ClassiPress Sorted Ads

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With the ClassiPress Sorted Ads Plugin, users can sort ads on category listing and search result pages with various preferences. The plugin comes with a set of default sort alternatives for ads listing pages as well as search result pages.

Significant Features:

Site user can sort ads :

  1. Alphabetically Ascending (A to Z)
  2. Descending (Z to A)
  3. Featured First
  4. Price Lowest
  5. Price Highest
  6. Newest
  7. Oldest
  8. Popular

Admin Option :

  • Admin can Turn On / Off dropdown sort option.
  • Admin can amendment dropdown option label.
  • Admin can set sort dropdown option display order.
  • Admin can set a default sort option in first time visit.
  • Admin can disable dropdown and set default sort option for ads listing pages as well as search result pages.
4 people like this.

Installation Guide:

  • Extract zip file on path /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  • Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  • Open ClassiPress –> Ads Sorting Option page to setup the plugin.

Support Policy

However it is important to us to make sure that every customer is satisfied with our products. Therefore we have a dedicated Support Team helping you to solve any products-related issues in timely and efficient manner.We are also very active on twitter or facebook where you can certainly catch our attention.

Before you reach us upon a problem?

    1. Read the documentation guide for your theme and plugin.
    2. Search the Support Forums for an answer.
    3. Submit a new thread inside the forums or Email Us on in case the issue requires us to connect to your site this may happen those times when we feel more individual attention to your issue may be required. When we do direct you to our Email support system, we may ask you for your login details.

Support Hours

We don’t have exact support hours, generally we can provide feedback on any support request within 12 or 24 hours. But note, that depending on the issue complexity and our workload. If we are online and able to provide you with support during the officially “holidays” period we will certainly not ignore you.

Support Offered

We only cover support for the Reload Web, add-ons,child themes and basic WordPress help. We cannot provide support on third-party plugins. we will try to help you with any type of requests including customization that requires only a couple lines of code changing, you must understand that we cannot provide extensive help in terms of modifications.

Moreover, technical support will always take priority over modification/customization requests.

Modification support

If your request for modification or customization help only requires us to publish a couple lines of code, we will be glad to assist you. If however you request requires more an that amount of code to be published, we can only provide guidance OR you can hire us if you don’t have the skins to implement it yourself.

Bug Fixing

It is our commitment to fix all theme bugs as quickly as possible after they are brought to our attention. We will also try provide a solution via the forum for smaller bug fixes, after which we will update the core theme or plugin.

1.3 – 12/02/2019

  • Compatible – ClassiPress 4+

1.2 – 07/02/2017

  • Compatible with WordPress 4.7 and ClassiPress 3.5.8

1.1 – 12/02/2015

  • Fixed – Pagination Issue

1.0 – 20/09/2012

  • Initial release
  • Compatible with WordPress 3.3 and ClassiPress 3.1.8

13 reviews of “ClassiPress Sorted Ads

5 stars
this plugin does not work.
By -

I bought the plugin
I use classipress version 4.2.2 – and this plugin does not work.
what to do?

5 stars
Some error.
By -

I use sorting by price and i see first featured listing. Maybe update plugin and fix that nad give more options about sorting.

4.5 stars
work as well
By -

thank you for this pluggin.
This is exactly what I needed.


4.5 stars
Good plugin
By -

Good plugin adapted for child theme CP

5 stars
By -

working ok but missing from “all ads” page. at that price it needs to be integrated on all listing pages.

4 stars
100% a must, works great
By -

100% a must, works great – I just wish it could be in the front page also.

4 stars
Works as described - very good - 100% a must have for classipress
By -

I give it 4 stars because there is always room for improvement – in this case I would like the ‘sort ads option’ to appear in the homepage of the website also, right now only appears on search results.

thanks for the plugin

5 stars
Simple and cheap
By -

Really good plug in, easy to customise the css as well.

Would like to see custom field sorting 🙂

5 stars
Works Great
By -

Thumbs Up. This is exactly what I needed.

Thanks guys


5 stars
works great
By -

works great – just what i needed!

Anonymous likes this.
5 stars
Works 100%, 3 min to enable it !
By -

Works as a Charm !!!

Easy to setup, easy to translate..

6* 😉

5 stars
By -

Worked perfect and was just what we needed to help sort adverts

Anonymous likes this.
5 stars
is it only one digit currency symbol?
By -

is it only one digit currency symbol?
I need to use 3 digits, can you help?

4 people like this.
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 Comments (100)

  • johnjohnjohn

    is it available for vantage too?

    2 people like this.
  • enrique_traun

    bought it since I thought it would work for 3.1.9 too?

    (ClassiPress 3.1.8+) but it’s not working ???!


    • Reload Web

      Hi enrique_traun

      It’s tested with 3.1.9 and 3.1.8 working well. Users can sort ads only on category listing and search result pages but Not for home page. You can read document of plugin or on marketplace it’s provide sort option only for category listing and search result pages.


