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Flatter is an elegant responsive child theme for Clipper and part of our “flat design” series themes that include FlatPress for ClassiPress, FlatPage for Vantage and FlatRoller for JobRoller. With minimal graphics the pages load much quicker which is just great for any website.

The look of coupon listing and single pages has been revamped to give them an ultra-modern feel. The homepage features options to enable grid view, tabbed view (choose categories or stores to display in the tabs), and full-width. The child theme comes with 11 colour schemes(!) and with dual navigation option that can be used to better manage your website. Not only that, there are practically just a couple of background images in the whole theme, which means and upgrade in look is firmly coupled with an upgrade in performance.

Moreover, it is possible to hide any widgets for mobile devices to improve load times and prevent the page from being too long, which is pretty much unique for any theme!

All in all, the child theme is a complete package for your successful WordPress powered coupon site – Flatter is better! Check out Flatter being (customised and) used in live environment on DomainPromo.com! , Dealhack  Retailmenot Skin 

Key Features:

  • Fully responsive child theme
  •  Extended home page widgets (Latest coupons,Coupons by category, coupons by Tag, coupons by Type, Expiring coupons, Tabbed Widgets,Blog posts widget,…
  • Elegant flat design with 11 colour schemes!
  • Homepage options for grid view, tabbed view and full width page
  • Force Open Affiliate Links: Make sure visitors never bypass your external/coupon affiliate links!
  • Dual Navigation: Extra navigation area below header with mega menus for stores and categories!
  • Choose between Responsive CSS menu or HTML Select menu for primary navigation!
  • Display store thumbnail showcase on homepage!
  • Display store and category mega menus in the primary navigation
  • Different button colors for each coupon type
  • Theme options page to manage the look and feel of the website
  • Hide unwanted widgets on mobile devices!
  • Compatible with Clipper 2.0.1
18 people like this.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is this child theme responsive? 
    Yes the theme is fully responsive
  • What is unique in this child theme?
    We have completely refreshed the look from the default Clipper layout. The Flatter child theme layout is based on Flat Design, which practically means there are very few images used in the design, improving the performance on all devices. With the use of mobile phones for browsing websites ever increasing, the real icing on the cake comes in the form of the option to prevent each widget from displaying on mobile devices (not hiding it using CSS), which will keep the pages tidy and improve performance further
  • Do you plan to create more child themes along the same lines?
    Yes, we subsequently launched FlatPress for ClassiPressFlatPage for Vantage, and FlatRoller for JobRoller, so the customers can have consistent branding if they use more than one theme from AppThemes
  • How do I show more then 10 coupons on the homepage?
    Open SettingsReading page in your WP admin back end, and you can change the “Blog pages show at most” setting from 10 to another number, and that should reflect on your site.
  • How do I show grid view on the stores page?
    Open taxonomy-stores.php file in wp-content/themes/flatter/ folder and find replace all instances of the following code:
    <div class="box-holder">
    <div class="box-holder grid">
  • How do I update the theme manually?
    To update, you should extract the Zip file locally and overwrite the contents in the /wp-contents/themes/flatter/ folder. I always rename the new version folder from flatter to flatter-new on my computer and once it’s uploaded on the server, just quickly rename the older version from flatter to flatter-old and the new one from flatter-new back to flatter. This way the switching takes the minimum amount of time and also you can roll back to the older version just in case the new one doesn’t work out.


  • Extract zip in the /wp-content/themes/ directory.
  • Activate the theme through the ‘Appearance’ menu in WordPress.
  • Go to Flatter Settings → General to setup overall site options.
  • Go to appearance => widgets => customize flatter home page widgets

Support Policy

From February 2015, support will only be available via email from our email address support @ themebound ( remove spaces).

