
Live Demo

StorePress is a responsive child theme for ClassiPress along with selling produts online through the framework payment gateways including PayPal and offline payment methods like cash or Bank Transfer. Using the StorePress you can create a fully functional marketplace site, the theme will allow users to submit their products for online sale. As admin you have the power to reject or confirm products that are posted on your site.

The theme is provide Stock Management functionality. It will add in stock custom field for manage number of quantity available in stock also it will add Shipping Charge custom field for charge exrta to ship the product. In front-end and back-end edit profile page it will add shipping and billing information and admin can control shipping and billing fields

Whenever a purchase is made on the site, the theme will auto dedut product quantity from available stock and send out emails to all involved parties (i.e. Seller, Buyer and Site owner) if number of available quantity will sold then it will mark as sold for product. In front-end user sidebar, the theme will add two dashboard one “My Sales” to see no. of sold products with customer billing/shipping details and second “My Purchases” to see purchased products with seller details.

Once users post their product their job is done. The money made by selling those products first goes to you (Admin). This is to avoid people getting scammed on your site, the admin can generate earnings reports monthly or yearly basis for specific users in back-end. After receiving the money the admin must forward it to the users (sellers). Since this part isn’t tracked by the theme you can use any method you want (i.e PayPal, Cash) but the theme will add PayPal ID field in edit profile page for user.

Note: You can use this child theme without buy and sell ads functionality by disable buy now button in settings

Live Demo

My Sales Page

My Purchases Page

Significant Features:

  • Tidy & sparkling, light layout with eight color skins.
  • Fully responsive layout compatible with all devices
  • Page layout You can set any page to be full width (without sidebar) OR one column (with sidebar)
  • Grid/List View You can still set the default mode
  • Sale and buy products online users can sale and buy products online.
  • Product Types users can submit two types of product.
    1. Custom link (Affiliate type deal where the Buy Now button is linked to somewhere else)
    2. Sale online (Buy Now button is linked to payment gateway for buy this product)
  • Shipping Charge the theme will add shipping charge field for the product. It will used to charge exrta for ship product.
  • Payment gateway support customers can pay you (Admin) through the framework payment gateways including PayPal and offline payment methods like cash or Bank Transfer.
  • 3 Easy Steps Checkout user can buy product in three easy steps.
    1. Buy Now Product (Click on buy now button)
    2. Logged in then redirect to billing and shipping (Fill the form and click on update detail. After updating the detail click on checkout )
    3. Select Payment Gateway (It will redirect to selected gateway for payment)
  • Shipping and Billing the theme will add Shipping and Billing page. Admin can control shipping and billing fields
  • Stock Management the theme will add in stock field for manage inventory (Number of quantity available in stock)
  • Auto stock Deduction whenever a purchase is made on the site the theme will auto dedut product quantity from available stock.
  • Auto Mark as sold the theme will mark as sold for product when number of available quantities are sold
  • No. of sold whenever a purchase is made on the site the theme will increase number of sold for product.
  • Notification emails to everyone the theme will send out emails to all involved parties whenever a purchase is made on the site.
    1. Seller
    2. Buyer
    3. Site owner (Admin)
  • Front-end user dashboard the theme will add two dashboard
    1. My Sales (To see no. of sold products and earnings report monthly or yearly basis)
    2. My Purchases (To see purchased products transaction)
  • Mark sold product user can’t purchase mark sold product
  • Expire product user can’t purchase expire product
  • Custom Widget area for Home page. You can choose position of widget area from following different options
    1. No (Default : No Widget area for home page.)
    2. Above Directory Style (Add widget area above categories list.)
    3. Above Deals Listing Tabs (Add widget area above Just Listed, Most Popular and Random tabs.)
    4. Below Deals Listing Tabs (Add widget area below Just Listed, Most Popular and Random tabs.)
  • Home page slider options. You can choose slider type from following different options.
    1. ClassiPress Slider (It’s ClassiPress Slider)
    2. Carousel Slider (It will apply Carousel slider.)
    3. Full Slider (Default Selected It will apply full slider.)
    4. No Slider (It will hide slider.)
  • Home page slider content You can choose content what you want to display in slider.
    1. Featured Products (Default Selected It will display sticky products post in slider.)
    2. Products of particular category (It will display products from selected category.)
    3. Latest Posts (It will display latest posts from blog.)
    4. Posts of particular category (It will display blog posts from selected category.)
  • Include/Exclude sold products from slider. You can include or exclude sold products from slider.
  • Display Related Products in the product page. The admin can on/off.
  • A Dynamic saving % showing of product in slider , single product, and product listing page. The theme will calculate % of saving using two fields. Admin can display on/off.
    1. MRP Price (This price should be greater then selling price.)
    2. Price (Selling Price)
  • PayPal field in edit profile page the theme will add new field for PayPal ID in edit profile page
  • You (Admin) can generate earnings reports monthly or yearly basis for specific user in Wp-admin->Users->Users Earnings OR Wp-admin->Users
  • You (Admin) can see transaction type (Ad-listing or Product) in Wp-admin->Payments->Orders
  • Custom design option for font style, font color and custom backgrounds etc.You can add custom CSS or script directly from the admin panel.
  • Advertising module that helps you to turn your site into a business generator.
  • Feature product tag on product listing and single product page.
  • Sold product tag on product listing and single product page.
  • WordPress Multisite compatible
  • Compatible with ClassiPress 3.4+ and WordPress 3.4
  • Compatible with Plugins Below plugins are compatible and tested with StorePress
    1. StarStruck (Elegant star rating system for comments, pages, author , custom post type & posts.)
    2. ClassiPress Sorted Ads (Sort ads on category listing & search result pages.)
    3. Favorite Ads (Allow users to add or remove their favorite ClassiPress ads using Ajax.)
    4. Citify Ultimate (Add sub-sites based on user selected cities)
    5. Classialerts- EMAIL SUBSCRIPTION (Send your subscribers periodic alerts for new ads based on your their selected criteria.)
4 people like this.

