CP Add to Favorites

Live Demo

The CP Add to Favorites plugin allows your users to Add blog posts and ad listings to any list or bookmark page.

A versatile plugin with endless possibilities, using font awesome icons:

  • Add to Favorites
  • Add to Wishlist
  • Add to Watchlist
  • Add to Collection
  • Add to Bookmarks

The choice is yours!

To see the plugin in action please click on the Live Demo link above.

Compatible with Classipress up to v3.6.1

3 people like this.

Will this plugin work with other AppThemes themes?
At the moment no, sorry.

Will this plugin work with any child themes?
Yes, I have tested with most of the popular child themes. If you have an unusual child theme, it might be best to ask first.

Can I translate this plugin into another language?
Yes, apart from typing in your own wording in the settings (Settings->CP Add to), there is also a cp-add-to.pot file residing in the plugin folder. You can use PoEdit to translate all other text into your own language. Once translated, you should select “save as” to create the cp-add-to.mo file, then add your country’s language code at the end of the file name, like so: cp-add-to-pt_BR.mo

Place this newly created cp-add-to-pt_BR.mo file inside the cp-add-to/languages folder.

For more information on how to translate plugins, see here:

or here:

1. Go to Plugins in your WordPress dashboard and click Add New. Upload the cp-add-to.zip file from your AppThemes account. Install and activate.

2. Go to Settings->CP Add to and choose which icon and wording you wish to use and the button link position: ie: before/after content or custom.

3. That’s it! Enjoy!

For anything else, including set-up instructions, please read the README.txt file, located inside the plugin folder for further instruction.

For support, please email me at the address provided in the README.txt file, located inside the plugin folder.

Please note: this is a modified version of the WP Favorite Posts plugin to work with ClassiPress. Whenever that plugin is updated, this plugin will be updated inline.

=== CP Add To Changelog ===

V 1.0.8
Fixed for PHP 7.1 and above
Updated in line with WP Favorite Posts 1.6.8

V 1.0.7
CSS text/image wrap adjustment with Classipost child theme
Added: Appthemes ID

V 1.0.6
Added RTL support
Removed price tag when set to “0”

V 1.0.5
Applied new design to list button on hover
Added new styles for the Classipost child theme

V 1.0.4
Fixed some unverified index and variables.
Updated in line with WP Favorite Posts 1.6.6

Version 1.0.3
Swapped out get_currentuserinfo() with wp_get_current_user() which was deprecated since WP 4.5

Version 1.0.2
Updated: Code in line with the wp-favorite-posts plugin
Updated: cpat-widgtes.php file to include translation
Updated: cp-add-to.pot file
Fixed: Widget css icon style
Fixed: Default CP css style

Version 1.0.1
Fixed: Compatibility font-awesome issue with AdSplash Child theme

Version 1.0

3 reviews of “CP Add to Favorites

3 stars
Interesting plugin but mediocre favorite display
By -

Interesting plugin but mediocre favorite display for the cp child theme. I try to improve the display since 3 days

By talent - June 27, 2017

I saw that you purchased 3 days ago, yet I have not heard from you about any issues. What issues are you having? or have you just decided you don’t like the way it displays? Seems a bit harsh to leave a 3 star review if it is the latter.

5 stars
Excellent support
By -

The truth is that I’m more than satisfied with the support. Quick response. You have adapted the plugin to my theme, and even to be supported for my server! I would not hesitate to buy a plugin again. Thank you very much!

5 stars
Great plugin!
By -

Stellar support!
Fast response and good communication with the seller!

You need to purchase this item before reviewing it.
(Just bought it? Log out and back in to enable reviews.)

 Comments (48)

  • liquidaexpress

    Hello! Not in your email address to support the file “README” as you mention, so I’m using that route. I use the child theme “Citrus” and I’m having trouble with Price tag on page I created “My Favorites”. I need help to remedy this problem. Thank you and congratulations for the plugin. Claudio

    About: CPadd to

  • author

    Sorry about that, it does look like I have forgotten to include the email address in the README.txt file. Thanks for the heads up, I shall remedy that.

    In the meantime I shall email you for your URL. I can’t find the Citrus child theme in the marketplace. It looks like it has been removed. Most likely because it is out of date. For this reason I suspect it uses a different style for the price tag. If so, you will need to make a small adjustment.

  • ghostho


    is the plugin compatible with adsplash child theme ???