Before you email us, please make sure you have browsed/searched through product forum for the answer to your question, and have read through the Support FAQs below:

Support FAQs

  • What kind of support is offered with a purchased product?
    Your product purchase includes one year of access to premium support via email and one year or free updates. Beyond that, you will need to renew your subscription year on year for around 30% of the product price. Support covers issues such as bug fixes (if any) under normal operation, how to use basic product features, very basic WordPress help, and help with very basic theme customisaton. If you need more advanced modifications please consider hiring a developer to do it for you.
  • Will you provide help with small modifications?
    If you need to do small modifications, you may get help from us as long as they are reasonable in number and nature. If you have a lot of such modifications, please consider paid developer help.
  • What kind of help would be unreasonable to ask?
    This is not an easy question to answer. We are here to ensure that the product you purchased works as intended by us and serves its purpose on your website. That means if it doesn’t work for you, we can step in and help you with it. However, it is when there are no issues with the functioning of the product and all you want is help with modification, that demands start getting unreasonable.
    As mentioned before, we don’t mind helping with modifications, but we also expect you to have tried everything to do it yourself. In other words, we expect you to have tried all the settings in your theme, ensured that the issue relates to the product in question, searched through legacy product support forum, and looked around on Google for the answer to your questions before approaching us. Please bear in mind that one theme, one child theme and a few plugins can get you only so far, and you will probably need to make changes to the code of your website to add functionality, change design and personalise it. In case of too many modifications, we will politely ask you to seek paid help.
  • I am using one of your child themes. I am having an issue with it.
    Please make sure the issue is really with the child theme by activating the parent theme and checking if the problem gets solved. Also please make sure you have tested all the settings in parent theme and child theme, sometimes the answer is right in there! Send us an email if the issue still persists.
  • I am using one of your child themes. I need help with customisation.
    As a pre-requisite, you are going to need a basic understanding of HTML & CSS to start customising the layout and style of your theme. To dig deeper PHP knowledge, specifically to WordPress, will help as well. The WordPress Codex is a great place to start learning. For CSS changes related to text colour, background colour, fonts, etc, please consider using the Firebug extension. A simple Google search returns many good text/video tutorials.
  • Do you offer paid WordPress development services?
    Yes we do depending on our work schedule. You can always run your requirements by us via email.

Change logs

6.1.6: (07/02/2022)
– Fixed Css issues
– Fixed js migration helper for wp 5.6

6.1.5: (18/09/2020)
– Fixed js migration helper for wp 5.5

6.1.4: (05/09/2020)
– Fixed theme options panel not appearing after wp5.5

6.1.3: (30/08/2020)
– Fixed expiring date field in the edit coupon.

6.1.2: (01/06/2020)
– Fixed sharer option for coupons
– Fixed dofollow links

6.1.1: (05/03/2020)
– Added sidebar home page layout

6.1.0: (25/02/2020)
– Fixed minor css bugs

6.0.9: ( 30/01/2020)
– Fixed  number of ads options in widget (Latest coupons)

6.0.9: ( 21/01/2020)
– Fixed  categories images bug

6.0.8: ( 16/01/2020)
– Fixed  js bug
– Fixed Css small issues
-Enhanced responsiveness

6.0.7: ( 04/01/2020)
– Fixed  js slider bug
-Fixed compatibility with clipper 2.0.6
– Fixed Css small issues

6.0.6: ( 04/01/2020)
– Fixed  js slider bug
-Fixed compatibility with clipper 2.0.5
– Fixed Css small issues

6.0.5: ( 15/12/2019)
– Fixed php7 bugs
– Fixed Css small issues

6.0.4 : (12/12/2019)

– Fixed Enable coupon link option
– Fixed PHP 7 bugs
– Fixed css issues

6.0.3 : (10/12/2019)

– Fixed PHP 7 bugs
– Fixed css issues
– Improved responsiveness

6.0.2 : ( 19/11/2019)

– Fixed responsiveness issue
– Fixed coupons loop on search pages
– Fixed Featured coupons filter
– Added more features (Selected coupons widget)
– Fixed css bugs


6.0.1: (01/11/2019)
Fixed Random coupons widget
Fixed css bugs
Updated Import demo data