Installation Guide:

  • Using FTP
  • Extract zip file into this path: – /wp-content/themes/ directory.
  • Activate the theme through the ‘Appearance’ menu in WordPress.
  • Sub menu would be created for the theme options
  • You can manage theme options from ClassiPress → StorePress Settings.
  • Using WordPress dashboard
  • Go to appearance →  Themes Install new theme
  • Select the Directory zip and upload it
  • Activate the theme
  • You can manage theme options from ClassiPress → StorePress Settings.

Support Policy

However it is important to us to make sure that every customer is satisfied with our products. Therefore we have a dedicated Support Team helping you to solve any products-related issues in timely and efficient manner.We are also very active on twitter or facebook where you can certainly catch our attention.

Before you reach us upon a problem?

    1. Read the documentation guide for your theme and plugin.
    2. Search the Support Forums for an answer.
    3. Submit a new thread inside the forums or Email Us on in case the issue requires us to connect to your site this may happen those times when we feel more individual attention to your issue may be required. When we do direct you to our Email support system, we may ask you for your login details.

Support Hours

We don’t have exact support hours, generally we can provide feedback on any support request within 12 or 24 hours. But note, that depending on the issue complexity and our workload. If we are online and able to provide you with support during the officially “holidays” period we will certainly not ignore you.

Support Offered

We only cover support for the Reload Web, add-ons,child themes and basic WordPress help. We cannot provide support on third-party plugins. we will try to help you with any type of requests including customization that requires only a couple lines of code changing, you must understand that we cannot provide extensive help in terms of modifications.

Moreover, technical support will always take priority over modification/customization requests.

Modification support

If your request for modification or customization help only requires us to publish a couple lines of code, we will be glad to assist you. If however you request requires more an that amount of code to be published, we can only provide guidance OR you can hire us if you don’t have the skins to implement it yourself.

Bug Fixing

It is our commitment to fix all theme bugs as quickly as possible after they are brought to our attention. We will also try provide a solution via the forum for smaller bug fixes, after which we will update the core theme or plugin.

2.0- 24/02/2017

  • Added – Print Buyer Shipping Address
  • Compatible with WordPress 4.7 and ClassiPress 3.5.8

1.0.3 – 12/12/2015

  • Compatible with WordPress 4.4 and ClassiPress 3.5.2

1.0.2 – 20/09/2015

  • fixed – Double password fields showing on registration page/reset password/edit profile pages (after WP 4.3 update)

1.0.1 – 30/05/2015

  • Fixed – Default field population

1.0 – 14/02/2015

  • Initial release
  • Compatible with WordPress 3.4 and ClassiPress 3.4

8 reviews of “StorePress

5 stars
By -

I bought the child theme
Is there a way to translate the site to other language?

