Category Icons

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Category Icons plugin is allow to add icons to your ClassiPress categories. It will display a unique image with each of your ClassiPress categories. Everything is configurable from the settings , you can use it on your ClassiPress home page to list categories with icon, display icon front of category title on category listing page , even display sub category with icon in side bar of category listing page and display icon in an ad Categories Widget.

In category listing page demo You can see Category Title with Icon, Sub categories with icon in sidebar and Ads categories widget with icons

Significant Features :

  • Easy configuration
  • Enable – Disable icons for parent and sub categories
  • Enable – Disable display Icons for specific page
  • Add – Remove Icon for an ad categories
  • Display Icon with an ad Categories Widget
  • Display Icon in front of Category title on each category listing page
  • Display icon with sub categories in side bar of category listing page
  • WordPress Multisite compatible
  • Compatible with ClassiPress 3.4+ and WordPress 3.4
4 people like this.

How many sets of icons included with plugin?
No there is no any icons sets included with the plugin. You need to find an image icon to use. You can get these from all over the internet and a great icon search engine is called,

Installation Guide:

  • Extract zip file on path /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  • Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  • Go to wp-admin –> ClassiPress –> “Category Icons” to enable or disable category icons display for specific page.
  • Add/Remove category icons Go to wp-admin –> Ads–> “Ad Categories” .

Support Policy

However it is important to us to make sure that every customer is satisfied with our products. Therefore we have a dedicated Support Team helping you to solve any products-related issues in timely and efficient manner.We are also very active on twitter or facebook where you can certainly catch our attention.

Before you reach us upon a problem?

    1. Read the documentation guide for your theme and plugin.
    2. Search the Support Forums for an answer.
    3. Submit a new thread inside the forums or Email Us on in case the issue requires us to connect to your site this may happen those times when we feel more individual attention to your issue may be required. When we do direct you to our Email support system, we may ask you for your login details.

Support Hours

We don’t have exact support hours, generally we can provide feedback on any support request within 12 or 24 hours. But note, that depending on the issue complexity and our workload. If we are online and able to provide you with support during the officially “holidays” period we will certainly not ignore you.

Support Offered

We only cover support for the Reload Web, add-ons,child themes and basic WordPress help. We cannot provide support on third-party plugins. we will try to help you with any type of requests including customization that requires only a couple lines of code changing, you must understand that we cannot provide extensive help in terms of modifications.

Moreover, technical support will always take priority over modification/customization requests.

Modification support

If your request for modification or customization help only requires us to publish a couple lines of code, we will be glad to assist you. If however you request requires more an that amount of code to be published, we can only provide guidance OR you can hire us if you don’t have the skins to implement it yourself.

Bug Fixing

It is our commitment to fix all theme bugs as quickly as possible after they are brought to our attention. We will also try provide a solution via the forum for smaller bug fixes, after which we will update the core theme or plugin.

1.1 – 12/02/2019

  • Compatible – ClassiPress 4+

1.0.2 – 24/02/2017

  • Fixed: I icon image repeated in site title when no logo

1.0.2 – 24/02/2017

  • Compatible with WordPress 4.7 and ClassiPress 3.5.8

1.0.1 – 21/05/2016

  • extra spaces & arrow display on subcategorys – Fixed

1.0.0 – 07/05/2015

  • Initial release
  • Compatible with WordPress 4.0 and ClassiPress 3.4

5 reviews of “Category Icons

5 stars
Great plugin.
By -

Great plugin needed for all classipress websites.

5 stars
Just perfect
By -

I bought this plugin to make my website a bit more professional. After install I had a technical problem, but Ahmed quickly solved it for me. So, great service.

Although the website is just starting and still almost emprty the result of this plugin can be seen at

The only thing I changed was the icon-size (from 30px to 36px), mainly because the icons lost detail at 30px. I don”t use icons in the sub-categories on this website (it would mean changing over 300 sub-categories) but did test it on a few, and also that looks great.

In short: five stars, absolutely.

5 stars
Awesome Plugin!
By -

This Plugin is awesome!!! I am so happy that I bought it!
It is very easy to add new Icons and the site Looks so professional because of These Icons!

Anonymous likes this.
5 stars
By -




5 stars
Top Plugin
By -

This is the perfect plugin to bring your site to life…

Anonymous likes this.
You need to purchase this item before reviewing it.
(Just bought it? Log out and back in to enable reviews.)