6.0.0: (26/10/2019)
The theme is fully compatible with clipper 2.X New framework and appearance skin was implemented. Extended home page widgets were added (with lot of options within) Responsive enhanced CSS bugs fixed Compatible with couponjoy and coupon thumbnail Click to copy the coupon fixed Other fixes
5.0.3 (22/05/2018) FIXES: – Extras drop down on Share Coupon page
5.0.2 (22/05/2018) FIXES: – Full width page template
5.0.1 (09/02/2018) FIXES: – Full width page template – Coupon meta bar CSS
5.0.0 (01/01/2018) CHANGES: – Made compatible with Clipper 2.0.0.
4.0.1 (16/12/2016) CHANGES: – Made compatible with Clipper 1.6.4.
4.0 (09/08/2016) FIXES: – Bumped version to 4.0 to prevent auto-update issues with another theme called Flatter
1.4.5 (11/02/2016) FIXES: – Made expiry date field optional in the front end forms NEW: – Made compatible with Clipper 1.6.3
1.4.4 (21/11/2015) FIXES: – Notice appearing on menu screen on admin panel – Scroll bar appearing on coupon popup after clicking copy button CHANGES: – Improved method that handles homepage tabs
1.4.3 (15/10/2015) FIXES: – Fixed notice appearing on homepage in non-tabbed view – Fixed CSS issue with “Email Coupon” form – Fixed CSS issue with Promotion button and tooltip – Fixed CSS issue with search box in Safari browser
1.4.2 (30/09/2015) FIXES: – Fixed description showing in grid view if single coupon links were disabled CHANGES: – Changed coupon CTA box to use template instead of function – Removed unused functions
1.4.1 (26/09/2015) FIXES: – Fixed homepage pagination in normal (non-tabbed) view – Fixed description showing in grid view if single coupon links were disabled – Fixed “top” link showing out of place when pagination does not display in grid mode CHANGES: – Changed minimum requirement for Clipper to 1.6
1.4.0 (18/09/2015) FIXES: – Fixed “My Orders” page throwing error – Fixed menu icon not showing on mobile devices – Fixed font icon issues on single coupon page – Other CSS fixes CHANGES: – Button hover mechanism to become colour agnostic NEW: – Grid view for the homepage – Tabbed layout mechanism for the homepage using navigation menus – Full-width option for the homepage – Minimum Clipper requirement notice added to admin back end
1.3.1 (26/08/2015) FIXES: – Homepage comment box popup not appearing properly on mobile devices – Loop box height issues on mobile devices CHANGES: – Made compatible with WordPress 4.3 and Clipper 1.6.1 – Enqueued Google font instead of using CSS @import NEW: – Added support for new password generator introduced in WordPress 4.3
1.3.0 (01/05/2015) FIXES: – Escaped output of function add_query_arg() to prevent XSS security vulnerability – Fixed image responsiveness in coupon list view – Fixed homepage pagination links – Fixed store thumbnails not opening on iOS browsers – Fixed a host of CSS bugs – Fixed compatibility issues with Ad Scroller plugin – Fixed notice on Hide on Mobile checkbox in widgets CHANGES: – Combined loop codes for all archive views – Replaced theme screenshot image – Changed filenames in /includes/ folder – Cleaned up admin options page NEW: – Made Flatter compatible with Clipper 1.6 – Added wide screen layout option – Added options to restrict numbers, hide empty instances of and order categories and stores in mega menu – Added option to hide category / tags section from a coupon archive view – Disabled core stylesheets automatically when child theme is active
1.2.4 Fixed CSS issues Removed legacy code Fixed displaying of expired coupon info on search result page Amended header tags to make it more SEO friendly on the blog
1.2.3 Fixed bug causing the expiry date to show twice and other styling issues
1.2.2 Made compatible with Clipper 1.5.1 Added option to force open affiliate link Removed the redundant “Popup Solution” to use the new solution in Clipper
1.2.1 Added Popup Solution to fix the Chrome Blank Page issue with Clipper 1.5 mentioned here. Fixed CSS Bugs Improved options with homepage store thumbnail showcase and store/category mega menus
1.2.0 Major Update: Added 10 more colour schemes Added “Dual Navigation (DN)” mode to add extra navigation Added mega menus for stores and categories in DN mode Added store thumbnail showcase on the homepage Fixed CSS bugs
1.1.0 Made fully compatible with Clipper 1.5
1.0.0Initial release version (at the time of Clipper 1.4)

24 reviews of “Flatter

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 Comments (665)

  • couponminister

    Hi Mohsin,

    I have some concerns before deciding to buy the theme:

    1. Is the child theme merely a visual upgrade? Since, i am currently using a child theme with some modifications to the theme in the child theme, can i simply use flatter to do a visual upgrade?

