Ad Stuffer

Product Description:

Ad Stuffer Version 1.0 – Stuff your ClassiPress with Ads. With Ad Stuffer you get two extra Adsense Links and three extra ads for a total of five extra ads. Ad Stuffer will also take over your footer and you can put a total of four links for example a link to the AppThemes Affiliate market place. You are free to mix ads and links as you please but the total links and links are nine.

$$$ Promotion $$$  – Buy now and get free – Ad Stuffer for all AppThemes that will launch in December 2012.


Maximise your Ad revenue! Show 9 more ads & links on your website!
– Easy installation with FTP or WordPress admin in your ClassiPress based website.
– No edit in code with update!
– Clean & Trusted Code!
– No need for Child theme or hire webmaster!
– Easy install like turning a key!
– Free lifetime Support on AppThemes and


Install the Ad Stuffer by FTP or from WordPress Admin. Activate Ad Stuffer from inside the WordPress Admin panel. Put your Adsense, php, iframe or java code inside the Ad Stuffer. You find Ad Stuffer under settings in your WordPress Admin.


– ClassiPress 3.0.5+>
– ClassiPress 3.1.6
– ClassiPress 3.1.7
– ClassiPress 3.1.8
– ClassiPress 3.1.9

– WordPress 3.0 – 3.4.2+

7 people like this.
Please visit the dedicated support forum.

3 reviews of “Ad Stuffer

0.5 stars
By -

The support des not exist at all – no help at all.. i reported issues about footer urls that are not showing on forum and it was no answer.

the plugin destroys the mobile version of classipress!!!

the idea of this plugin is good but implementation is not good at all!!

I use latest wordpress 4.4.2 and latest classipress 3.5.2 with php version 5.6

Anonymous likes this.
5 stars
Review ...
By -

Is well, just need some work …
By the way ,how can insert advertisement in ads?
I mean ads posted by users …

5 stars
Need Some Instructions
By -

I need some instructions on how to use this plugin once added to classipress.
Thank You,

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 Comments (40)

  • levt


    I got this plugin love it, but you should have also fields to config the footer all rights etc etc

    by the way botom footer banner show all the way on the right of the theme not in the center!

    Would be great if your next plugin would be something for customize tags, color, size, minim to show, max to show, will buy it straight away 🙂


    • author

      You mean to have banner rotation? Yes the footer function will be in next version no need to buy it will be included in your upgrade with version 1.x.

      Anonymous likes this.
  • nstephen

    Looks promising.

    If i have 10 banners each, will it randomly show in header and above the footer?

    Another suggestion. Can it insert randomly one of these ads from header and above footer in between every 5 ad posts in the index and search?

    Will grab a copy if it can be done.


    • author

      Not in this version, we are looking for new features all the time. We will open one thread in the forum for buyers and they can post their request there. Once the plugin get more functions it will likely go up in price as well so buying now is a good idea.

  • epijunky

    Id love to see this plugin place advertisements between a set number of listings…for example, every 3 listings theres an advertisement spot

    Anonymous likes this.
  • Kabaz

    Can I add my own banners or necessarily needs to be ads from google?

    thesyndicate likes this.
    • author

      Any banner is ok no need to be Google, Thank you

      thesyndicate likes this.
  • Nikki

    Can you put more than one ad in each spot and they rotate?


  • hdgsnl

    hi is this classipress 3.2.1 ready?

    • author

      Our 2.0 version that will work with ClassiPress 3.2.1 is almost done (Testing this week and then off to Appthemes for approval) and it will have a rotator function with another plug in that works with Appthemes.

  • Nikki


    I’m using version 3.1.3 and wordpress 3.2.1 is the current version of Ad stuffer compatiable with these versions? will the new version you are working on be compatiable with these too?

    Also once I’ve purchased it how do I install it? I would like to try it on my development site before I try it on my live site. Can I do that or do I have to purchase it twice?

    Thanks for your help, I’m very eager to buy this.


    • author

      Hello, thank you for asking questions. You can install it in any of your sites no need to buy extra License. The new version works on both 3.2.1 and 3.1.9. It will also work on the new wordpress. We updates along with WordPress and ClassiPress.

  • Nikki

    Sorry I meant classipress 3.1.3

  • Nikki

    Thank you, for your quick response. Sorry will the new version work with Classipress 3.1.3? (not 3.1.9)

  • author

    I have tested it back to 3.05 so it should work.

    Anonymous likes this.
  • hdgsnl

    hi, thanks for al your replies 🙂
    i purchased version 1 but need the update for your next version to run on 3.2.1
    can you let me know where i can get this

    all the best


  • author

    Hello. Please keep all after sale questions to the forum

    The version 2.0 will come soon we are waiting for the Banner Rotation to be approved.

    Anonymous likes this.
  • author

    Yes we will follow ClassiPress as they progress. Our script will always work with new Versions of WordPress and AppThemes if there is not changes to the core of the Themes.

  • levt


    Is this working on wp 3.5 and cp 3.2.1??


  • author

    Yes as we said before the 1.0 is working and our 2.0 will be following the ApptTheme and WordPress development always.

  • levt

    And that will be when? as cp 3.2.1 and wp 3.5 are almost old all ready 🙁 and still no update of your plugin!!!


  • author

    Thank you for your questions but I think it has been asked countless of times.

    Like I said before our plugin is working with the Appthemes and WordPress at this current moment. I do not see any reason to update a working script even if it is “old” do you? If you are a current customer and having ANY issues with the script you are most welcome to post them in the forum. We are not having ANY issues with the plugin.

  • levt

    oke will try it then on cp 3.2.1 and wp 3.5 and get back to you!

  • author

    Please if you are a customer ask these kind of questions in the forum.

    Need support for this item? – You’re in the wrong place. Head on over to the Ad Stuffer Forum where the seller (thesyndicate) can assist you.

  • eghonghon

    I have two questions before i buy this plugin….I use a child theme, classisky along with the original classipress theme..I hope this would work fine….

    Secondly, I want to know if this version 1.0 works perfectly with wordpress 3.5 and classipress 3.2.1

  • author

    If the maker of Classisky use the Appthemes normal actionhooks there should be no issue. So I would say yes.

    For you second option we actually have a version 2.0 unofficially if any would have problems. But nobody complaint about the functions and the new wordpress so we just keep working for 2.x. If you would have any problems related to the new WP or CP let us know in the forum we send you the new version after we verify that you bought 1.0

  • Gerardo Fuentes

    Hi, when comes out the version 2.0?


  • author

    As we just said there is no need for a 2.0 right the 1.0 is working just fine. We are working on some new ideas for 2.x but no time yet.

  • eghonghon

    i’ve bought it and it works perfectly 😀 …But i have a question…I don’t know how to use the “Feeder Link URL”. I tried inserting a link and a text but i saw nothing on the footer…Pls,can u help here…thank you…

  • author

    To follow the guide lines from the AppThemes we can keep the support questions in the forum 😀 Thank you for your kind words please feel free to give us a 5 star.

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