.


  • mrbb

    Hi Shuna,

    I installed the pluggin, but had to deactivate it as the fixed bar takes up the entire screen on the mobile. Is there a way of deactivating it on the mobile screens?


  • author

    In your admin go to Plugins – Editor and select the Vantage Fixed Search Bar Plugin from the dropdown on the top right of the screen. Just below that where it says Plugin Files click on vantage-fixed-search/scripts.js. At the very bottom of that file you will see this;

    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {



    Change it to;

    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {

    if(window.innerHeight > 768) {


    You can adjust the height as appropriate.

    Hope that helps.

  • mrbb


    That seems to be working perfectly. Thank you for that. Highly appreciated.


  • mrbb

    Hi Shuna,

    Do you have any plans of making your child theme to work with WooCommerce? That would be a major selling point for your theme.

    If you don’t, will you be able to do custom work?


  • Tom Watson

    Hi! I purchased the theme (LOVE IT) but have one question. Can the color of the text be changed (I’m mainly looking to alter the color that shows in the blog, and on a listing). The grey font on white would look better as black.


    • author

      Hi Tom,
      There is a custom CSS section in the theme customizer. This should do the trick

      body {
          color: #333;
  • tcwatson

    Hi! Love the theme! OK…

    Background: I asked on the sales page about changing the color of the font. I want a nice black color to contrast with the page. You provided some css and said to place it in the custom css section. I did that, nothing changed for me. Even if I manually adjust the color in a post, it still doesn’t stand out to my liking.

    To make a long story short, I have another site ( that has the look I’m aiming for on my new site using your theme. I have Veranda 14pt black over there. It STANDS OUT against the page and makes for easy reading. I would like the same for my directory site because I plan on having a lot of blog postings and I need it to be easy to read.

    Can you provide the code / instructions for that? I’m willing to pay if this exceeds what support you normally provide. THANKS!

    • author

      Try this. You can play around with the font-size, font-family, and color until it looks right;

      body {
        color: #000;
        font-size: 14px;
        font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;

      Also remember to clear your browser’s cache, and if you are using a caching plugin, clear that too.

  • tcwatson

    Hi Shunarjuna! Can’t thank you enough. Looks beautiful!

  • icesway


    I purchased your theme two weeks ago. This is a really good theme.
    but I have two questions :
    1- Is it possible to remove the sort list plugin or at least remove the default bar on top. If yes ( is it a option in the dashboard or should I change something in the files?)
    2- Is it possible to get an another background color for the feature listings.

    • author

      Hi icesway,

      Thanks for buying the theme, I’m glad you like it.

      You can change the featured listing background in the custom css section of the customizer;

      article.listing.featured, article.event.featured {
        background: #FCF5E5; /* choose your color */

      While you can’t remove the sorting completely you can hide it, again in the custom css section of the customizer;

      .sorting {
        display: none;
  • icesway

    I would really thank you for the fast answer.
    It works really fine 😉 Cheers

    Really Good Support

    2 people like this.
  • icesway

    hello I have bought the mapsupreme plugin and to locate my user the creator of the plugin gave me this code to place in the end of header.php :
    $ip = $_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’];
    $output= json_decode($geocode[‘body’]);
    $lat = $output->latitude;
    $lng = $output->longitude;
    but there is a problem with the display of the map now .
    do you know in which div or in which file I can found the correct div to place the code to avoid displaying problems in the theme?

    • author

      I’m not familiar with Mapsupreme and since I can’t see the display issues it’s a little difficult to tell what the problem is, however:

      1. The code above looks incomplete. There should be something before ‘100%’,’h’=>’250px’,’zoom’=>’10’);

      2. The code is using the wrong kind of quote marks so copying and pasting might cause some issues.

      3. It’s really not a good idea to edit the themes files because you will loose those changes as soon as the theme updates.

      I would like to help but unfortunately I just don’t have enough information or know how Mapsupreme works. Maybe if you gave me a link to the instructions given to you by the Mapsupreme author I would be able to provide a little more help.

  • dylant1apptheme7


    Did a search, with DEBUG = TRUE, got the following searching with myString, and ‘Near’ form field was empty – following notice.

    Notice: like_escape is deprecated since version 4.0! Use wpdb::esc_like() instead. in /homepages/12/x12345/htdocs/marketplace2/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3201

    Great theme

    Kind regards

    • author

      Hi dylan1apptheme7,
      You might want to let appthemes know since the search functionality is handled by Vantage, not coloured.
      Also, just so you know, it’s generally not a good idea to have debug mode on if a site is live. Debug mode is really just meant for development.

      dylant1apptheme7 likes this.
  • dylant1apptheme7


    I have, and yes – I know 🙂

  • tomer

    Wow nice job buddy , Bravo and a big like !

    2 people like this.
  • mrbb


    Are you available to do custom work for me (integrating woocommerce with colored)?

    – Thanks

  • Shane

    How come this is not available for purchase? This is perfect for what I need!

  • author

    Hi Shane, unfortunately it just hasn’t sold well enough, and for various other reasons I decided to take it off the market. Sorry. There are plenty of other great Vantage child themes in the marketplace though.

  • affluent

    Hi Shunarjuna, my profile on appthemes indicates a renewal for Coloured Child Theme. Are you still supporting current members who bought it?

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