Advanced Custom Fields for ClassiPress

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The Advanced Custom Fields for ClassiPress(ACFCP) plugin is a powerful tool for extending the ClassiPress theme.

It allows you to add and completely control extra Profile fields and custom Ad fields. Also ACFCP Plugin  allows the interaction of custom profile fields with custom ad fields and vice versa.

ACF adds many of the most requested features for ClassiPress:

  • Extra profile fields
  • Different types of profile fields
  • Formats of ad and profile fields (including Date Field with fully customizable Datepicker and validation of input values)
  • Transform of ad and profile fields values (Capitalize, UPPERCASE, lowercase)
  • Private fields (private allows only the author and administrators to see an ad or profile field while hiding it from other visitors and search engines)
  • Display fields only for logged-in users
  • Limit the number of input symbols, words
  • Field formats validation and restrictions
    Double-checking of Ad fileds and Profile fields during registration and editing
    Checking occurs on the client side, and then on the server side
    This provides advanced protection for your site from uninvited guests
    Validation of fields on the client side allows the user to obtain accurate and structured information on the ad
  • Custom validation messages (edit messages in your language and help your users fill forms properly)
  • Default values for all fields
  • Inherit values of the profile field in the ad field
  • Control output fields on the various pages and forms:
    • Registration user form
    • Edit profile form
    • Author’s page
    • User sidebar
    • Single ad page (usual field list)
    • Single ad page separated area (style customizable block)
    • Poster tab in Ad sidebar
    • Ad Loops after title
    • Ad Loop after description
    • New ad form
    • Edit ad form
  • Ability to add custom CSS styles to fields output
  • Ability to add the patch CSS files to be compatible with the style of your child theme
  • Plugin settings can be exported to INI file, or imported from another file
  • Compatible with WPML plugin
  • Compatible with WordPress Multisite.
  • Has own documented API

With this plugin you can easy create the most popular profile form fields such as:

  • “First Name” and “Last Name” – core WordPress profile fields, which you can add to registration form
  • “Accept Terms of Service” – checkbox for your registration form
  • “User Tax ID” – Private profile field, which will see only Administrator (You) and the user (ad owner)
  • “Country” / “State” / “City” / “Phone number” – Location fields, which can automatically fill in “Add new ad” form. Members who submit a lot of ads on your site – will be happy.
  • “Date field” – Date of any format and location

And many others …

Add any formats to the ad and profile form fields:

If you have specific ad or profile fields such as: “Phone number” or “ZipCode”, which required specific formats of values – select neccessary format from the list of proposed (there are number, digits, phone, email, url, alfanumeric, etc…)

Limit the input data from the user through forms:

You can add limits to fill numbers, lenght, words, words sets – by criteria min / max / range

Using ACF API you can add:

  • New Visibility options
  • New Value modifiers
  • New Value formats and restrictions
  • New Plugin options to provide control of new created features


Installing ACFCP Plugin will save you from modifying the ClassiPress code and tedious transition to a newer version of the theme!!!

The plugin contains a very detailed help section for each property and method.  Tooltips will assist you in customizing the plugin.

Plugin Help Section is duplicated on Support forum, so You can read all about plugin before purchase!!!

Plugin API Guide publihed on the Support Forum and provides detailed documentation with real life examples.

There are plans to update the plugin for each new version of the ClassiPress and adding more new features and enhancements over time.

Works with ClassiPress 4.0.0!

Made by with love.

13 people like this.
  1. Hello, I just bought ACFCP Plugin. Where can I get Help and Support?
    The plugin has a fairly detailed Help. You can find Help Button in right top corner of screen of your ACFCP setting dashboard. In addition you can move mouse to any property title and get tool tip! Also you can find dublicated Help in public pages. On the Forum. Or On the ACFCP Test Site.You can see Video Tutorials how to use this plugin. All questions regarding this plugin can be posted vie email to the address mentioned under the support tab. Please, try not to ask questions via private messages.
  2. Where can I find ACFCP Settings Page?
    Open WP Admin Dashboard –> ClassiPress –> ACF Options
  3. I want to add custom profile fields in registration form, also i want inherit their values to the Ads. What i need to do?
    You need to add new profile fields or use prepeared fields from the box.Open ACFCP settings –> Profile fields –> Push the button “Add field” and fill new row.Then Profile fields –> Display options –> Check boxes in column “Registration form field” in line with necessary fields.
  4. I want to add custom Profile or AD fields in Ads loop in line with Ad Category and Author. What i need to do?
    Open ACFCP settings –> Profile fields –> Display options –> Check boxes in column “Loop ad top” or “Loop ad bottom” in line with necessary fields.If you wand display Ad fields – Use same properties in tab “Ad fields”

The Plugin developed for a specific version of ClassiPress! After each update ClassiPress Plugin source code review. This may take some time.