    Can you let me know if it is possible for someone without any coding experience to install this theme without losing out any modifications to my child theme.

    Thanks and regards.

    • author

      Hi there,

      The child theme is mostly a visual upgrade, but not limited to that. It adds an additional navigation area and store thumbnail showcase, and lets you hide widgets on mobile phones.

      When you activate this child theme, your current child theme will become inactive, so in all probability you will have to make the same changes to Flatter, some coding skills may be required.


      • couponminister

        A few further questions:

        1. The ‘share coupon’ button under the search bar – Can it be removed from the backend or it is fixed in the design.

        2. The sidebar seems to be smaller than the original clipper design. can the width be adjusted to fit ads of size of at least 300.

        • author

          Hi there,

          1. This can be hidden via admin panel, it is optional.

          2. Not currently, I can’t promise if there will be an option for this in the future.


          • couponminister

            Have purchased the theme and have tested it. It definitely looks good. Not upgraded to clipper 1.5 for my main site because of the copy to clipboard bug in 1.5 with chrome / safari. Is the theme working fine (including responsive) with clipper 1.4?

            Anonymous likes this.
          • author


            The Flatter version compatible with Clipper 1.4 doesn’t include a lot of features that have been added since the initial release of the child theme. It is responsive though.

            Thanks for your order. Since you are already a customer now, can you please post any questions in the forum? 🙂


      • bigglebovsky

        Can you help, how can I add new menu and feature stores in old version? Already downloaded new store-thumbs.php to my theme, but I know, that I must insert new code inside the other files. What code and where I must insert?
        I have modifications of flatter too, and don’t want lose em.

        • author

          Hmm, this can be quite tricky if you have limited coding skills. You will have to probably update all files within the /includes folder, and also add the styles associated with these newly added elements. It will probably be easier to redo your modification on the newer version of Flatter.

    • LJ

      Hi Mohsin,

      Can linkshare and CJ plugin be used with flatter child theme? Will it work?

  • Eston

    can a slider be added to the theme for promotional purposes in next version please, or is it already apart of the child theme?
    Any plans to add avertisement to it?

    Anonymous likes this.
  • Kim Olsen


    I have some questions about this theme before buying.

    1. How does My Dashboard work with flatter ? I cant see any link to that in the Theme. Do the customers see this when they log in ? And how does this UI look ?

    2. On Clipper it is poossible to add ads from Adsense and other. Is this possible in this theme ?

    3. Is it possible to have the feature coupons on top of the coupon list instead of slider ? Or is possible to move the feature coupons somewhere else ?

    4. Is it possible to remove the slider and popular stores ? Is it also possible to decide how many to add ?

    5. When a coupon is expired they are not removed on the demo, only greyed out. Is it possible to get them to be removed right away ?

    • author

      Hi Kim,

      Flatter is mostly a visual upgrade over the Clipper theme, and most of your questions pertain to Clipper:

      1. It looks similar to Clipper dashboard, just a different skin, but same options.
      2. What’s possible with Clipper is possible with Flatter.
      3. Not sure what you mean, should they be in a list? This will probably require additional CSS/PHP coding work.
      4. Yes you can remove both. There are many options to configure store thumbnail showcase (popular stores), you can set order by coupons or alphabetic, ascending or descending, you can show/hide empty stores, and set the number of thumbnails to show.
      5. This may probably need additional CSS/PHP coding work. I do not remember if there is a setting in Clipper for this.


  • ishmamjt

    Hi Mohsin,

    Whenever customizing any function, do I need to customize the function of Flatter or Clipper or both? As some functions like front-page.php, taxonomy-stores.php, single-coupon.php includes in both child theme and parent theme.


  • cwholdings

    I am a happy user of the Flatter Theme for Clipper. I would like to use WooCommerce so I can display products on the same site. The CSS gets a little messed up and was wondering what I can do to resolve.


    • author

      Hi Rick,

      May be get some professional help with that? I would like to believe it is not terribly difficult, as it is just CSS work.


  • dolsboutique

    I would like to know what the differences are between the child theme and the parent clipper theme?

    I don’t really like the parent theme but i also cannot see much difference in the child theme demo design to justify such a high price.

    I would like to also know is there a way I could change the background paper in the parent and/or the child theme?

