Banners Galore ClassiPress

Live Demo

Banner advertisement to maximize your ad revenue. This plugin allows you to add the advertisement banner and advertisement script like Google Ads. You can set the Different Advertisement for different pages like the home page, different category listing pages, ads detail pages, content pages for different places like above header, below header, above footer, below footer, above listing start, below listing end. Also for ads detail page above and below ads description. Same way the plugin has the feature such a way that you can set your advertisement after every ads listing of 2,3,4,5 or 6 for listing page. Please see screenshots & demo for more details. This plugin works with ClassiPress only. It is also compatible with WordPress Multi-site.

Significant Features:

  • Banner advertisements to maximize your ad revenue.
  • Different banner spaces for different places & pages
  • Banner spaces for different places like above & below header, above & below footer, above listing start & below listing end
  • Banner space option for ads detail page above and below ads description
  • Banner spaces options for individual category listing, To get more advertisement space can set different banners for all listing category pages
  • Different banner options for Home page, ads details pages, content pages & blog pages
  • Sequential banner ads after every number of ads like after every 2 ads or after every 3 ads and so on.
  • new feature Sliding effect if display number of banners are more than one for a single place.
  • Insert sliding banners from same banner post.
  • new feature Add upto 5 banners for sliding.
  • Using jquery.cycle.all.js fade effect for sliding the ads.
  • new feature Expiry Date added.
  • Slider speed & effect change as per banner settings.
  • Display banners for Ads Tag listing page same as Ads category page.
  • Compatible with ClassiPress 3.2.0+

Important note for version : 1.0.6 upgrade: Expiry date is must otherwise all banners will be gone. Please read change log for more details and how to set expiry date automatically for all banners. Otherwise you should manually set expiry date for each banners one by one.

New options added — added after version : 1.1.0 (13th Nov 2017)

Added shortcode to display banners.
Shortcode example :: [wpwcp_banners_galore banner_id=10]
— Argument :: banner_id=10

New options added — added after version : 1.2.0 (08th Aug 2018)

  • ClassiPress Version 4.0 related update.
  • Above & Below loop for home page, category pages, tags pages & search page not working after ClassiPress Version 4.0 because there is not filter/action hook for that.
  • Important NOTE ::

    sequential banners is not working properly. it will work by leaving one number on start and end of loop.

  • for example : if you want to display sequential banner after every “2” ads, on first ad it will display after first ad and before last ads.
  • Between that it will display only after every “2” ads.
  • sequential banners will not display properly for home page Latest Listings because of grid listings.
  • Added filters for different pages banner ids.
  • On search page display banners with search and category search combination.
  • Added shortcode to display banners. Shortcode example :: [wpwcp_banners_galore banner_id=10]
  • Get banners galore shortcode from banners list

New options added — added after version : Version : 1.2.1 (12th Aug 2018)

  • Banners display for all pages by default, there is no option to hide banners for specific pages.
  • Ignore/hide banners display for specific pages — NEW option added on banners add/edit page settings.
5 people like this.

1)Advertise plugin dosen’t working for footer section of ads detail page.
==>It is a problem in the file is :: sidebar-ad.php from your classipress theme folder. We have report to apptheme team for the problem.

Get Download the updated file sidebar-ad.php

2) Is the Banner Advertisement allow rotating banner/sliding banners?
==>Sorry, we have provided only static banner for current version, you can add video,flash or any advertisement script instead.

3)Banner Advertisement is responsive(view able for all most size device) ?
==>Yes Banner Advertisement is working ok for all size of device automatically.

4)How to make Google Ads script, advertisement flash or any other advertisement script responsive(view able for all most size device) ?
==>Please refer the plugin document to make Google Ads script viewable for all most size of device. Related to video, flash or any other kind of advertisement script you need to add css style below to make it responsive.
eg ::

Your Iframe Code ::
<iframe style=”max-width:100%”> … </iframe>

Your Object Code ::
<object style=”max-width:100%”> … </object>

Your Image Code ::
<img src=”your image” style=”max-width:100%” />

5)How to add banners in sidebar?
–Add the ads as normally adding, as per above guide
–go to wp-admin > widgets > drag & drop widget “Banner Galler – Sidebar Banner Ads” to the sidebar widget area where you want to display the ads.