Be prepared that if you upgrade ClassiPress before the release of upgrade Plugin – the Plugin turns off (for not to cause potential errors). The Plugin resume work on the condition that his version is compatible with the version of ClassiPress.

Manual Installation:

  1. Download the Plugin zip file
  2. Open WP Admin dashboard -> Plugins -> Add new -> Upload
  3. Upload and activate the Plugin from Plugins page.
  4. Find the menu “ClassiPress” on the WordPress administration page. Select the lower point “ACF options” and proceed to configure the Plugin.

Manual Update:

  1. Export ACF plugin settings to the INI file (just in case)
  2. Deactivate and Delete installed ACF plugin from plugins page
  3. Repeat all steps from manual install (see above)



Starting with plugin version 2.3, was implemented internationalization system of plugin settings content.

Language Packs and Portable Object Template are located in the folder /wp-content/plugins/advanced-custom-fields-for-ClassiPress/languages/

Installing Language Packs:

  1. Open folder /wp-content/plugins/advanced-custom-fields-for-ClassiPress/languages/
  2. Find Pack file for your language with name advanced-custom-fields-for-ClassiPress-[LANGUAGE CODE]_[COUNTRY CODE].mo*.
    See the complete list of language codes and country codes to find your exact locale.
  3. Copy this file to WordPress common localization folder /wp-content/languages/plugins/
  4. Open “ACF Options” page and start to work with plugin.

* Note: If a language pack doesn’t exist for your language, you’ll have to create it yourself. AppThemes “How to Translate a WordPress Theme” tutorial will explain how to do it.

If you have translated plugin yourself, you can contact me and send the language pack. I’ll include your files in the plugin package for further uses.

WPML Compatibility:

ACFCP plugin supports Multi Language feature provided by WPML plugin.

Read more about compatibility conditions here

Support Policy

Support is only available via email from our email address:

Before you email us, please make sure you have read through the Support FAQs below:

Support FAQs

  • What kind of support is offered with a purchased product?
    Your product purchase includes one year of access to premium support via email and one year or free updates. Beyond that, you will need to renew your subscription year on year for around 30% of the product price. Support covers issues such as bug fixes (if any) under normal operation, how to use basic product features, very basic WordPress help, and help with very basic theme customisaton. If you need more advanced modifications please consider hiring a developer to do it for you.
  • Will you provide help with small modifications?
    If you need to do small modifications, you may get help from us as long as they are reasonable in number and nature. If you have a lot of such modifications, please consider paid developer help.
  • What kind of help would be unreasonable to ask?
    This is not an easy question to answer. We are here to ensure that the product you purchased works as intended by us and serves its purpose on your website. That means if it doesn’t work for you, we can step in and help you with it. However, it is when there are no issues with the functioning of the product and all you want is help with modification, that demands start getting unreasonable.
    As mentioned before, we don’t mind helping with modifications, but we also expect you to have tried everything to do it yourself. In other words, we expect you to have tried all the settings in your theme, ensured that the issue relates to the product in question, searched through legacy product support forum, and looked around on Google for the answer to your questions before approaching us. Please bear in mind that one theme, one child theme and a few plugins can get you only so far, and you will probably need to make changes to the code of your website to add functionality, change design and personalise it. In case of too many modifications, we will politely ask you to seek paid help.
  • I am using one of your child themes. I am having an issue with it.
    Please make sure the issue is really with the child theme by activating the parent theme and checking if the problem gets solved. Also please make sure you have tested all the settings in parent theme and child theme, sometimes the answer is right in there! Send us an email if the issue still persists.
  • I am using one of your child themes. I need help with customisation.
    As a pre-requisite, you are going to need a basic understanding of HTML & CSS to start customising the layout and style of your theme. To dig deeper PHP knowledge, specifically to WordPress, will help as well. The WordPress Codex is a great place to start learning. For CSS changes related to text colour, background colour, fonts, etc, please consider using the Firebug extension. A simple Google search returns many good text/video tutorials.
  • Do you offer paid WordPress development services?
    Yes we do depending on our work schedule. You can always run your requirements by us via email.