 Comments (32)

  • Michael

    Can you rearrange the code to have the image sitting above the txt instead of having the image to the left hand side of the txt

    2 people like this.
    • author


      It’s possible but need to customize it for your need.


      Anonymous likes this.
  • Veer

    hello i buy this plug in,plz confirm whether it compatible with all classipress childthemes and your store+deal press themes.

    2 people like this.
    • author


      Yes it’s compatible with all child themes included my dealpress and storepress.


      Anonymous likes this.
  • aymans87

    Hello, I installed the plugin, and enabled the display of the icons. However when I go to Ad categories and press add icon, all I see is the standard text (Add media file from computer, from url…).
    Can you please guide me on what to do next in order to enable those Icons?
    thank you very much

    reloadweb likes this.
  • author


    You need to enable Home Page Layout with directory style. Please go to wp-admin -> ClassiPress -> Settings -> General Home Page Layout select Directory Style.

    You need to upload icons for specific category go to wp-admin -> Ads -> Ads Categories (Add/Edit) Category for add/remove icon.

    When you upload a new image be sure that the “LINK URL” is visible. If there is no text (like the attached image) simply click on the “FILE URL” button. A text url will appear in the box and after clicking on “Insert into post” the image should be visible !

    For more details please check this thread


    Anonymous likes this.
  • aymans87

    thank you for your reply, as a matter of fact, I thought that the icons come with the plugin.
    I will make my own icons and try to upload them then,
    Best regards

  • mahnabil

    what is the allowed icon size
    can i upploed mor then 24/24 pixel

    Anonymous likes this.
  • acheica

    Hi…Iwould like to know if it works good with classipress 3.5.1 and wp 4.3.1 and if I need to translate in another language any title or txt on front end?Thanks

  • camry7768

    HI is this plugin compatible with classipress childtheme “adsplash” ?

  • author


    I didn’t check it with “adsplash” childtheme.


  • camry7768

    Bought this plugin. why i install plugin fail? tried as per your installation guide. Didn’t work. Tried downloading but failed. Tried unzipped files also failed.

    Need solution!

  • acheica

    Hi… I would like to know if this plugin works with classipress 3.5.1 and WP 4.3.1 in multisite and about the translation in Portuguese on the front end,also,about of a responsive site on mobile. Thanks…

  • author


    It’s working will with 3.5.1 and WP 4.3.4. Yes you can translate it in your language.


  • Khalid Ahmad

    Hello Mate,

    I have purchased your icons plugin for my classipress wp theme. But after successful installation of the plugin, when I upload the icon for categories > then after clicking on “insert into post” button the “white blank dialogue box” is shown and the icon doesn’t seen. And when I close the that “white blank dialogue box” the icon can’t be seen there.

    Need your help.

  • author

    Khalid Ahmad,

    I replied to your mail

  • Khalid Ahmad

    Yeah, Thanks.

  • ange

    hello reloadweb i have the same trouble with Khalid Ahmad, I have purchased your icons plugin for my clipper themes.I successful installed the plugin, when I upload the icon for categories > then after clicking on “ uptade” button the icone i download disappaer and don’t show anything, the icon can’t be seen there in the categeorie page even my site .
    need your help what i have to do ? this plugins works kin clipper theme? was successful download and appear in my work panel.
    thank you to reply to me.

  • ange

    still waiting your reply reloadweb

  • author


    I replied you on Facebook this plugin will work only with ClassiPress theme.


  • labo17


    I just bought your plugin. That’s cool. But I don’t find the “Home Page Layout” into Classipress /Settings… Is there another way to display Ads Category icons layout to my homepage?

  • author

    Sorry i am not getting you what you mean by “Home layout”. Please contact me on


  • amisco


    How many icons does this plugin have?


  • toilebleue

    Hello, I just bought the plugin, I followed the instructions, but impossible to add icons in a category, when I add a 32×32 image in the field after clicking on the update the image disappears of the icon field.
    I have last version of WP and of classipress and Classy child

  • layuad

    Hi, I want to buy your category icons plugin, but first I want to know if it is compatible and works well with calssipress 4.
    Waiting for your response, greetings

  • hilzan_wp

    Is this plugin compatible with Classipress version 4

  • layuad

    Hello, good afternoon, I’m waiting for your answer to know if your module is compatible with classipress version 4, and according to your answer I bought your categoy-icons module but I can not upload the icons yet.
    can you help me or tell me what happens?

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