    Another thing, in the footer widgets, for example if i have a list of stores or categories, and if i restricted the amount of items to display in the widget, for example say 10 items, can i also add a link at the bottom of that list to say, click here to see more?

    A quick Google search that a huge amount of people have this type of coupon software, checking some of those out, it becomes clear they have been a total failure… as such how about SEO, is there any best practices that you would recommend to improve Google rankings?

    • author

      Hi there,

      Thanks for stopping by. The child theme is basically a skin and little else (a couple of little features thrown in) to be honest.

      Thanks for sharing your opinion about prices. We are not only giving the code for that price, but lifetime support and upgrades so the theme stays compatible and we have you covered not only with the latest version of WordPress, and more so with the latest Clipper. Again there can’t be any price comparison with other theme shops since child themes are dependent products and our customers are AppThemes customers first, so our target market is really small.

      For any customisations, you will need to be moderately proficient in PHP/CSS, again Flatter is just a derivative product, and most of the functionality related support will have to be sourced from Clipper forums and any child theme-specific issues will be taken care of by us.

      I would not like to go into much detail about coupon software, and what makes a successful one since I have never run a coupon site myself. I am no expert in SEO either, but you may ask that question to AppThemes and may be they will tell you why you should use Clipper to power your coupon site among the other options.



    I am also the member of appthemes and I have been using this for a very long time. I am using clipper theme right now and I have an idea in my mind and was thinking about it for a long time and I think we need child theme for clipper. It’s like this http://www.groupon.com/. It should like this and like it should have big pictures of products in boxes. I have seen your work and I think you can do a great job on this.

    If you make this theme then I will be your first customer.

    Thank you
    Upkar Singh

  • Mike

    Hi Moshin,

    In addition to the popular stores, is there a functionality to select which stores goes with store thumbnails below the slider?

    I use the linkshare plugin but I also add stores myself. I would like to be able to include and display my own added stores in those thumbnails in addition to the stores that are automatically created via the linkshare feed.

    • couponminister

      Yes, there is an option of featured stores. You can manually curate the list of stores to display on the home page.

    • author

      Hi Mike,

      The only available filters are:

      1. Show only featured ads
      2. Include empty stores

      The rest are sorting options. So the only way to handpick stores is to set them as featured and then enable option #1, as suggested by @couponminister.

  • Crack Coupon


    I recently buy flatter child theme there are some setting problems

    1. i am not using featured coupon option and there is showing empty box how to remove empty box from it.
    check it my site link is CrackCoupon

    • author

      Hi there,

      Why not just disable featured slider option from Clipper settings if you are not using the featured coupon options? The slider would go away.


      • Crack Coupon

        thanks the box is removed.

        i want to change the background color from light grey to pure white where the settings

        • author

          Hi there,

          There’s no setting for that, you will have to edit CSS. Please post this in Flatter forum (and all further support queries) and I will lookup what code to change for you.


  • haziqbinarif

    Hey Admin Can u Tell me how to upload this in wordpress i buy this theme what is clipper can u tell me frist i have to buy clipper ?

  • CouponIndia

    Hello Mohsin,

    I really like this child theme and suppose to buy it. But before buying I have one query.
    On many popular coupons sites like couponzguru, coupondunia etc, after clicking on get code button, coupon site is redirected to vendor site and new tab open with coupon site with popup of coupon code. By default coupon code is visible to customer.
    BUt in this child theme, when I clicked on show coupon button, new tab open with vendor site and which is by default visible to customer. I want to change this setting to match many of other top sites. If this is possible and how.

    Thanks in advance!

  • Rajesh N

    Hello Mohsin,

    First of all theme is really good . I have Few questions before placing my order.

    1. Will that “Most Popular Coupons” Thumbnail showcase available in Theme ? coz that is the main reason i am gonna purchase this for .

    2.In Future updates or you personally can you make the stores page with a thumbnail pic and a showcase like in homepage for all the stores ? ( Coz i need it )

    3.In Future updates or personally can you make a widget at store page which provides the screenshot and says Shop at . Eg. In Amazon store page , There should be a widget of “Shop at Amazon”.

    For me No 1 is a must and No. 2 & 3 are optional but will feel more confortable if i have in it future updates.

