
Live Demo

Eldorado is a responsive, stylish and readable ClassiPress child theme packed full of some awesome features.
The theme puts your work first, keeping the design elements to a minimum while still maintaining a definitive modern style.

Eldorado is ready to use language translation packs and is testet with all available plugins that are recommended by AppThemes.

Features Included:

  • “Sold” Ribbon in listing and “Sold” stamp in single ad
  • Bigger Slider for featured ads
  • “Featured” Ribbon in ad listings
  • Sticky ads on top of category & search
  • Bigger Google Map under ad description
  • “New’ sign when ad is less then 1 day online
  • Supports “Price is negotiable” sign when customer agrees
  • Better tab positions including further tab “categories”
  • No Price Tag when ad author sets “0″ (Zero)
  • URLs and emails in posts are clickable
  • Admin can see the IP from ad author under the ad description
  • Support multiple languages
  • WordPress Multisite compatible
  • This child theme is READY for ClassiPress 3.3
8 people like this.


  1. Upload the childtheme to your themes folder
  2. Activate the childtheme
  3. Go to your “ClassiPress/Settings” and under “Advanced” tab select “Disable Core Stylesheets” to “YES”
  4. You may need to set your menus again. Go to your Admin dashboard => Appearance => Menus and activate your Header and footer menu.
  5. You may need to regenerate your thumbnails after first installation: Please install this plugin: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/regenerate-thumbnails/ and run it once.
Please visit the dedicated support forum.
You need to purchase this item before reviewing it.
(Just bought it? Log out and back in to enable reviews.)

 Comments (26)

  • Diallo

    Hello, great childtheme! is there a way to have the “price negociable” show like in the citrus night childtheme (hanging sign more visible)?
    can we change the background colour of the childtheme? thx

    Anonymous likes this.
  • author

    Hello Diallo,

    With some small modifications the negotiable sign and background can be changed.

    We can discuss things like that after purchase in the Eldorado Support Forum: http://forums.appthemes.com/eldorado/


  • Mike

    Cool theme, Samcy!

    I will purchase it later but do you guarantee timely and reliable future updates and suppport with no extra charges?

  • author

    Thanks Mike!

    If you give this child theme a good vote, i will seriously think about giving reliable updates and good support 😉

    2 people like this.
    • Mike

      Hi Samcy,

      Can you make something similar or better for vantage? Can you also add a listing comparison feature where users can compare listings side by side?

      3 people like this.
  • jpr050


    very good theme.

    Use the Customizer wordpress for your theme enfant 😉

    for the user to customize a taste…

    good sales.

    Best regards,

  • manilaboy

    I agree. It’s a great theme!


    Do you have plans in making an AirBnB theme for vantage and classipress? Will it be responsive?

    2 people like this.
  • manilaboy

    I just voted and liked it. 🙂

  • flaviot7

    Gostaria de saber se posso mudar a cor do tema, a cor do fundo do tema ou colocar uma imagem no fundo apenas pelas configurações, se for possível isso se faz sem uso de códigos?

    Muito bonito o tema, parabéns,
    Flávio Tavares
    País: Brasil

    flaviot7 likes this.
  • author

    Hi Flaviot,

    The most easiest way to replace the background image with your own would be: Give your new image the same name and upload it. That’s it.


    flaviot7 likes this.
  • suad

    Please could you tell more descriptive themes folder to install the theme and eldarado contact classpress’m going to do, but how could you please more descriptive.

    Anonymous likes this.
  • author

    Hello Suad,

    The folder where the child theme needs to be installed is /wp-content/themes/ You can install it from your admin area => Appearance => Themes. From there, just upload the zip file and activate it. Note: ClassiPress must already be installed.

    Please use the support forum for further assistance: http://forums.appthemes.com/eldorado/


  • amirgulamali

    is there a way to change the colour of this theme from yellow-ish to another colour?

  • author

    Hello amirgulamali,

    You may also check out my other child themes: Citrus Night and Phoenix. If none of the colors match your taste, you can edit all colors to whatever you like inside the child theme style.css.


    Anonymous likes this.
  • suad

    But it turns out the homepage ad does not come off when I cause gold Letter: What?
    Panelden Ayarlamam Gerekiyor Hata nerde Bulamadım?

  • author

    Please use the support forum for requests about further modifications. Thanks

    Anonymous likes this.
  • Alvin

    Hi Samcy,

    Your child themes is very NICE!

    Is it include the Now Online Widget (statistic plugin)?

    Many thanks.

    Anonymous likes this.
  • Orzdy

    sorry but live demo link was broken

  • brianjester

    Can you post new link to demo please?

  • Flávio

    Hello samcy, your demo does not work for a long time.

  • Guilherme

    the live demonstration is not working . It has a link to see live

  • flaviot7

    samcy was very active, would abandon the project? the first request to repair the demonstration was for more than eight months and to date is still pending.

    Anonymous likes this.

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