Coupon Filters

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The Coupon Filters plugin for Clipper WordPress coupon theme will allow your users to filter coupons/deals on your taxonomy pages (stores, categories and tags) by another taxonomy (coupon type, categories or stores) via a sidebar widget.

The plugin will create an extra widget that can be placed in the “Store Sidebar” and “Coupon Sidebar” which will show a list of terms (example: Coupon Code, Promotion, Printable Coupon) within the selected taxonomy (example: Coupon Type) with checkboxes next to their names, and your users will be able to narrow down the coupon results by one or more terms.

The default filter taxonomy is “Coupon Type” since all major coupon sites like RetailMeNot, CouponDunia, and allow filtering by the type of offer/deal, but you can choose to filter by “Coupon Category” like on the popular GrabOn site or “Stores” as well. Now is your chance to get closer to those bigwigs in the business!

Note: The widget will only appear if the filter taxonomy is different from the main taxonomy on the page. So a category filter widget, will not appear on the category page, and likewise for stores. Currently, you can only filter by one taxonomy on a single page.

Key Features

  • Filter by Offer Type, Categories or Stores
  • AJAX based interface for smooth filtering
  • Easy to configure sidebar widget
  • Order the terms by name or count and set the number of terms to appear
  • Remembers filters on page reload
3 people like this.


  1. Download the Plugin zip file
  2. Open WP Admin dashboard -> Plugins -> Add new -> Upload
    Upload and activate the Plugin from Plugins page.
  3. Go to Appearance -> Widgets page.
  4. Add the “Coupon Filters” widget to “Store Sidebar” and/or “Coupon Sidebar”, select the taxonomy and set the order and number of terms you want displayed.

Support Policy

From February 2015, support will only be available via email from our email address .

Before you email us, please make sure you have read through the Support FAQs below:

Support FAQs

  • What kind of support is offered with a purchased product?
    Your product purchase includes one year of access to premium support via email and one year or free updates. Beyond that, you will need to renew your subscription year on year for around 30% of the product price. Support covers issues such as bug fixes (if any) under normal operation, how to use basic product features, very basic WordPress help, and help with very basic theme customisaton. If you need more advanced modifications please consider hiring a developer to do it for you.
  • Will you provide help with small modifications?
    If you need to do small modifications, you may get help from us as long as they are reasonable in number and nature. If you have a lot of such modifications, please consider paid developer help.
  • What kind of help would be unreasonable to ask?
    This is not an easy question to answer. We are here to ensure that the product you purchased works as intended by us and serves its purpose on your website. That means if it doesn’t work for you, we can step in and help you with it. However, it is when there are no issues with the functioning of the product and all you want is help with modification, that demands start getting unreasonable.
    As mentioned before, we don’t mind helping with modifications, but we also expect you to have tried everything to do it yourself. In other words, we expect you to have tried all the settings in your theme, ensured that the issue relates to the product in question, searched through legacy product support forum, and looked around on Google for the answer to your questions before approaching us. Please bear in mind that one theme, one child theme and a few plugins can get you only so far, and you will probably need to make changes to the code of your website to add functionality, change design and personalise it. In case of too many modifications, we will politely ask you to seek paid help.
  • I am using one of your child themes. I am having an issue with it.
    Please make sure the issue is really with the child theme by activating the parent theme and checking if the problem gets solved. Also please make sure you have tested all the settings in parent theme and child theme, sometimes the answer is right in there! Send us an email if the issue still persists.
  • I am using one of your child themes. I need help with customisation.
    As a pre-requisite, you are going to need a basic understanding of HTML & CSS to start customising the layout and style of your theme. To dig deeper PHP knowledge, specifically to WordPress, will help as well. The WordPress Codex is a great place to start learning. For CSS changes related to text colour, background colour, fonts, etc, please consider using the Firebug extension. A simple Google search returns many good text/video tutorials.
  • Do you offer paid WordPress development services?
    Yes we do depending on our work schedule. You can always run your requirements by us via email.