1)Unzip the plugin folder

2)Copy the plugin folder “banners_galore_classipress” and paste in “wp-content/plugins/”

======= OR =======

4)Go to wp-admin -> Plugins -> Plugins-> Banners Galore for ClassiPress-> Active Plugin

5)You can see additional “Banners Galore” section box at left menus

6)Start adding banner Ads as per you want

7)Read Usage, Notes & Developer Notes Carefully.

You can contact us directly via email (info(@) or support under forum in the AppThemes forum.

Version : 1.2.5 (20th Jan 2022)
— Display ads for author listing page above & below header, above & below footer.


Version : 1.2.4 (09th Sep 2020)
— Sequential ads on category list, search page may not display as properly – Problem Solved.


Version : 1.2.3 (10th July 2019)
— Some feature not working properly for child theme – problem SOLVED


Version : 1.2.2 (09th Apr 2019)
— Banners in slider view not display while user not login because of some problem – SOLVED.


Version : 1.2.1 (12th Aug 2018)
— Banners display for all pages by default, there is no option to hide banners for specific pages.
— Ignore/hide banners display for specific pages — NEW option added on banners add/edit page settings.

Version : 1.2.0 (08th Aug 2018)
— ClassiPress Version 4.0 related update.
— Above & Below loop for home page, category pages, tags pages & search page not working after ClassiPress Version 4.0 because there is not filter/action hook for that.
Important NOTE :: sequential banners is not working properly. it will work by leaving one number on start and end of loop.

for example : if you want to display sequential banner after every “2” ads, on first ad it will display after first ad and before last ads.
— Between that it will display only after every “2” ads.
— sequential banners will not display properly for home page Latest Listings because of grid listings.
— Added filters for different pages banner ids.
— On search page display banners with search and category search combination.
— Added shortcode to display banners. Shortcode example :: [wpwcp_banners_galore banner_id=10]
— Get banners galore shortcode from banners list

Version : 1.1.0 (13th Nov 2017)
— Added shortcode to display banners. Shortcode example :: [wpwcp_banners_galore banner_id=10]

Version : 1.2.9 (20th July 2017)
— PHP Notice: from widget section — Removed.
— In last update, banners settings option not working – Problem solved.

Version : 1.2.8 (30th June 2017)
— PHP notices removed.

Version : 1.2.7 (28th June 2017)
— PHP notices removed from banners_galore_all.php

Version : 1.2.6 (29th May 2017)
— Widget update, widget name : Banner Galore-Sidebar Banner Ads
— Added widget option to display on tags listing.
— Added widget option to display on search page.
— Added widget option to display on blog category pages.
— Added widget option to display on blog tag pages.
— Added widget option to display on author pages.
— Added widget option to display on ads paginations.

Version : 1.2.5 (26th May 2017)
— SSL enabled but not work for some server, problem solved.
— Removed the extra block displa while there is no banner for specific page, mainly for sidebar widget section.

Version : 1.2.4(20th May 2017)
— Widget display blank if condition not match — Problem solve.
— Now if condition not match, the blank box will never display.

Version : 1.2.3(14th March 2017)
— Widget filter added for custom post type.
— Banner add/edit from wp-admin >> if number of tags are very much like 2000 or more the page not loaded – Problem solve – Now you can see only popular 500 tags.

Version : 1.2.2 (19th July 2016)
— Banner add/edit category and tags selection make easy. Not by one click you can make all category and tags selected.

Version : 1.2.1
— Banners display for Sidebar — display error – Solved

Version : 1.2.0
— Display banners for Tags also.
— Slider Effect Selection
— Slider timer change as per you want.

Version : 1.0.10
— Changed localization feature
— Added Franch language.
/*Change your local language by change below line*/
//load_textdomain(‘wpw’, $bgc_plugin_dir_path.’/languages/’);

where “” will be your local language file that you should create in “languages” folder.

Version : 1.0.9
— CSS change for bigger banner image.

Version : 1.0.8
— Added plugin usage document with more details inside readme.txt file.

Version : 1.0.7
— Sequential banner display for category listing was not dispaly – It was ERROR – SOLOVE – Not it is working
— ADDED NEW OPTION : Display sequential banners for home page and all category listing.

