
Live Demo

MultiPort is a multicolor, customizable and readable ClassiPress child theme packed full with some awesome features.
This Pro-Child-Theme cares about your work first, keeping the design elements to a minimum while still maintaining a definitive modern style. Your customers will love to use it!

MultiPort is full responsive on all kind of mobile devices, ready to use language translation packs and testet with all available plugins that are recommended by AppThemes.

Set your own background textures or colors within minutes from your admin backend. No need to change files!

Features Included:

  • Responsive for all kind of mobile devices like mobile phones or tablets
  • Easy change Background to a selectable plain color or texture
  • Bigger Slider for featured ads
  • “Featured” Ribbon in ad listings
  • Highlighted Background listing when ad is featured
  • Featured ads show on top of categories & search result
  • Bigger Google Map under ad description
  • “New” sign when ad is less then 1 day online
  • Support for “Price is negotiable” sign when customer agrees
  • Choose between 5 ready to use Color Styles (Red, Blue, Aqua, Teal and Green)
  • Better tab positions including further tab “Categories”
  • No Price Tag when ad author sets “0″ (Zero)
  • URLs and emails in posts are clickable
  • Send ad description to a friend via email
  • Support multiple languages
  • WordPress Multisite compatible
  • Admin can see the IP from ad author under the ad description
  • “Sold” Ribbon in listing and “Sold” stamp in single ad
  • Support by Rolf Hassel (Samcy)
  • This pro child theme is READY for ClassiPress 3.3.3 and WordPress 4.0


10 people like this.

See a small video how easy it is to set your own background and changing the style:


  1. Upload the childtheme to your themes folder
  2. Activate the childtheme
  3. You may need to set your menus again. Go to your Admin dashboard => Appearance => Menus and activate your Header and footer menu.
  4. You may need to regenerate your thumbnails after first installation: Please install this plugin: and run it once.
  5. Set your WordPress => Settings => Permalinks to “Post name” and save the settings.
Please visit the dedicated support forum.

5 reviews of “MultiPort

5 stars
Do Not Purchase This Product - BOGUS, BUGGY & NO SUPPORT
By -

I purchased this Child Theme over two years ago and we have experienced nothing but headaches each time a ClassiPress update is necessary, something in this Child Theme breaks and we are forced to either wait for Samcy to update his Theme and provide an update three weeks later OR find a temporary fix ourselves.

We’re not at all customized, just ClassiPress and this Samcy’s Child Theme. Samcy does not respond to emails (even though his readme file encourages you to contact him with any issues) and in one instance we purchase support directly from Samcy’s website himself we Never, Never… NEVER received any response.

Most recently we upgraded to 3.5.X and were asked to renew our Child Theme – So we purchased it and installed it per Samcy’s readme and now what used to work just fine in a previous version – no longer works. BOGUS CHILD THEME DO NOT PURCHASE!

AppThemes must remove those developers that will not support their product and SAMCY needs to be at the top of that list!

5 stars
Compatible with CP 3.5.x?
By -

Is this theme compatible with CP 3.5.x?

0.5 stars
Poor support
By -

poor support, waste time and money

Anonymous likes this.
1 star
STAY AWAY ! Poor support loaded with bugs
By -

Where do I begin ?

1. Poor support. 10 days with no response to forum or help.
2. Price Negotiable ribbon not not working. no fields.
3. “Email this to a friend” no fields. Not working
4. “Report inappropriate Content” Not working … no fields.

I’d request a refund immediately if the Author/Designer would answer the Forum. I’m contacting my Credit Card Company to request a refund.

This Theme is incomplete and should be removed until it’s been beta tested and proven sound.

“Product not as advertised.

Anonymous likes this.
5 stars
Undoubtedly the best child theme, ClassiPress!
By -

The best thing I did was to have acquired this wonderful child theme, I am very happy and satisfied, because this software meets all says author, very good, I’m loving, beautiful theme !!!

2 people like this.
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(Just bought it? Log out and back in to enable reviews.)

 Comments (65)

  • samcy

    I like your theme MultiPort and Phoenix., but i have a question.
    I am interesting your opinion what is the Best MultiPort or Phoenix for latest Classipress? 😉

  • author

    Phoenix has it’s own color, while MultiPort is using the colors of the parent ClassiPress theme. Both themes provide the same features and additional functions. It’s more easy to change the background color in Multiport, as it doesn’t need to disable the core stylesheet. The rest is just a matter of taste.
    By the way: Nice Nickname you have 😉

    Anonymous likes this.
  • George

    Thanks for the advice. MultiPort looks more comfortable for design lamers like me 😉

    1) MultiPort support custom forms layouts and custom fields?
    2) Is it include PSD files for ribbon featured, sold stamp, price negotiable. if i need change Language ?

    PS: Sorry for Nickname 😉

  • author

    Hi George,

    MultiPort is perfect for beginners. You can add your own ideas in the style.css of MultiColor. I even made many notes in the style.css and functions.php to explain what every code is doing and where you can add your own things.
    1) Yes, you can create your own custom fields and form layouts, just the same like in the parent.
    2) No, the PSD is not included. But i can give them on request or i will help you do the changes.