  • vitor

    Please check the demo area because it is giving error.

    4 people like this.
  • author


    Thanks for your notice we was checking plugin with new ClassiPress 3.2 version now it’s ok.

    Feel free to let me know if you need anything else.I would be glad to assist you with my best.


    Anonymous likes this.
  • vitor

    Hello, okay?
    I wonder if you have any plugim where I can put in the index.php page ads featured in the loop? to which the ads appear highlighted first in index.php

    reloadweb likes this.
  • Orzdy

    Is this work under CP Ver. 3.1.4
    Like it

    2 people like this.
    • author


      It’s not tested in 3.1.4 but it’s Compatible with ClassiPress 3.1.8+

      Feel free to let me know. I would be glad to assist you with my best.


      Orzdy likes this.
  • entropiabr

    Hi, greatings from Brzail! This plugin is translation ready?

    reloadweb likes this.
    • author


      Thanks for your interest.

      I think no need translation for this plugin because we have provide input field for each field label in this plugin. You can see admin setting screenshot above.

      Feel free to let me know if you need anything else.I would be glad to assist you with my best.


  • Fanatic

    Can we include our own Drop Down options based on Custom fields that we created? For example: Sort by Location or by City

    reloadweb likes this.
    • author


      Well, this functionality is really excellent but we do not have this functionality on this plugin however, it is in my plan to be included and I will be adding this same thing in new plugin. Therefore, you will be having the same thing in near by days. However, if you have any suggestion or comments for this functionality then kindly share it with me and I will be oblige to receive anything from you as I always welcome your comments.

      My motto is to bring something which is really helpful to the people and I will design the thoughts of yours into a real actual live things.

      If you want you can start a new thread / forum.

      Thanking you in advance.


      • Fanatic

        Awesome and thank you for this great feedback Ahmed, I’m curious as to which new plugin you’re referring to? Care to give us a sneak peak? 🙂

        The main reason I was looking for this functionality was due to key custom fields that I use in CP and they would have played an important role in filtering the ads based on them, I’m sure others will benefit from this addon pending on the type of ads they’re pushing with their CP site.

        I’ll post this request in the main forum, thank you again and keep up the great work!

  • aprendediz

    como borro el link que aparece cuando me venden el theme de appthemes en la cabecera.

    reloadweb likes this.
  • Romy

    I noticed that this plugin was working only in the Residential category. Is it possible to have this plugin work in all categories? Can I also have it set to work on the home page where the tabs just above the listings are: 1) Just Listed, 2) Most Popular, and 3) Random? Please advise.

    reloadweb likes this.
  • sergio


    Can I make the sortbox appear on the homepage as well ?


    reloadweb likes this.
  • author

    sergio ,

    Sorry You can’t add sortbox on homepage this functionality is not included in this plugin sortbox will appear only on category pages.

    Feel free to let me know if you need anything else


  • author

    Romy ,

    Please check it’s working with all category and you can’t set it to work on home page it will work only with all category pages.


  • author

    Sorry I am not getting you what you are trying to say.


  • anonymous

    Where is class=”ads_sorts” located? Which file? I’m looking for the in the content_left so that I can copy/paste the code into content_right

    (in other words i’m moving ads_sorts from the middle of the screen to the right of the screen)

  • John R

    I have a couple of questions:

    1. Would this work with the ClassiEstate child theme?

    2. I saw earlier that a version that works with vantage was in the works. Is there an estimated timeframe for when that would be available?

    mhallaq likes this.
  • alemoniscate

    I have used the GD Stars Plugin ( so ad viewers can rate each ad. Can this plugin sort based on the GD Star rating?

    reloadweb likes this.
  • author

    Hi alemoniscate,

    Thanks for your inquiry but this plugin cannot sort based on the GD Star rating.

    Do let me know if you need anything else.


  • author

    John R,

    Thanks for your inquiry.
    Please find my answer below.

    1. Would this work with the ClassiEstate child theme? – Yes, this can work.
    2. I saw earlier that a version that works with vantage was in the works. Is there an estimated timeframe for when that would be available? – Well, this sorting option is coming in new release of Vantage built in function / feature, therefore there is no need to design plugin for this.

    Feel free to let me know if you need anything else.


  • jaimebien


    i’m using the classipress plugin “advanced search” and it seem that the sorting plugin doesnt work with it. I tried to put it in the search page to force it appear with the advanced search plugin’s results but it didnt work.
    i’m looking for a big help on that because i paid for both of them and cant use them together.
    just to let you know: it work well on categorie and basic search page.


  • aj270303

    Has this got the custom fields option included as i have created a drop down selection so people can give the cindition of their items. For instance New, Like New, good, Fair etc. I would like to be able to include these.

  • semlimite


    Compatible with all childthemes?
    Jibo ChildTheme


  • johnegg

    Great plugin, however is it possible to have ‘random’ as an option?

  • Parag


    Is it compatible with Classipress 3.3 and child theme MultiPort?


    reloadweb likes this.

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