Version : 1.0.6
— Banner Expiry date added.
— You can set the expiry date so banner hide as per date you have added.
— Expiry date is must otherwise all banners will be gone.
The easy way to set expiry date for one month later is below url. It will set the banner expiry date to next month of same date.
eg if today is : 10th-march-2015 then the banner expiry date will be 10th-april-2015

see the direct link on plugin list page with plugin description from where you active/deactivate the plugins.

— You can see the expiry date in the banner listing page.

Version : 1.0.5
— Sliding Banners – New feature added
— Advertisement make easy and faster.
— Display more than one banners as sliding banners.
— Display multiple sliding banners by add more than one banner post.
— Add up to 5 banners in single banner slider from banner post.

Version :
— Added Sliding effect if display number of banners are more than one for a single place.
— Using jquery.cycle.all.js fade effect for sliding the ads.
— If you want to disable the slide effect open the file banners_galore_classipress.php
>> find line “$wpw_ads_display_slide_effect = 1;”
>> set it to “$wpw_ads_display_slide_effect = 0;”

Version :
— Wp-admin > extra fileds ralted to locations on add/edit banners > removed.

Version :
–(NEW Feature) Display banner on specific place in the listing of Ads – Added new feature for sequential banner
–(NEW Feature) Changed the sidebar ads widget, you can select ads as per added & use any where as per options given.
–(ERROR) – on home page tabs – sequential banner ads not working for some tabs — solved

— NEW Feature — should add — banner display for SEARCH page

Version :
— Home page sequence banner ad problem – solved.

Version : 1.0.2 – final
— Category listing page sequence listing banner ads was hang the page. — Solved.

Version : 1.0.2 -beta

added below flag in plugin file which controll the conditional setting like if any of member
who is already have purchased the membershiop package and still not expired, they cannot see the
advertise banner, rest of all visitors, non-register memers and whose membership expired – can see the
advertise banners

You can set below PHP variable value ‘1’ OR ‘0’

$wpw_adv_is_show_for_members_only = ‘1’;

Version : 1.0.2 – alpha

— Show banner in sideber (via widget) Option added on banner add/edit page of wp-admin.
— Banner Galler-Sidebar Banner Ads (New widget added) in wp-admin > widget section.
— Widget will show banner specially for :: category listing, home page, detail pages…

Version : 1.0.1
–(NEW Feature) Display banner on specific place in the listing of Ads – Added new feature for sequential banner
–(NEW Feature) Changed the sidebar ads widget, you can select ads as per added & use any where as per options given.
–(ERROR) – on home page tabs – sequential banner ads not working for some tabs — solved

Version : 1.0.1
— Show Banner Advertisement on listing after every XXX ads Sequential –show as per selection of setting
— like show on home page or on selected category pages. if not selected any thing, it will show for all.

Version : 1.0.0
New Release

12 reviews of “Banners Galore ClassiPress

5 stars
An excellent and expected plug-in for users deserves all the money.
By -

I like this plugin very much. If you could add the possibility of splitting in columns would be great. Thank you.

5 stars
theme clasifichados
By -

Hi … I think the plugin does a great a job on the original theme … unfortunately I am using the clasifichados theme and did not check out (before I bought your plugin) that it does not work with that theme … is there a slightly chance you adapt a few lines of the plugin-code for me so I can inject ads also in that theme from wprabbits? … thanx in advance

By Vipul - February 7, 2017

Hi theme clasifichados,
You may send me your child theme so I can check it.
My email id :

5 stars
By -

Banners Galore is a state of the art plugin.

In addition to the obvious benefit of being able to post banner ads everywhere, it also creates the necessary space for posting blocks of text, as normally there is NO place one can post text in Classipress. Having the ability to post blocks of text in different locations is a huge help for SEO optimization.

With the most recent updates, we can now select all categories and all ad tags with one fast click. It is worth every penny x 1000 and I strongly recommend.

I also am deeply impressed by the sincere professional timely support I have received from Vipul.

Buy with confidence.

5 stars
Dont work
By -


i have thid plugin an the ad scroller plugin. But at same time it doesnt work. I must deactivate it. Ssorry i cant get my money back. Please update this plugin.