This plugin was acquired by the seller “mohsinoffline” from the original author “dikiyforester” because the author was too busy with his work at AppThemes. We hope to carry forward his good work and hopefully make it better going forward!

From the original author:

Advanced Custom fields for ClassiPress – is my first plugin. And I love ACFCP very much and always care about improving it

You can also contribute to improving.

Report on the Support Forum if:

  • You find error or bug
  • You have great idea regarding new feature
  • You have a problem with compability with another plugin or child theme
  • You want to show off your site, which use ACFCP – post link to ACFCP showcase

If you just want to express your opinion about the plugin – write a Review on this page or Rate plugin in star-rating.

Your code-shaman,


2.5.0 -02/07/2020

  • Fixed acf validator form for minimum atribute, if the value isnt required

2.5.0 -25/06/2020

  • Fixed acf validator, accept numbers bigger than 1 for min/max/range limits

2.4.9 -09/06/2020

  • Fixed Min/Max/Rang validator
  • Inputs accept numbers instead of integers
  • Fixed Home page ads custom fields (ACF for CP doesn’t affect the home page ads)

2.4.8 -08/06/2020

  • Fixed conditional display options (numbers accept comma and dot)
  • Fixed validation for minimum and maximum numbers

2.4.7 -15/05/2020

  • Fixed display the custom fields (optionals)

2.4.6 -20/04/2020

  • Fixed display the custom fields in the home page widgets (latest ads, etc)

2.4.5 – 31/03/2020

  • Fixed list of custom fields in the loop (all in one row)

2.4.4 – 17/12/2019

  • Fixed title on ad loops

2.4.3 – 19/11/2019

  • Fixed css bugs

2.4.2 – 09/10/2019

  • Fixed css bugs
  • Fixed custom fields’ display

2.4.1 – 26/09/2019


  • Made compatible with CP 4.1.X

2.4.0 – 04/07/2018


  • Made compatible with CP 4.0.0

2.3.18 – 06/08/2016


  • Fixed recurrent JS issues on registration page when “jQuery from CDN” is active

2.3.17 – 05/07/2016


  • Fixed Datepicker not working since the 2.3.16 update

2.3.16 – 08/06/2016


  • Fixed JS issues on registration page when “jQuery from CDN” is active

2.3.15 – 04/06/2016


  • Removed self-deactivation feature

2.3.14 – 25/02/2016


  • Updated DNA Framework
  • Disabled/Hidden checkboxes that are not required in the ad field settings


  • Text Transform filter removed from posting to display module

2.3.13 – 26/11/2015


  • Text Transform filter not working


  • Text Transform filter removed from posting to display module

2.3.12 – 26/08/2015


  • Endless loop problem in CP 3.4.1 and before

2.3.11 – 26/08/2015


  • Made compatible with ClassiPress 3.5+


  • Implemented Dashicons
  • Added “loop meta” integration for compatibility with all child themes

2.3.10 – 29/07/2015


  • Fixed PHP validation error handling on ad forms for ClassiPress 3.4+
  • Fixed validation message overlapping other elements on registration form


  • Styled drop down fields on registration form
  • Made double quote (“) optional at the end in height format

2.3.9 – 14/05/2015


  • Fixed backslashes being added to form values on unsuccessful submission


  • New height format added to form builders

2.3.8 – 22/12/2014


  • Added new filters in admin side for improved extensibility

2.3.7 – 18/12/2014


  • Successful message for saved settings

2.3.6 – 17/12/2014


  • Fixed bug in inheriting profile fields in new ad form

2.3.5 – 03/12/2014


  • Compatibility with ClassiPress 3.4

2.3.4 – 13/03/2014


  • Fixed styles in Ad Details area
  • Save URL on user registration


  • Compatibility with Simply Responsive child theme – 06/01/2014


  • Version compare bug on enqueue scripts
  • Error notices on server side fields validation and plugin activation

2.3.3 – 04/01/2014


  • No Author details
  • wp_register_style was called incorrectly in admin area
  • Using deprecated function get_the_author_id()

2.3.2 – 02/01/2014


  • Compatibility with ClassiPress 3.3.2


  • Avoid space in username
  • Server-side validation of non-latin strings
  • Avatar in ad loop disappear
  • “Full Details” area is not translatable (changed to “Ad Details”)
  • WPML translation of “Full Details” area fields
  • Client-side validation of numbers

2.3.1 – 30/08/2013


  • Drag&Drop profile fields on Settings tab breaks table
  • Preserve standard ad field values if they are hidden on edit form (post_title, tags_input, post_content)
  • Subtabs area lost styles
  • Tooltip script not loaded with CP3.3.1
  • js validation of drop-downs for user fields
  • Fixed styles enqueue