    Anyhow i Will purchase this theme for the Look & The Store Showcase.

    Waiting For The Reply

  • dodo

    I checked this theme and it looks cool… I have a question before I decide to buy this… When some one clicks on coupon it opens a new tab with affiliate link which is cool but why can’t we copy coupon code in visitor’s clipboard.

    Most of the coupon sites are already doing this…

    Anonymous likes this.
    • Alan Thomas

      Hey dodo,
      Same question by me as well. I was about to ask it.
      Everything looks fab. But only Coupon Code is not copying when it is clicked on it.
      If this is fixed then everything will be great & I’ll be ready to buy it.

  • Alan Thomas

    Ok. Do you have live demo for version Flatter 1.0.0. I do wanna check before buying.
    Please I need a preview.

    • author

      Looks like it is in the screenshots above, just one navigation, one colour scheme, no thumbnail showcase and no mega menus for categories and stores. Also I want to let you know beforehand, we don’t provide support for any older versions.


      • Alan Thomas

        If I buy the latest version 1.2.3 do I get free updates on any preceding versions that will be released after that?

  • lanfrancolama

    hello moshi, flatter good are work :), for moving position up or down of “Popular Stores” how you doing? you can also put it on the homepage sidebar to right (widget)?
    For future upgrade changes, you can insert a counter with the expiration of the offer? tank you

    • author

      Hi there,

      There is an option for positioning the stores area on the Flatter Settings page under the “Homepage” tab. Unfortunately it is not available in a sidebar widget yet.

      Please make sure you post any further support queries in the forums.


  • Sunil


    how to enable featured coupons slider in home page?


    • author

      Hi there,

      There is an option for that on the Clipper Settings page under the General tab.

      Please make sure you post support queries in the forums.


  • olonda

    I purchased the theme only to force opening my affiliate links.
    But how does it work, I cannot find that option.

    • author

      Hi there,

      There is an option for that on the Flatter Settings page under the coupon listings tab.

      Please make sure you post support queries in the forums.


  • sk9453

    Hi.. Mohsin
    this is really nice theme i supposed to purchase it but i have a question ie. can i use it without using or installing clipper theme.

    waiting for your response

    thanks in advance!

    • author

      Hi there,

      It is not possible to use Flatter without the parent theme since all the functionality is derived from Clipper.


  • Kabir

    Is it possible to show “Stores Area” in any page?

  • Felix


    Does this theme have existed data that allow me to import and make it look like your current demo?

  • chaoshead

    Hello. Tell me please, how to translate Flatter in to another language?

  • flashdeal


    I purchased this theme recently. I like this template. I purchased a Mymail newsletter Plugin recently and i would like to add subscribe checkbox in the registration page. Mymail plugin has the option of integration in wordpress registration page but it is not reflecting in Flatter Registration Page. Can you help me with this?

    • author

      Hi there. I can take a look if you want but unfortunately, it will fall outside the scope of theme support and may be chargeable.

  • leadology

    Can this be used so that a merchant or store can sign up and actually post and manage their own coupons upon paying to use the site for marketing their business? Thank you;-)

    • author

      Hi there,

      The child theme is merely a new skin over Clipper. But as far as I understand, that is the idea of the theme, although anyone is allowed to post within any store and coupons are moderated by the admin.


  • SaF

    Hi, is there a bug? It opens stores straight to new tab -> i have to go back and copy the coupon.

    • author

      Hi there,

      No that isn’t a bug. The option to force open affiliate link does what it says. If you want the tab to open in reverse, there is another plugin for that called CouponJoy.


  • Nathan


    I have two questions about the template

    – What is dosen’t mean “Clipper”? Its a Module or somehting for wordpress, cant find some information, I think I need only a working wordkpress installtion or?

    – The copyright is always on the bottom right? Can I pay more to remove and add my own copyright form my affiliate company?

    Thank you

    Anonymous likes this.
    • author

      1. Flatter is a child theme of Clipper and requires Clipper to be uploaded on your site. In other words most of the functionality is derived from Clipper, while Flatter provides a new skin for it.

      2. Each site can have its own copyright information. That particular bit is dynamic in the theme, when you install it on your site, it will say your site name. Also the theme code is not encrypted so you can modify it as much as you want. You don’t need to pay for it.

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