Change log

2.0.1 Hotfix Release (21/07/2018)

- Fixed minor bugs and PHP notices

2.0.0 MAJOR UPDATE (02/01/2018)

- Made compatible with Clipper 2.0.0.

1.0.1 Hotfix Release (24/04/2015)

- Escaped output of function add_query_arg() to prevent XSS security vulnerability

1.0.0 (29/03/2015)

Initial release version (at the time of Clipper 1.5.1)
You need to purchase this item before reviewing it.
(Just bought it? Log out and back in to enable reviews.)

 Comments (22)

  • joloshop

    Hi can only use it in the sidebar or can i add it obove the coupon on store pages and is it possible to sort by Type just by pushing a button instead of click a box?

    • author

      Thanks for the interest. Yes it is possible, but will require moderate PHP and good CSS skills.

      You can use the base function “cfl_filter_markup()” to print the checkbox list anywhere, for example (enclose it in php tags)

      cfl_filter_markup( APP_TAX_TYPE, array(), 'div', true );

      The rest is just CSS, you can style the items to appear next to each other, hide the checkbox, and make the labels (text next to the checkbox) look like buttons because they are clickable.

      luk42 likes this.
  • idealonline

    Is this filter only available for store taxonomy, Or you sort offers on category pages too?

  • Dharmesh Gupta

    Great post.
    I often shop online and would be very happy to get best discounts on my shopping. I found great discounts on paytm here xxxxxx


    In other words, I am a habitual spammer who likes to post links on any post I can find on the internet.

  • money

    Can this plugin filter particular store’s categories ?

    Anonymous likes this.
  • Smith

    Im using https instead of the http.
    I got the following error and filter process is not working too. Actually filter process is working when I logged in as admin. after logout filter process is not working and got the js alert.
    “Something went wrong. Please try refreshing the page.”

    ajax response.
    {“published”:””,”unreliable”:””,”success”:0,”message”:”Something went wrong. Please try refreshing the

    Im sure my coupons are published and not expired or unreliable.

    Please help.

    Thank you

    • author

      Replied via email.

      Anonymous likes this.
      • Smith

        Thanks for your reply. I didn’t get any emails from you. Can you please send it again.

        Thank you again.

        • author

          I had someone asking the same query through email. If it wasn’t you, please send an email on the address mentioned under the support tab. Please include your AppThemes username for verification.

  • money

    How is importing huge number of coupons. Is their any plugin?

  • luk42

    Hi I’ve just installed the plug in, but i can’t make the widget appear in the sidebar. Is it possible also put the filter on the top of the home page and category pages?


    • author

      Hi there,

      Please email us with your support requests. You should be able to find our email address under the support tab.


  • chrisking1981


    I am using classipress.
    I want to use filter on categories on a tag page.
    Is it possible with this plugin?
    Or is it hard to customize it, so a tag page can be filtered with checkboxes per category?

    • author

      Hi there,

      Thanks for the interest. The plugin only works with the Clipper theme, I think it wouldn’t be too difficult to customise it if you have PHP/WordPress skills.


  • brunondr

    Hi Mohsin,

    After visiting the demo site, I noticed the plugin creates a few dynamic URLs with parameters (?cfl_coupon_type=promotion).
    I would like to know if the dynamic pages will be indexed by google, if so is there a way to avoid it? I am asking this because I don’t want duplicated content on my website.

    Thank you.

  • mouradbouikni

    in the demo site your plugin filter unreliable Coupons.

    But in my site it doesn’t . I tested with both version
    Coupon filter 1.0.1 with Clipper v1.6.4 and another site with Coupon filter 2.0.0 and Clipper v2.0.

    I sent you several emails.

  • mouradbouikni

    Hi mohsin.

    The plugin doesn’t filter correctly the coupons.
    Can you update it to be compatible with the last version of clipper and wordpress.


  • kumar

    Thanks for sharing such a good article. This will help New Bloggers Like me

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