  • WPML compatibility

2.3 – 27/05/2013


  • Most Popular Tab Section on Homepage is missing information.
  • Responsive Registration form width
  • ACF filters issue fixed
  • Ad fields values API control
  • Missing ACFCP menu in CP3.2
  • No ACFCP effect on Ad forms in CP3.2
  • Import settings returns Error


  • Ability to add new Datepicker fields through API
  • New action hook ‘acf_enqueue_form_styles’ – allows to add styles on the forms after ACFCP styles
  • New action hook ‘acf_enqueue_listing_styles’ – allows to add styles on Singe Ad page after ACFCP styles
  • New action hook ‘acf_enqueue_form_scripts’ – allows to add scripts on the forms after ACFCP scripts
  • Translatable ACFCP backend. Added ACFCP text domain
  • Added Russian language pack
  • Completed Help Section

2.2.1 – 01/05/2013


  • Add New Custom field error fixed
  • Responsive Registration form styles added
  • ACF filters issue fixed


  • ClassiPress 3.2 now supported. (For people who can’t update CP to newest version)

2.2 – 28/04/2013


  • Edit profile fields in Admin dashboard
  • Removed theme name check (strange Don't panic! behavior).


  • Added action acf_update_user_meta before profile field update|save
  • Added filter to ACFCP Settings tabs
  • Improved ACFCP Settings API
  • Added Display Option Edit profile admin form.
    To display the profile field on the edit form in the admin area,
    regardless of the edit form fields in the front-end
  • Same ACFCP version for ClassiPress 3.2.1 and 3.3
  • Added AppThemes Product ID for autoupdates.

2.1.1 – 24/04/2013


  • Fixed incompatibility with PHP5.2

2.1 – 21/04/2013


  • Compability with ClassiPress 3.3


  • Validation error messages for range* limitations methods can contains placeholders.

2.0 – 21/03/2013


  • new ACF functions framework
  • new DNA framework for backend Options manage
  • Help section removed. Will be added in new maintance release
  • Whole code rewrited!

new features:

  • Backend Options manage API:
    • Allows add new properties for Profile and Ad fileds
    • Allows add new sub tabs to Options pages
  • Fields Visibility API:
    • Allows add new custom restrictions (with any conditions) on fields visibility on various places.
  • API for adding new custom Formats and Limitations.
  • New visibility option Featured Field
    • Allows display field only on Fetured Ads
  • New visibility option For Logged-In
    • Allows display field only for logged-in users
  • New Limitations:
    • minchoice – Makes multi checkboxes element require given minimum number of choices
    • maxchoice – Makes multi checkboxes element require given maximum number of choices
    • rangechoice – Makes multi checkboxes element require given range number of choices
  • New Datepicker properties for limitation selectable dates:
    • Max date
    • Min date
    • range Year
  • Added Ad fields server side validation


  • Profile details now clickable
  • Store 0 values for profile fileds

1.1.2 – 12/12/2012


  • Warning message on drop-downs, checkboxes and radio-buttons on Registration and Edit profile forms
  • Validation message on Registration and Edit profile forms go down after second appearing

1.1.1 – 10/12/2012


  • In the loop displays only one item of multiple checkboxes.
    Now, if you have on ad-loop some checkbox field with multiple values, these values displays separated by comma.


  • Provided compability with new Appthemes ad form-builders, thats allow not affect New Ad and Edit Ad forms html markup.


  • Added styles for Headline childtheme registration form.

1.1 – 04/11/2012


  • Display required asterisks for fields, if there is a limitation on the minimum input greater than 0.
  • Fields on Ad loop dublicated in Random Ads Tab
  • Profile fields causing Warning in Ad loop
  • Description area in Edit Ad form Is out of form
  • ReCaptcha appear in the middle when using custom fields in Registration form


  • Changed folder structure
  • Removed author.php and tpl-edit-item.php templates from plugin (now used core templates).
  • Changed installation procedure.

new features:

  • New option Text Transform allows to transform text to Capitalize, UPPERCASE and lowercase before saving in database.
    Useful for saving the Titles or other fields with the certain capitalization of text.
  • Administrator can edit all profile fields, even if some fields disabled in Display options.
  • New display option for Ad fields – Single ad content – display Ad fields in the ad single page in separated style-customizable content area.
  • New display option for Profile fields – User sidebar – display fields in the users’s sidebar (Widget Account information).
  • New display option for Profile fields – Single ad sidebar – display fields in the Single ad sidebar (tab Poster).
  • Ability to CSS-Stylize certain fields in all display areas. So you can add images instead titles and anything else.
  • Ability to add CSS patches to plugin folder for style-compability with any child-theme.