By Vipul - April 24, 2016

Would you please send me ” the ad scroller plugin” that you are using right now for your website and your website url so I will check all settings and make correction if any.
My email :
Please don’t forgot to add your problem detail in the email for better understanding.

ahmorgan likes this.
5 stars
Great plugin!
By -

A must have for every classipress site.

5 stars
Banner Galore
By -

A great product. I only found it difficult how to change the permalinks. For now, the plugin works very well. The service is excellent. I will let you know if there will be problems in the future. Congratulations.

5 stars
Special plugin to make money
By -

This plugin me are paid off in a few days, do not imagine how many possibilities will give you to monetize your site with, thanks Vipul 5 stars

Anonymous likes this.
5 stars
By -

Lo he instalado en ClassicPress y lo he configurado para que se muestre cada 5 anuncios, dado que la capacidad de mi sitio es mostrar 10 anuncios por página, entonces puedo mostrar la publicidad cada 5 anuncios, es decir 2 por páginas.
El problema es que solo lo hace en la pagina 1, mientras que en el resto de las categorías no se muestra ninguna publicidad.

Anonymous likes this.
5 stars
Bought it and haven't used it
By -

I needed to use this plugin on a LOT of sites. I have decided against using it as you have to manually click all the radio buttons for the categories you wish to display the banner ads in. My sites all have 20+ categories, so manually clicking them all over and over again is too much. Would use if you implemented a “select all categories” feature.

Anonymous likes this.
5 stars
great plugin..!
By -

i like it…just wish there were more places to put banners. more banners.different sizes..

2 people like this.
1 star
By -

Instructions are not clear. Product does not work with other items in the Market Place like child themes etc.

5 stars
Banners Galore available for VANTAGE ?
By -

Hi – I’m looking for such a plugin to use in VANTAGE?

Improvements for monetize such a plugin would be a NEAR BY loacation based banner – even combine with currently already integrated category based selection –

kind regarsds,

localsguide likes this.
You need to purchase this item before reviewing it.
(Just bought it? Log out and back in to enable reviews.)

 Comments (135)

  • FanaticWeb

    Great plugin although can we push ads based on tags?

  • freetraffico

    Please VIPUL check the “ABOVE THE FOOTER” & the “BELOW THE FOOTER” feature of the plugin. I tried it on my site and its still under the footer.

    I think they have mixed up.Or I guess its a bug. Please check it and fix it. THIS IS a GREAT plugin. THANKZ

    • R Krishana

      Hi it’s not a bug but if you see the faq of the page, we have correct the error on classipress theme. Get more details by reading the FAQ of the product.


  • freetraffico

    Please check my site. Its still the same…. What is really wrong???
    SEEE MY SITE>>>>>

    See the Above The Header and Above the Footer [Still Below The footer].

    • R Krishana

      Hi, I check the site and there is a banner image for footer “before_footer” position & only for home page. What the problem you facing now please explain so I can have idea for you.

  • freetraffico

    My problem is that when I try to place the banner ABOVE THE FOOTER IT still stays at BELOW THE FOOTER.


    • R Krishana

      Nothing is wrong.
      You have set the ads for above footer while I said in last comment it’s set at ::“before_footer” — above footer only.

  • plivans

    Thanks so much for this wonderful plugin—I love it!

  • chris

    Do these banners appear in their respective categories or in all categories?

  • freetraffico

    I wish I can give you access into my WO admin to let you understand what I am talking about.

    I dont know whether it the Classipress childthem I am using that is creating this error.

    I have removed it anyway.

    • R Krishana

      ok please pm me the login details and some description about what you want to do and which pages, so I can check it myself and let you know how to do it.

  • galazrafael85

    Is this plugin working fine in the new classipress 3.3 responsive theme?

  • author

    Yes the plugin is working fine with classipress 3.3 responsive theme but you have to set the script code size in %(percentage). Like google ads etc…
    Necessary tutorials are added with plugin folder.

    2 people like this.
  • Marls

    Does this plugin work with classiclean (childtheme ofclassipress)?hadissues with other banners not working.

    • R Krishana

      Yes the plugin working with classiclean . It should never create problem with other banner as there is not any js included. The plugin only use action hook by ClassiPress theme.

  • uummadaani

    Is it compatible with child themes?

