Ads Auto Re-Lister

Set your ClassiPress website to auto pilot mode! This plugin will re-list a random ad on home page every 5 minutes as a default value with an option to adjust how often you want that re-listing to accrue, you can also filter the re-listed ads by including/excluding usernames , including/excluding ads (by ID) or limiting the plugin to “featured ads” only.

This plugin is a perfect solution for low activity websites and it’s also a good thing to have for high activity websites as it will keep rolling your ads content by posting a random ad on the top of your home page as if it was just added now with no action required from you, your returned visitors will have a good impression about your website and I have also noticed a better SEO ranking after enabling this plugin.

Please don’t set the timer to less than “1 minute” even when you are just testing the plugin as some WordPress installations may prevent the plugin functionalities if the schedule is too short.

6 people like this.

Does this plugin re-list expired Ads

No, It won’t re-list the expired ads.

Does this plugin re-list ads marked as “Sold”

No, It won’t re-list the sold ads.

Does this plugin renew the expiry date of the re-listed ads?

No, It will just re-list the ad without touching the expiry date value.

Is this plugin compatible with child themes?

Yes, it’s supporting all child themes.

Is it only working with ClassiPress?

Yes, at the moment, it’s only supporting all versions of ClassiPress theme installed on any version of WordPress.

  • Download the Plugin zip file.
  • Open WP Admin dashboard -> Plugins -> Add new -> Upload.
  • Upload and activate the Plugin from Plugins page.
  • You can find the plugin “Settings Page” under the main “Settings” menu inside your WP dashboard.

Product support will be provided via this email address:

1.1.4 – 03/Nov/2017

  • Compatibilities Fixes.

1.1.3 – 13/Feb/2016

  • 1 Bug fixed for some sensitive web hosting configurations.

1.1.2 – 08/Feb/2016

  • New intervals options added (seconds,minutes and hours).
  • New option added to filter the re-listed Ads by including/excluding usernames.
  • New option added to filter the re-listed Ads by including/excluding Ads (ID’s).
  • Minor bug fixed to clean the previous schedules after saving the new setting – no need to disable/enable the plugin anymore :).

1.1.1 – 05/Feb/2016

  • Minor bug fixed to prevent re-listing sold items.

1.1.0 – 09/Dec/2015

  • New option added to limit re-listed Ads for certain users only.
  • New option added to re-list featured Ads only.
  • New option added to Activate/Deactivate the plugin from inside the plugin setting page (deactivated by default) so you can set the necessary setting before you start it.

1.0.0 – 20/Nov/2015

  • First version released.

4 reviews of “Ads Auto Re-Lister

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 Comments (107)

  • ngocoty08

    Hi Zaidrix, does this work for the current version of Classipress? I installed it, enable it and nothing happened, the ads did not relist after the time I set in the control panel!


  • author

    Hi ngocoty08,

    Yes it works, please contact me on to investigate the issue on your website.

  • apnardeal


    How can i exclude expired ads from Relisting ?

    Appreciate if you please response as early as possible.


  • author

    Hi Apnardeal,

    If the expired ad is still “Published” and visible on the website then it will be re-listed just like any other Ad, if you have set the options in your ClassiPress website to (Prune expired ads) then they won’t be affected by the plugin.

    apnardeal likes this.
  • davidwoolf

    Hi Zaidrix,

    I hope all is well. I lost your email address. Send me an email if you still have mine.

    Like all Classipress users, I have been focusing all along on the ads.

    But actually the blog posts are very powerful too.

    I was wondering if you can “duplicate” your re-lister, and create a new plugin that will re-list the blog posts?

    rather than just having them sit there, I would like to see a “new” blog every few minutes…


  • entreparisiens

    Hello Zaidrix,

    Nice plugin !

    Have you planned to update your plugin in order to relist ads, but including the republishing ?
    Because now, the ads are relisted (to the top of the list), but their status remained expired (or sold).
    I would be very useful.

    Or could you tell me how I could fix that by customizing your plugin by myself ?

    Thanks a lot for your reply,

  • entreparisiens

    To precise my message, I would need to update also the expiry date (and maybe other required parameters ?).
    The rule would be to keep the original “+ x days” defined when publishing the ad for the first time. Or it can be hard coded for 3 days.
    Would you see how I could force that in your plugin code ?
    Thanks a lot,

  • author

    Hello Laurent,

    Sorry for the late answer.

    I will guide you on how you can do that by yourself.

    The re-listed Ad has an “ID” in the “posts” table .. this post has “meta data” somewhere else in the database in a table called “postmeta” .. you need to update “cp_sys_expire_date” through that post ID every time the Ad is re-listed.

  • entreparisiens

    Hello Zaidrix,
    Thank you so much for you reply.
    Could it be possible to go a bit further by sharing me the needed code ? Or at least the impacted files ?
    Thanks a lot for your help,

  • author

    Hi Laurent,

    Please have a look here

    Anonymous likes this.
  • entreparisiens

    Hi Zaidrix, Thank you

  • gerrit

    Hello Zaidrix,

    Nice plugin !

    php error

    PHP Warning: array_intersect(): Expected parameter 2 to be an array, null given in /home/……/domains/…../public_html/wp-content/plugins/Ads-Auto-Re-Lister/ads_auto_re_lister.php on line 129\n
    ads_auto_re_lister.php on line 146
    ads_auto_re_lister.php on line 161
    ads_auto_re_lister.php on line 170


  • author

    Hi gerrit,

    Can you please send the details below to this email

    Your website URL
    PHP version / ClassiPress version / WP version
    Where you saw this error
    Is the plugin working with an error or not working at all?

  • puremind

    I renewed plugin to day so what i have to do? is that upgrade will be automatically happen?

  • author

    Hello @puremind

    You just need to download the new version and delete the old one.

    Anonymous likes this.
  • levt

    Hi Zaidrix,

    I have send you an email as the plugin suddenly stopped working.

    Could you please reply to my email, I have send the email to



  • author

    Hello Levt

    I have replied,

  • entreparisiens

    Hi Zaidrix,
    I just sent you an email about this plugin / problem, could you have a look please ?

  • author

    Hi .. I replied to your email 🙂

  • entreparisiens

    Thank you for your prompt reply

  • koko333

    I bought the plugin I have classipress 4.2.7 and it turned out that it renews the ads (date) but it does not renew the photo on the homepage, nothing happens? I sent a private message HELP

  • author

    Hi Koko,

    I did not quite understand what you mean with the photos on the homepage can you please share your classipress website?

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