Compatibility: Vantage 3

Vantage Search Auto Suggest

Enables a Google-like auto suggest search feature within Vantage.


Logic Widgets

Quickly and easily add conditional content to your AppThemes site including…



Accept payments for high risk credit card transactions using CCBill.


TwinPress Bundle

Combine Vantage and Classipress into one network site.


Logic Widgets for Vantage

Quickly and easily add conditional content to your Vantage site including…


Image Slider for Vantage

Replace the Vantage listing and events gallery with an image slider.


TwinPress Directory

Ultra-clean responsive Vantage child theme that will work by itself or as…


User Locator for Vantage

Auto-detect & add your visitors location using geo coordinates.


Vantage Infinite Scroll

Create an endless page like Facebook's wall. Replaces the standard…