  • matillatatar

    hi ,

    I got this message after purchasing and trying the plugin.can you let me know how to fix it? atilla

    Catchable fatal error: Object of class WP_Error could not be converted to string in /home/ on line 1557

  • matillatatar

    now i am trying again but this time it says the page is not found?
    my ftp :

    regards, atilla

    • author

      Hi atilla,

      Please don’t share any credentials like this way. Please PM me your login details, FTP & site url so I can check & find the problem & solution.


  • vaquero004

    Hi, Is this working with multiport child theme? and the banners are only for google addsense etc. or I can put my own images or files in the banners, for example the logo of a sponsor company?.

    • R Krishana

      Yes should work with multiport child theme as the plugin is comparable with classipress theme & child theme.
      Yes you can add your banners,logo, video or any thing you want…

  • masandra

    Pre-Sales Question

    Can I add my own flash banners to my pages using this plugin?

    • R Krishana

      yes you can add any thing that you want to add like video, images (more than one image or single image), flash, google or any advertisement script.

      If you see the admin banner settings screen, we have given two option either banner image upload or add the script/code you want.


  • vaquero004

    Very good plugin, the best way to include banners in your site, I have rate it 5 stars.

  • Pedro Nascimento


    Can I install “Banners Galore ClassiPress” in “Jibo, Child ClassiPress Theme”?


    • Pedro Nascimento

      Oops, I did not notice that my question has been answered several times in the comments…


    • author

      Yes it works will all classipress child theme.

      • Pedro Nascimento

        Unfortunately, there seems to have resulted in the child theme jibe. The theme Jibe has 4 columns, and when the banner is active only 1 column. Also the banner appears repeated many times. Am I doing something wrong?


        • author

          You may have selected repeat option. Would you send me site url and know me so I can see where you have added banner to have clear idea what you want to say.

  • mjjpack


    Is it not possible also to place banners in the sidebar with your plugin?


    • author

      Hi the sidebar advertisement plugin is already given with theme widget. You can use it.

      • mjjpack

        True, but from what I can see it does not work based on fx. categories like your plugin. Your plugin seems to have more features.

        mdehaan likes this.
        • author

          Please create a forum topic and we can discuss regarding to features so I can talk with my developer team and ask for features to add for that plugin.

      • mdehaan

        Just bought this plugin today.
        It works fine but I also need the sidebar feature.

  • luca

    “Is this plugin compatible with ClassiPress 3.3?”

  • lultt

    hi, I bought the plugin Banners Galore ClassiPress, but the link to donwload is for ClassiPress Theme. I have already paid with paypal
    I look forward thanks

    • author

      Hi thanks to notice me, I have already asked the appthemes team for that.

      Anonymous likes this.
    • Shannon Dunn

      Hello lultt. I’ve checked your account and can see that the plugin is available for download. Go to, click the “Purchases” link the right column and scroll down to “Marketplace purchases”.

      Anonymous likes this.
  • Lultt

    Now it’s all right, thanks

  • hreinders

    When I go and create a banner ad and then select the category and location, this works. The problem is that as I create banners for other categories, these all show up on all the other categories. In other words, I have created 3 banners, each targeting a specific category, but all 3 are showing up on all categories? All 3 target “single ad below the description”.

    In fact, it does not matter if I have them checked for a category – they show up anyways (at the specified location). E.g. I just unchecked one banner so it should not show anywhere… but it shows everywhere.

    I am using the latest version of Classipress and WP 3.6

    Any idea why this is happening?

    • author

      we are going to continue the problem solution on forum. It will ok to continue the topic from forum so we have easily continue with discussion with you.

  • solida

    Hi, I would like to know that, is it have any report? like click tracker that let us know how many people click on the banner… ?


  • ptyson31

    I would like to purchase this plugin. I know I can set ads up for categories. Can I set ads to display only in specific sub-categories?

  • mrizeg

    If I used to use “Load more listings” tool to show more and more listing in the page, Do your script works well and it will keep showing new ads automatically more and more?

    What about Google adsense? they are limited to be 4 ads in one page, is there any solution for this particular point?


    • author

      YOu can show only banners as per conditions/settings given with plugin settings page. There is no “Load more listings” with the plugin. the plugin working with standard apptheme code. If necessary action hooks & filters added.

      As per Google adsense, you can show it also but i think the limit is 3 per page. not sure about latest update.

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