1.0.2 – 30/09/2012


  • No ad details found bug on Single ad listing in ClassiPress 3.1.8
  • Profile fields first_name and last_name duplicated in DB if filled in registration form
  • Allow HTML in field descriptions
  • Problems when submit Add new user form in admin dashboard (required hidden fields)
  • Tab indexes in registration form not sequential


Added new action hooks (usage look in help section):

  • acf_loop_top($post) add action after title in loop ad meta (in line with author and category)
  • acf_loop_bottom($post) add action after description in loop ad meta (in line with posted and total viewed)

1.0.1 – 16/09/2012


  • Error using ACF on Loop Ad
  • Having issue with custom field showing in listing
  • No need to set permissions to file acf_export.ini. (Now file is created on the fly during the export. Export folder is deleted from the project.)
  • No need to replace author’s and edit ad templates. (Now this templates loads from plugin’s folder).

1.0 – 22/07/2012

  • Release.

27 reviews of “Advanced Custom Fields for ClassiPress

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 Comments (769)

  • Fanatic Web

    Not sure what’s going on with Mohsin and the ACF plugin, no followup since 2018, meanwhile, I had emailed him the following issues:

    I noticed that whenever we set options to a custom field within ACF, it automatically renders it as “required”, but those custom fields were not required initially, for example:
    Initially, cp_website was not a required custom field, but when I used ACF to impose a minimum length of 7 characters, it set it to a required field in the Ad Submission form, that was not the intent, because in this case, this field was not required, only the validation of “minimum characters” was required through ACF, any way to fix this or override it to make it work as such?
    Allow the validation of the fields without necessarily rendering them into required fields?

    I have a custom field for “website” and I wanted to apply some Formats & Limitations to it in ACF as follows:
    Format Of Values = “url”
    Limitations Of Values = minlength
    Limitations Attributes = 7 (to cover the least which is https://)

    If I input text manually the first time and I type it wrong, it will show the error message, yet, if I copy/paste a faulty URL into that field, it won’t error out, for some reason, pasting the URL text from the clipboard doesnt get checked.

    • author

      Hi Fanatic,
      Sorry for the very late reply, I havent been notified by all these comments.
      let me check out these ones on my local install and get back to you.

      Fanatic Web likes this.
  • entreparisiens

    Hello Mohsin,

    Cool plugin ! I’d like to know how I could manage that :

    I need to force my users – after a Facebook login/register (managed by “Supersocializer” plugin) – to fill in some required fields.

    I would like to block their use of the site until they fill in the required fields into their profile page ‘/my-profile’ (or eventually somewhere else).

    Now, I just can make a systematic redirection after a Facebook login/register to their profile page. But once on this page, users can leave it without having filled in the required fields.

    A way could be to block the use of the site (user must remain on his profil page), until the missing required field is filled in.
    A double check :
    1- Logged in user
    2- Required field not filled in
    would be enough for that.

    The question is more large than the topic of your plugin, but could be closely related.
    Would you see any solution ?

    Thanks a lot for your help,

    • author

      Hi Laurent,
      What you want requires few custom codes to set the filter functions and to work with that third party plugin.
      let me check that out and get back to you

  • entreparisiens

    Hello Mohsin

    Thank you, since my previous message, I’ve changed my FB connect plugin.
    Now I use “Nextend Social Login”, but I don’t know if it has an impact on my need, since the custom code is related to ACF / Classipress.

    The behaviour can be (for example) :
    No matter the clicked button (element of the Menu, or Footer, or Logo, etc…), if the user Submit a Non-Completed Profile Page, it will reload this page and display it again.

    Thanks for your help,

  • hzmhzm

    Hi, with classipress, only the data in the classipress built-in price field are displayed as a price tag for classified ads.

    I use different currency units (different price fields) for each category for classified ads. If I use a custom price field other than the classipress built-in price field, the price tag does not appear. How can I make those custom price fields also appear as price tags on the classified ads?

    Thank you for your time,

    • author

      Hi there,

      Unfortunately, what you need requires modification in the ClassiPress theme itself.

      hzmhzm likes this.
  • paulim

    Hello Mohsin,
    How can I define a new field and also have it as a custom taxonomy?
    I need a radio bottom field to act as a taxonomy as well.

