Ticket Calendar

Live Demo

Ticket Calendar plugin is additional features for the issue tracking Quality Control theme. The plugin is operated via shortcode.

The shortcode is :: [quality_calendar]

Additional features of shortcodes:
[quality_calendar caltype=month y=2012 m=01]

Variables ::
Calendar Type : caltype=month/year
Year of calendar : y=2012
Month for calendar : m=01

Demo for yearly calendar

Demo for monthly calendar

Significant Features:

  • Ticket Calendar for Quality Control
  • The ticket calendar shortcode is :: [quality_calendar]
  • Monthly & yearly Calendar type as per shortcode
  • Show calendar for specific month & year
  • Datewise ticket count to show list of tickets while mousehover
  • Ticket ID, ticket Status & title with link
  • CSS base ticket list popup
  • Admin settings to change week day title & calendar color & style
  • Compatible with Quality Control 0.5.2+
3 people like this.

1) How can I change calendar color & look?
==>You can change calendar look from wp-admin > plugin settings page.

2) How can I create calendar page?
==>Ticket Calendar is created by shortcode. Create a page and add the shorcode.

The shortcode is :: [quality_calendar]

3) How can I set monthly calendar page?
==> Create Ticket Calendar page and add below shortcode.

Additional features of shortcodes:
[quality_calendar caltype=month y=2012 m=01]

Variables ::
Calendar Type : caltype=month/year
Year of calendar : y=2012
Month for calendar : m=01

3) How can I set yearly calendar page?
==> Create Ticket Calendar page and add below shortcode.

Additional features of shortcodes:
[quality_calendar y=2013]

Variables ::
Year of calendar : y=2013

1)Unzip the plugin folder

2)Copy the plugin folder “ticketcalendar” and paste in “wp-content/plugins/”

======= OR =======

4)Go to wp-admin -> Plugins -> Ticket Calendar -> Active Plugin

5)You can see additional “Ticket Calendar” link in left menus under “Tickets” Menu.

6)Read Usage, Notes & Developer Notes Carefully.

You can contact us directly via email (info(@)wpwebs.com) or support under forum in the AppThemes forum.

Version : 1.0.0
New Release

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