  • author

    Hello, yes, it is 🙂

    • ghostho


      thanks i buy it. But it has a bug with firefox. I can’t click the button remove or favorite button in the ad. It gives no reaction. Can you help me?

  • author

    Very odd. I can try. Please open the README.txt file and email me your URL and admin access. I runs it perfectly fine with Firefox for me.

    I presume you have at least followed the instructions in the README.txt file?

  • ghostho


    ok i can give you my access but i need your email. And if you look, there another one problem. On the home site there are the small favorite icon. If i click one of it, i must refresh the page to see the icon again.

  • ghostho

    This plugin dont works correct. Please help me. If i click on a single ad page on the button to favorite. There comes a text and then it is not possible to click again. After refresh page the button is correct but i can only favorite again. And this problem is also with remove favorite.

  • author

    The plugin works is fine. You have simply neglected to choose your preferred settings. By default it will show a message upon click. To show the remove button instead you just need to adjust the plugin settings.

    Please please read the README.txt file inside the plugin folder. My email address is there too. And please email me for support rather than clog up this comments section unnecessarily. Thanks

  • sami0011


    I am hoping to purchase the “cp add to” plugin and your simply responsive child theme. The theme looks amazing by the way.
    Where I currently reside, we don’t make us of postcodes or zipcodes. However, we do make us of States and council areas. Is it possible to implement this with the advance search option for all items?
    In addition, I will like to know if your child theme works well with the following plugins.
    1. Bump Ads – Roidayan (Can implement different payment options).
    2. Verify user – Roidayan.
    3. Display GEO Distance.
    4. Category list for classipress.

    I’m sure your plugins work well with your child theme so i will skip that part.

    Will be glad to hear back from you as soon as possible so i can conclude this transaction without delay.


  • author

    Thank you for your interests and kind words.

    You can simply change the location custom field values to suit your own requirements in the Classipress settings. The child theme does not interfere with these custom fields.

    I don’t have all the plugins you list, but if they work with the main theme then I can’t see why they wouldn’t work with the child theme. It is possible that you might need to make some css adjustments, since the child theme has different styles.

  • André

    Dear talent,

    I’m interested in showing the quantity of favorites for each listing in my site using theme vantage. Do you plan to deliver a plugin to allow this functionality?

  • author

    No, sorry I have no plans. Vantage already has its own version of Add to Favourites.

    You could try to manually add a count to the existing feature. I am sure it’s doable. If you can’t do this yourself, I am available for hire. Or you can find someone yourself.

    Or perhaps you can ask the appthemes developers to add one in the next update. Sure, it may be unlikely that will listen, but hey… if you don’t ask, you don’t get, right? 🙂

  • acheica

    hi…I would like to know if can be translated to Portuguese ‘Add to Favorites’,thaks

  • author

    Yes, it can be translated into any language.

  • robertnbg

    this work on listing view or only on detailpage

  • author

    Both in the ad loop and on the single ad page. You can see this for yourself by clicking on the Live Demo button above. Thanks

  • robertnbg

    where in live demo i ask because i dont see it

  • robertnbg

    only i can see in list view is like button

  • robertnbg

    ok i call fbi they help me its a heart in image

  • author

    Please thank the FBI for me. Glad they could assist you 🙂

  • author

    Yes, it works with the Classipost child theme. You just need to read the README.txt file that gives you instructions. It’s a really simple adjustment to call up the correct css file and page template depending on which child theme you are using.

  • robertnbg

    hi i install and change this to files work but only show price without currency can you make it sho currency also because we have 2 EUR and RSD http://online-shop.rs/favoriti/

  • robertnbg

    i trnalsate now with loco but on page where are all favorite ads there is print or save to pdf button where i can translate this because its not in pot

  • robertnbg

    Translated it was in cpat-page-template-cpo.php for Classipost

  • author

    What did you do to make the theme show two different currencies? As far as I know, by default the classipress theme only shows one currency. Perhaps you modified the code for this or got someone to do it for you? Perhaps you can apply the same code to the favorites page template file – cpat-page-template-cpo.php.

    For translating the PDF button, you can simply edit that directly in the same cpat-page-template-cpo.php file. Not sure why I left it out of the .pot file. I either forgot to include it or I wasn’t able to.

    In the bottom of the README.txt file is my email address. The same email you used for the iLike plugin. Please email me there for any support rather than clogging up this comment section. Thanks

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