  • nstephen

    Hi Mohsin

    Its been awhile since i last tried my hands with Classipress.

    Created a custom field for SELL or RENT in the form field to be inserted into the form. However on the front end, the newly created form field didn’t show up.

    Do you have any clue?


  • Joe

    Hi Mohsin,

    I would like to use Advanced Custom Fields plugin with CP4 but there is a problem. The ad’s meta data not appear (disappear) at ad listings page when I switch on ACF plugin.

    Please help me as soon as possible because I can’t use other usefull function of plugin.



  • Fanatic Web

    Hi Mohsin (or whoever is in charge of support for ACF), any updates for this thread please?

  • author

    Hi Guys,
    Advanced custom fields for Classipress has been updated. please update the plugin using appthemes updater plugin.

    2 people like this.
    • Fanatic Web

      Mohsin, so good to see you back! I’ll be renewing my support for ACF as I had flagged few issues but not sure if they were addressed with the latest update.

      • author

        Hi Fanatic,
        Please send the list of the flatted issues here and by email as well to track each one separately.

        Fanatic Web likes this.
        • hzmhzm

          Hi Mohsin,

          Great to see you back.

          In the current version, I see the field names along with the field values for options such as “ad loop top” or “add loop bottom”. Those field names distort the ads or makes the ads look ugly especially if the field values are long. Those field names are not necessary. How can I remove those field names?

          Thank you,

          • author

            Hi hzmhzm,
            can you post the url?
            I will either set an option to place the name of the fields (label) or not.. because many others asked for this as a new option.
            the old one had no labels on the loop, so I can revert it back in the very next update.
            let me know how I can help You better

            hzmhzm likes this.
        • Fanatic Web

          Hello Mohsin, here are some of the persisting issues by order of severity, I will send you an email with the concerned website:

          1. Some non-required fields in the CP Form become required once we apply an attribute under Formats & Limitations (Ex.: cp_number field was set to not required, yet as soon as we apply a condition input using ACF, the field becomes required on the front-end submission form, will have to test it on a live site)

          Expected results: Allow the non-required field to remain non-required while ACF validates the field input.

          2. Email validation: cp_email is set to email as a Format of values, yet, the following happens:

          rgawrg@rgsedlg -> no errors (validation fails, missing the . and domain extension)

 -> no errors (it’s not validating the presence of characters surrounding the . in the prefix of the email

          rgawrg@rgsedlg. -> Error (Good)

 -> valid (Good)

          3. Phone number: When choosing the format value “Number” for the user_contact_number field, the following scenarios happen:
          011-123-456-7890 -> Invalid format
          1-123-456-7890 -> Invalid format
          +1234567890 -> Invalid format
          (1) 123 456 7890 -> Invalid format

          +011234567890 -> Valid format
          +1-123-456-7890 -> Valid format
          +011-123-456-7890 -> Valid format

          ACF Paid fields
          I had to upgrade the MySQL and Php lately to MySQL 5.6 and Php 7.3 and the ACF Paid fields plugin is throwing errors in the User’s edit ad page

          Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /testsite/wp-content/plugins/acf-paid-fields/acfpf-edit.php on line 97

          • author

            Hi Fanatic,
            Thanks for the detailed one.

            I will test them one by one and give you what I get. if there is any accurate issue, I will fix it.
            For the paid fields addon, I will update it soon. since most of the websites use php 7.X

  • Joe

    Hi Mohsin,

    1. The fields appaerance bad at loop ad listing. The fields with “loop ad top” setting are under each other. (with “loop ad bottom” setting is not problem) This issue is from ACF v2.4.2. Here is a screenshot:

    2. If there is field with “loop ad top” and extract of ad is long then the extract will not fit into the ad box, and part of the extract will not be visible. (or/and so the field with “loop ad bottom” setting is not visible either at ACF 2.4.1).

    Here is a screenshot ACF 2.4.4:

    Here is a screenshot ACF 2.4.1:

    Please solve this issues.



    Anonymous likes this.
    • zingyi

      Yes, I also agree with Joe’s points. Each custom field display occupies the whole line, taking up a lot of spaces unnecessarily.

      • author

        Hi zingyi,
        I am going to check that out immediately and fix it.

        Anonymous likes this.
        • zingyi

          Hi, there is also issue with the datatype (“number”)’s limitation attribute described by hzmhzm below.