0.5 stars
Buyer Beware!
By -

Buyer Beware!

Anonymous likes this.
5 stars
One of the best !
By -

Great job Ahmed and thank you for your fast and to the point support.
Keep up the good work !
Kindest regards

Anonymous likes this.
5 stars
Simply everything excellent !!
By -

A beautiful theme and great support, fast, efficient and friendly. thanks

5 stars
StorePress theme
By -

Very good work…Great theme- simple,precision and very powerful!!!

5 stars
Great theme, but more importantly, great support from author
By -

I was impressed by the graphical design and the numerous features that the author has sensitively thought through to put into this child theme to upgrade classipress to spot a more updated e-commerce look and functionality. I am not a web developer, and have no affinity for coding, and I am so glad that the author, Ahmed, is available for some customization work too. And whether general theme support, or customization query, Ahmed has been very responsive and helpful, and instrumental in making my website work the way i need it to be.
Thank you Ahmed, i look forward to more good stuff from you here on marketplace.


5 stars
Super StorePress Theme for Classipress !!!
By -

Thank you Ahmed for StorePress and support !
Best regards,

5 stars
Great theme!!!
By -

Best ever Classipress theme +++++++++++++++++++ 🙂

You need to purchase this item before reviewing it.
(Just bought it? Log out and back in to enable reviews.)

 Comments (71)

  • Veer

    Hello iam already using your dealpress theme…I was looking for theme like this with cart and checkout process.During my dealpress purchase i forgot to check these features n made purchase. I wud like know how can add these to features to my dealpress.Admin dashboard of storepress is similar to dealpress with little changes like cart,checkout.

    In store press how customer buy more than one product i mean for example ordering 3 storepress themes in one order plus other products.there is no such option during checkout.



    2 people like this.
    • author

      Hi Veer,

      There is no cart functionality in StorePress so customer can buy only one product at time.

      In DealPress and StorePress buyer pays to the website owner difference between DealPress and StorePress …
      1) DealPress is specially design and build for Deals.
      2) StorePress is build for who want to sell ads item online with shipping charge options.
      3) You can disable Buy now functionality in StorePress that’s mean you can run StorePress like other ClassiPress child theme.


      • jasongeek

        Is there a way for purchasers to mark the item as received? That way I can pay the seller after I know they received it?

        reloadweb likes this.
        • author


          No this functionality is not added yes but it’s good suggestion i will think about it.


          • quibby

            This would be a really neat feature to have, and especially it can also trigger email response that can serve as a record for site owner when user mark as Received or Dispute

  • veer

    thanks for reply

    I am looking for storepress with cart function and stock management. Do these features comes up in next release or you have other childtheme for cart+storepress+payment gateway near future.


  • author


    StorPress has stock management functionality but not cart yes i have plan for cart functionality but i am not sure about to release it as new child theme or add this feature in StorePress.


    Anonymous likes this.
  • quibby

    Hi Ahmed,

    There’s another location plugin from Themebound called the Dynamic Multi-level Fields plugin, is that compatible with your Store Press theme? The issue is that my website may cover multiple countries and so I may face issues with how the list of cities are lined up on the selection list if I use the Citify Ultimate plugin. Any good solution in using this citify plugin that I may have overlooked, if I need to cover multiple countries and I would like to see a list of these cities arranged in countries and then sub-listed in cities?


    Anonymous likes this.
    • quibby

      Hi Ahmed,

      And are the plugins mentioned in your Store Press description included in this theme purchase, or if I will have to purchase them separately as and when I require them?


      reloadweb likes this.
  • author


    Yes you need to purchase them separately.


    Anonymous likes this.
    • quibby

      Hi Ahmed,

      While waiting for your deal press update to allow citify plugin, I may get this store press first for another website. I have same request here as that for deal press, can you help me change some coding so that on item details page, when you hover on the thumbnail image, it gets displayed in the big image container? I don’t quite find the pop-up gallery suitable for me. Also, on the home page listings, when my mouse hover on the item image, is it possible to disable the pop-up to show enlarged version of the image? Maybe just allow users to hover over image to let them know the image is clickable, and so when click on image, it goes into the details page.