  • George

    Thanks for answer and explain Samcy.
    I just bought your Theme. 🙂

  • author

    Thanks for the purchase, George.

    If you have further questions or in need of help, please use the MultiPort forum:
    I’ll be happy to assist you.

  • aron

    Even though i can see what you are trying to do with this theme
    you have just listed features Classipress 3.3 has all ready there is nothing hugely new here just a way of trying to rip people off

    Classipress 3.3 is all ready responsive so you can not sell that as a added feature like you are doing

    Colours are the same you have just made a simple css change

    I am a developer so I do know what you ave done

    simple new features not really worth buying

    why not trying to look out side of the box building a very modern theme get the featured slider into every category

    make adverts be able to post into each feature slider homes into homes for example featured slider

    we are building for jobroller not Classipress just trying to help you out as you wont sell a lot of these as there is no huge difference

    automate the sold ad process or viewed featured ads

    do something different

    make woo commerce be the shopping cart for ads

    come on its not hard

  • author

    Thanks aron for your feedback. Well, It’s up to you to judge this child theme without knowing the details inside or having it used. Adding the slider to all categories or placing adverts is a piece of cake to code. If you are a developer, it should take you less than 10 minutes to add these things. I only added features that are most wanted by many customers. Special wishes can be done on request and agreements.

  • nonamege


    Whats i problem? I know what I bought.

    This is realy most wanted feature that i need. I dont want lose time for do this job. My time cost more that 39$ that i pay for this Theme.

  • azapptec69

    how can use negotiable tag in MultiPort theme

  • author

    Hello Azapptec69,

    All you need to do is create a custom field in your ClassiPress backend. Here is a small tutorial:

    Please use the forum for support and further help.


    azapptec69 likes this.
  • azapptec69

    Hi samsy thanks. It helped me a lot.

  • levt

    Hi Samcy,

    I am a little disapointed 🙁 when are you going to think out of the box my friend, all your childthemes look a like 🙁 and again the top login borring!

    You are one of the best in support and such a cool dude, but come on men you can do much much bether then this!! SUPRISE US FOR ONES!!!

    With the best regards

  • mfjdspence

    Ran into a bit of an odd issue. If I make one of my adds “sticky” then it only displays that ad under the featured listings. However, as soon as I remove the “sticky” then it starts showing all the adds. I understand that I want to have the option of making some adds featured so they are displayed more prominently, but I don’t want all my ads to disappear as soon as I mark 1 or 2 as featured.

    I can replicate the problem if you have the time to take a look.

    Thanks for your help.

  • tschando

    Hi Samcy

    I’m really happy with your MultiPort Theme. I want to set up a website that helps students finding a teacher.

    My questions: The website’s language is german. Is it therefore possible to get the original ‘featured’ and ‘sold’ ribbons (without any text) so that I can translate it in german? Thank’s a lot for your work and help!


  • author

    @Levt: One day i will make a special erotic child theme, just for you 😉

    Anonymous likes this.
  • author

    Hi mfjdspence,

    You need at least 6 featured ads for the slider to work correctly. This is required by ClassiPress, not the child theme.

    Please use the forum for further support, thanks

  • author

    Hi tschando,

    Sende mir bitte eine Email an rhassel [at]

    Ich schicke dir dann die psd dateien.


  • tschando

    🙂 your the best… samcy!

  • levt


    That will be so cool! But you know what I meen and please take the previous comment not as a negative one as you are one of the most helpful support members of them all here at appthemes! and your childthemes great, but they would need to be 2013 great :-)!!

    And now a cold one my friend!


  • tschando

    Hey Samcy

    Another question with your childtheme occured: My category-dropdown menu on the right side of the search field doesn’t show that nice look like the one on your demo page… Any idea why?

    Thanks and regards

  • tschando

    PS: May be you can have a look at it:

  • Chris Kab

    Hi Samcy,

    I love your theme, but I have 3 pre sale questions:

    1. Can I move the map that shows on the ad to the ad side bar, just like original classipress?

    2. I have a custom gallery plugin named “Cutegallery”, it will work in multiport child theme?

    3.I have a plugin named banner galore that I bought here, in the marketplace, it is compatible?

    Best regards and thanks in advance.

  • vaquero004

    Good day. I have already bought classipress but I would like to make changes to it but I don´t know how the childtheme Works, I have to install it on the original classipress folder? if this is correct, how do I upload it? or I just upload the theme?

    • tschando

      Hi vaquero004

      Just install it like a new theme, wordpress will recognize it as a child theme.


      • david

        Ok, but I do need the classipress theme installed?, I ask this because If this is a theme then I should have bought this instead of the 99 dollars version. I am new in all this stuff of wordpress and themes, don´t get me wrong. Another question should be how do I translate it to spanish? because I haven´t be able to translate my classipress theme (regard all the information there is I don´t understand how).

        • tschando

          Hey david

          Yes, you do need the classipress theme installed. This having done you can install the childtheme from within the theme (as I mentioned above).
          Spanish language: go download the language file you need ( and simply upload the .mo-file via ftp to the following directory:/wp-content/languages/themes. In the themes-directory you should place the File… and all will work fine 🙂


  • leosch


    How to use multi language ?

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