          • author

            aware of that already, I am going to release a new update.
            for users that they want one line per field, please don’t update until I make it optional in the backend

        • hzmhzm


          (1) When will the new version with different fields on the same line available (not like the 2.4.4 version in which fields are on different lines which take up a lot spaces and leave little room to display ad-descriptions)?

          your datatype (“number”)’s limitation attribute has issues.

          (a) For instance, I cannot type 0.001 or 0.01 or 0.1 (decimals) in the limitation attribute column for “number” datatype and “min” limitation of value.

          (b) When I typed “0” in the limitation attribute for “number” and “min”, I got an error when I typed in 1 for that field. That shouldn’t be because the field should accept values greater or equal to “0”.


    • author

      Hi Joe,
      we made it that way after maaany requests from users asking us to make it one line bellow the other, we can roll it back or simply make it optional.
      first and second issues appeared because of the first one.
      let me investigate and deug that promptly.

  • hzmhzm

    Hi Mohsin,

    I found out that your datatype (“number”)’s limitation attribute has issues.

    (1) For instance, I cannot type 0.001 or 0.01 or 0.1 (decimals) in the limitation attribute column for “number” datatype and “min” limitation of value.

    (2) When I typed “0” in the limitation attribute for “number” and “min”, I got an error when I typed in 1 for that field. That shouldn’t be because the field should accept values greater or equal to “0”.

    Could you please kindly help me with this issue? I have sent you an email with an attachment. Thank you.

  • Peri

    Hello Amine,

    Category page displaying only the custom field values. Not displaying the custom field names. I sent you email reporting this problem. Sent you many reminders. I am not sure if you are receiving my emails. Please check my emails sent to you.

    Please help providing an option to display custom field names in category page.


    • author

      Hi Peri
      This feature was requested only by you but the rest users didn’t like it.
      So we rolled back to the original display without the fields names. so what if I give you the version where it includes those fields’ names.
      but you will not be able to update the plugin again, in order to not lose the modified files.
      let me know how I can help you better.

  • Peri

    Please send me the version where it includes those fields’ names. I will not update the plugin again in order to not lose the modified files.

    Also, please consider to incude an option to select yes/no to display custom fields or not. I am one of the long time customers to ACF plugin. Please do not abandon us. I would very much like to use future updated version with enhanced features.


    Anonymous likes this.
  • Joe

    Hi Mohsin,
    when will it ready the new version of plugin which will solve this problem?

    I’m really looking forward to it, because I must use the 2.4.1 version always yet.


  • Joe

    Hi Mohsin,
    when will it ready the new version of plugin which will solve this problem?

    I’m really looking forward to it, because I must use the 2.4.1 version always yet.


  • Peri

    Please send me the version to show the field names in the category page.


  • Peri

    Please send me the version where it includes those fields’ names. I will not update the plugin again in order to not lose the modified files.

    Also, please consider to include an option to select yes/no to display custom fields or not. I am one of the long time customers to ACF plugin. Please do not abandon us. I would very much like to use future updated version with enhanced features.


    • author

      Hi PEri,
      I did already by email. didn’t you receive it? I am going to check that out and send that version.
      and please don’t update the plugin again or you’ll lose the changes.
      as you can see up here , all the other users didn’t like that was done only for you.

  • Peri

    Hello Amine,

    I have not received the custom version to display custom field names in Ad Loops yet. Please help to display custom fields in Ad Loops same format as Single ad page.


  • Peri

    I received the custom version.


    • author

      that version was only for you, how could you post the shared zip file??? so now everyone with that link will be able to download it, for free.
      I removed your comment immediately, and I will delete that shared zip on gdrive.

  • Joe

    Hi Mohsin, I have written this below earlier. You said that you will make a new version. When will be ready? There would be a great need for it. Thanks.

    “1. The fields appaerance bad at loop ad listing. The fields with “loop ad top” setting are under each other. (with “loop ad bottom” setting is not problem) This issue is from ACF v2.4.2. Here is a screenshot:

    2. If there is field with “loop ad top” and extract of ad is long then the extract will not fit into the ad box, and part of the extract will not be visible. (or/and so the field with “loop ad bottom” setting is not visible either at ACF 2.4.1).

    Here is a screenshot ACF 2.4.4:

    Here is a screenshot ACF 2.4.1:

    Please solve this issues.




    Hi Joe,
    we made it that way after maaany requests from users asking us to make it one line bellow the other, we can roll it back or simply make it optional.
    first and second issues appeared because of the first one.
    let me investigate and deug that promptly.