      I gave more thoughts to the limitation of Citify plugin with respect to my need to cover a few countries, will it be easy to implement a dropdown or flyout menu for Select Country next to and before where the Select City button is on the demo? Is there a plugin to create this menu to list my subdirectories for the different countries I may have? Or how can I create such a menu?


      • quibby

        Hi Ahmed,

        Also, is it possible to have icons for the main categories created? How do I do that?


        • quibby

          Hi Ahmed,

          If when I do not need the MRP and Savings amount, but just the sale price, can I do that?


          • quibby

            Hi Ahmed,

            Is the Geo Distance for Classipress plugin by rsmed1 good for use on this child theme? I have just bought Store Press, hope you can advice me on how to change the image display functions soon.


  • author


    You can email me on your all queries in one so i can reply easily to you.


    Anonymous likes this.
  • Chris

    Hi, I am about to buy this child theme and do some tweaking but would like to confirm if my mockup design can easily be made? please see this sample layout that I am hoping:

    Thank you and please let me know for updates so I can proceed on the payment next.


  • author


    It will be possible using Custom CSS theme options. Custom CSS theme options are avialable in StorePress of course you should know CSS you can customize design what you need.


    Anonymous likes this.
  • applejacks


    When will you update store press to enable a shopping cart so that more than one item can be purchased? Thank you.

    2 people like this.
  • hyperion

    Only the first 4 screenshots are working. The rest are all scrunched up at the top. Please fix as I’d like to see what your theme has to offer before spending $49. Thanks!

  • author


    Thanks for your interest. Sometime it’s happen because loading issue of AppThemes server. Please referesh again you will get all screenshots. You can also check demo with admin from above demo link.

    Let me know if you have any question.


  • hyperion

    You know, I really like your theme, but I think it has more features than I am in need of.
    My favorite part of this theme is the popup on first visit asking you what city you’re in. Do/will you offer this feature as a plugin?

  • author


    That’s third party plugin call Citify Ultimate (Add sub-sites based on user selected cities) you need to buy it seperatly from here


  • applej

    Has the shopping cart update been completed yet? Need to be able to allow customers to purchase more than 1 item.

    Thank you.

  • author


    Not yet.


  • kreatix

    StorePress, it is compatible with WooCommerce you?
    Thank you
    Jian T

  • author


    No it’s not compatible with WooCommerce. You can buy and sell product using storepress payment system is built in no need WooCommerce.


    Anonymous likes this.
  • Charles

    Am quite interested with this theme but i’d love to get a few clarification.
    -Is $49 a one off fee?
    -I’d like to develop something more less the same as Alibaba where users can not only buy one product at a time but also use a shopping cart. Any plans of integrating a shopping cart? and how long do you think it might take?

  • author

    -Is $49 a one off fee?
    Ans; It’s child theme of ClassiPress first you need to have ClassiPress for run StorePress and It’s include one year of access to support via email and one year free updates after one year you will need to renew your subscription on year for around 30% of the product price.

    -I’d like to develop something more less the same as Alibaba where users can not only buy one product at a time but also use a shopping cart. Any plans of integrating a shopping cart? and how long do you think it might take?
    Ans: There is no shopping cart right now. I will notify when i have update on it.


  • kreatix

    I just finished translating the StorePress interface in French.
    And it is StorePress compatible with WPML plugin.
    Jian T

  • Sam

    After installing your theme and upgrading wordpress 4.3.1 and upgrading classipress 3.4+ the search bottom “search” disappears. How can I fix it.

  • razmikg

    Is there “tell friend” functionality in store press? So in each add there will be a bottom or something that people can “tell friend” about the AD?

  • author


    No there is no tell friend functionality included in StorePress.


  • razmikg

    Can you add “tell a friend” or “email to friend” into Store Press?

  • razmikg

    After installing your theme and upgrading wordpress 4.3.1 and upgrading classipress 3.5+ the search bottom “search” change to black color so people can not see the “SEARCH WORD” any more. How can I fix it.

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