    • author

      Hi Joe,
      did you update your plugin? we released 2.4.4 with all those fixes.
      The layout of classipress for the loop is oveflow: hidden which means if the content is bigger than the container, it will then not get seen.
      We will add a css hack to fix that (it’s the CP issue thogh)

  • Peri

    I just commented above to thank you for your help. But, I did not share the zip file.

    Above comment:
    I received the custom version.

    But, I noticed that there were 2 other comments by Joe and hzmhzm regarding their individual issues. Are you referring to their comments?

    • author

      You postede the link of the gdrive, anyone has that link he can download it and use it 🙂
      We keep by email like you said.
      No I refer to yours, you posted the whole reply with the shared link.
      I can keep up with hzmhzm comments and yours here but can we close the thread of the old version?

    • author

      Sorry Peri. I will reply to the comments here, if you get any issue , you can comment back or email.
      Stay safe

  • Joe

    It is in my previous post:

    1. The fields appaerance bad at loop ad listing. The fields with “loop ad top” setting are under each other. (with “loop ad bottom” setting is not problem) This issue is from ACF v2.4.2. Here is a screenshot:

    I use 2.4.4 version now and I used it also then. There is problem also right now.



    2 people like this.
    • Williamhtut

      Hi Moshin,

      Yes, what Joe said was right. Those custom fields are unnecessarily taking up a lot spaces by being displayed on separate lines. When will the new version with those fields displayed consecutively be available? Thank you.

      • author

        @willamhtut, update to 2.4.4 to display them back to all in one line. not one under the other.
        there is already a new version for that, the 2.4.4

        • Williamhtut

          @Mohsin, 2.4.4 does not work. It is showing one field on each line. Because of that, I cannot upgrade to 2.4.3 or 2.4.4.

          It will be great if you base all of your bug fixes on 2.4.2 instead of 2.4.4. Thanks.

    • hzmhzm

      Yes, I also agree with Joe that putting the fields continuously makes it look more professional in addition to being able to display more of the ad-descriptions.

      Thank you. Awaiting your new version.

    • author

      Joe, you should update to 2.4.4 to display all in one line. or we overwrite classipress css for that block of the ads loop.

  • hzmhzm


    In response to your question: ” did you try the format and limitation on the setting options?”

    Yes, I tried those formats and limitations you showed via google drive which you can see in the original issues I raised previously.

    “datatype (“number”)’s limitation attribute has issues.

    (1) For instance, I cannot type 0.001 or 0.01 or 0.1 (decimals) in the limitation attribute column for “number” datatype and “min” limitation of value.

    (2) When I typed “0” in the limitation attribute for “number” and “min”, I got an error when I typed in 1 for that field. That shouldn’t be because the field should accept values greater or equal to “0”. “

    • author

      @hzmhzm, I am checking that now, I try all those and fix it

      hzmhzm likes this.
      • hzmhzm

        If v2.4.2 shows custom fields in one line, then please kindly use that version to fix bugs and upgrade the plugin. Thank you.

  • Joe

    I have upgraded 2.4.4 version already but it not work good. 🙂

    v2.4.2 – no problem
    The Custom fields appear as follows:
    > custom field 1 > custom field 2 > custom field 3 > custom field 4

    v2.4.3 + v2.4.4 – there is problem
    The Custom fields appear as follows:
    > custom field 1
    > custom field 2
    > custom field 3
    > custom field 4

    • author

      That’s weird, let me recheck out again. if you see the other user Peri, was claiming that he needs it one field per row,he was using 2.4.4, I had to customize it again only for him and sent a new version for him only.
      anyway let me recheck out and push a new update + debuggin the other issues

  • Joe

    Sorry, I misspelled in the previous post. I wanted to write like this:

    v2.4.1 – no problem
    The Custom fields appear as follows:
    > custom field 1 > custom field 2 > custom field 3 > custom field 4

    v2.4.2+v2.4.3 + v2.4.4 – there is problem
    The Custom fields appear as follows:
    > custom field 1
    > custom field 2
    > custom field 3
    > custom field 4

    I think I and the other users want it that let fields appear as follow:
    > custom field 1 > custom field 2 > custom field 3 > custom field 4


    Hi Moshin,

    Yes, what Joe said was right. Those custom fields are unnecessarily taking up a lot spaces by being displayed on separate lines….”


    Yes, I also agree with Joe that putting the fields continuously makes it look more professional in addition to being able to display more of the ad-descriptions. ”

    Mohsin, don’t you think so? It seems to me that we misunderstand each other. 🙂

    2 people like this.

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